New instance city need to check !cloak ?

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Growing Leet
Posts: 41
Joined: Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:01 pm

New instance city need to check !cloak ?

Post by Darksuperman »

With all the AP currently buying farm cities (instance ftw) many putting up bots to monitor cloak i thought this could be helpful.... it is what i use and have showed others

website for bebbot

if **AFTER** you have read the installation and have issues send me tell

after get it up and working go to

%bebot install location%\BeBot\modules\ao
rename AlienAttack.php to _Alienattack.old

Create new txt doc copy and paste the following into it and save it as
AlienAttack.php in %bebot install location%\BeBot\modules\ao\


Code: Select all

* TowerAttack.php - Handle Alien attack events.
* BeBot - An Anarchy Online & Age of Conan Chat Automaton
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jonas Jax
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Thomas Juberg Stensås, ShadowRealm Creations and the BeBot development team.
* Developed by:
* - Alreadythere (RK2)
* - Blondengy (RK1)
* - Blueeagl3 (RK1)
* - Glarawyn (RK1)
* - Khalem (RK1)
* - Naturalistic (RK1)
* - Temar (RK1)
* See Credits file for all aknowledgements.
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*  the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License only.
*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  GNU General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
*  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
*  USA
* File last changed at $LastChangedDate: 2008-11-30 23:09:06 +0100 (Sun, 30 Nov 2008) $
* Revision: $Id: AlienAttack.php 1833 2008-11-30 22:09:06Z alreadythere $

$alienAttack = new AlienAttack($bot);

The Class itself...
class AlienAttack extends BaseActiveModule
	Hands over a referance to the "Bot" class.
	function __construct(&$bot)
		parent::__construct(&$bot, get_class($this));

		$this -> bot -> db -> query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . $this -> bot -> db -> define_tablename("org_city", "true") . "
        		time INT,
        		action VARCHAR(10),
        		player VARCHAR(15))");

		$this -> register_command('all', 'city', 'GUEST');
		$this -> register_alias("city", "cloak");

		$this -> register_event("gmsg", "org");
		$this -> help['description'] = "Shows information and history pertaining to the city and city controller.";
		$this -> help['command']['city'] = "- See description";
		$this -> help['command']['cloak'] = "- See description";

		$this -> register_event("logon_notify");
		$this -> register_event("timer", "city");

		$classid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class("CityWarning", "Notify class used by the AlienAttack module.");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, -2, 0, "", "");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 60, "", "in one minute");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 300, "", "in five minutes");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 900, "", "in 15 minutes");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 1800, "", "in 30 minutes");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 3600, "", "in one hour");

		$classid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class("CityWarningSpam", "Notify class used by the AlienAttack module.");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, -2, 0, "", "");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 300, "", "");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 600, "", "");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 900, "", "");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 1200, "", "");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 1500, "", "");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 1800, "", "");

		$classid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class("CityCloakReady", "Notify class used by the AlienAttack module.");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, -2, 0, "", "");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 60*60, "", "");
		$classid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class("CityCloakReminder", "Notify class used by the AlienAttack module.");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, -2, 0, "", "");
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, $nextid, 60*15, "", "");

		$classid = $this->bot->core('timer') -> create_timer_class('AlienWaveNotify', 'Notify used by the AlianAttack module');
		$nextid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> create_timer_class_entry($classid, -2, 0, "", "");

		$this -> delete_cloak_reminder();

		$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create("AlienAttack", "Spam", "none", "Should the bot spam to gc or tells (on logon) or both?", "none;gc;tell;both");
		$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create("AlienAttack", "Channel", "gc", "Into which channel should any output about alien attacks and city changes be send?", "gc;pgmsg;both");
		$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create("AlienAttack", "PublicTimer", false, "Should a public timer in addition to the periodic spam be created on cloak up and down?");
		$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create("AlienAttack", "CloakReminder", TRUE, "Should the bot send a reminder every 15mins if the cloak is still disabled?");
		$this -> bot -> core("settings") -> create("AlienAttack", "WaveNotify", TRUE, "Should a bot spam alien wave notify to gc?");

		$setting = $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('AlienAttack', 'Spam');
		if($setting == "tell" || $setting == "both")
			$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT time FROM #___org_city WHERE action = 'off' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0, 1");
				if($result[0][0] > time() - 1800)
					$this -> spam = TRUE;
		//FIXME: Add delete Timer for reminder once timer repeat fixed.

	function timer($name, $prefix, $suffix, $delay)
		$name = explode(" ", $name);
		$type = $name[1];
		$name = $name[0];
		$channel = $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get("AlienAttack", "Channel");

		if($type == "spam")
			$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##red##Warning##end##: Alien Raid in City is in Progress. Please dont enter the city", $channel);
			if($delay == 0)
				$this -> spam = FALSE;
		elseif($type == "cloak")
			if($delay == 0)
				$this -> bot -> send_output("", "Cloaking device was disabled one hour ago. It is now possible to enable it again.", $channel);
			elseif($delay != 3600)
				$this -> bot -> send_output("", "Cloaking device is disabled. It will be possible to enable it again ".$suffix, $channel);
			if($delay == 60)
				if ($this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get("AlienAttack", "CloakReminder"))
					$this -> timerid = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> add_timer(false, "city", 60*15, " cloakr", "internal", 60*15, "CityCloakReminder");
		elseif($type == "cloakr")
			if($delay == 0)
				$this -> bot -> send_output("", "Cloaking device is still disabled.", $channel);
		elseif($type == "cloakready")
			if($delay == 0)
				$this -> bot -> send_output("", "Cloaking device has been enabled one hour ago. Alien attacks can now be initiated.", $channel);
		} elseif ($type == "alienwave") {
			if($delay == 0) {
				if (((int)$name) < 8) {
					$this->bot->send_output('','Wave #'.$name.' has landed',$channel);
				} elseif (((int)$name) == 8) {
					 $this->bot->send_output('','Wave #'.$name.' has landed. General on next wave.',$channel);
				} elseif (((int)$name) == 9) {
					 $this->bot->send_output('','General has landed.',$channel);


	This gets called on a tell with the command
	function command_handler($name, $msg, $origin)
		return $this -> city_blob();

	Makes the battle results
	function city_blob()
		$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT time, action, player FROM #___org_city ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0, 12");
		if (!$result)
			return "No city events found in database.";
			$city = "##blob_title##::::: Recent City Attacks :::::##end##\n\n";

			foreach ($result as $res)
				$city .= "##blob_text##Time:##end## " . gmdate($this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get("Time", "FormatString"), $res[0]) . "\n";

				if ($res[1] == "attack")
				$city .= "City was attacked.\n";
				else if ($res[1] == "on")
				$city .= $res[2] . " turned cloaking ##highlight##on##end##.\n";
				else if ($res[1] == "off")
				$city .= $res[2] . " turned cloaking ##highlight##off##end##.\n";
				else if ($res[1] == "hq")
				$city .= $res[2] . " destroyed the ##highlight##HQ##end##.\n";
				else if ($res[1] == "house")
				$city .= $res[2] . " destroyed a ##highlight##building##end##.\n";
				else if ($res[1] == "payment")
				$city .= "City payment warning.\n";

				$city .= "\n";

			$result = $this -> bot -> db -> select("SELECT time, action FROM #___org_city WHERE action = 'on' OR action = 'off' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0, 1");

			if (empty($result))
				$avilmin = 0;
				$avilsec = 0;
				$status = "enable";
				$status2 = "disable";
				$ttchange = true;
				$avilmin = date("i",3600-(time()-$result[0][0]));
				$avilsec = date("s",3600-(time()-$result[0][0]));

				if ($result[0][1] == "on")
					$status = "enable";
					$status2 = "disable";
					$status = "disable";
					$status2 = "enable";

				if($result[0][0] > (time() - 3600))
				$ttchange = true;
				$ttchange = false;

			$state = "The cloaking device is ##highlight##" . $status . "d##end##.";
			$state .= $ttchange ? "" : " It is now possible to ##highlight##" . $status2 . "##end## it. ";
			$state .= $ttchange ? " It will be possible to ##highlight##" . $status2 . "##end## it in ##highlight##" . $avilmin . "##end## minutes and ##highlight##" . $avilsec . "##end## seconds. " : "";
			return $state . $this -> bot -> core("tools") -> make_blob("City History", $city);

	This gets called on a msg in the group
	function gmsg($name, $group, $msg)
		if ($name == "0")
			$channel = $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get("AlienAttack", "Channel");
			$action = "none";
			$player = "";
			if (preg_match("/Your radar station is picking up alien activity in the area surrounding your city./i", $msg))
				$this -> bot -> send_output("", "Alien attack incoming! Beware!", $channel);
			else if (preg_match("/Your city in (.+) has been targeted by hostile forces./i", $msg, $info))
				$action = "attack";
				$zone = $info[1];
				$this -> bot -> send_output("", "Our city in ".$zone." is about to be under attack! 0MGZ RUN!!!!", $channel);
			else if (preg_match("/(.+) turned the cloaking device in your city off./i", $msg, $info))
				$action = "off";
				$player = $info[1];

				$setting = $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('AlienAttack', 'Spam');
				if ($setting == "gc" || $setting == "both")
					$this -> bot -> core("timer") -> add_timer(false, "city", 1860, $player." spam", "internal", 0, "CityWarningSpam");
				$this -> spam = TRUE;

				$this -> bot -> core("timer") -> add_timer(false, "city", 60*60+1, $player." cloak", "internal", 0, "CityWarning");
				$this -> delete_cloak_reminder();

				if ($this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get("AlienAttack", "PublicTimer"))
					$this -> bot -> core("timer") -> add_timer(false, $player, 60*60 + 1,
					$this -> bot -> core("shortcuts") -> get_short($this -> bot -> guildname) . "'s cloak can be enabled again",
					"gc", 0, "CityWarning");

				$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##highlight##" . $player . "##end## turned the cloaking device in our city ##highlight##off##end##!", $channel);

				/*** Wave stuff ***/
				if ($this->bot->core("settings")->get('AlienAttack', 'WaveNotify')) {
					$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", 5*60 + 1,	 "1 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
                                	$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+2)*60 + 31, "2 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
                                	$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+4)*60 + 31, "3 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
                                	$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+6)*60 + 31, "4 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
                                	$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+8)*60 + 31, "5 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
                                	$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+10)*60 + 31,"6 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
					$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+12)*60 + 31,"7 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
                                	$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+14)*60 + 31,"8 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");
					$this->bot->core("timer")->add_timer(false, "city", (5+16)*60 + 31,"9 alienwave","internal", 0, "AlienWaveNotify");

			else if (preg_match("/(.+) turned the cloaking device in your city on./i", $msg, $info))
				$action = "on";
				$player = $info[1];
				$this -> delete_cloak_reminder();
				$this -> bot -> core("timer") -> add_timer(false, "city", 60*60+1, $player." cloakready", "internal", 0, "CityCloakReady");

				if ($this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get("AlienAttack", "PublicTimer"))
					$this -> bot -> core("timer") -> add_timer(false, $player, 60*60 + 1,
					$this -> bot -> core("shortcuts") -> get_short($this -> bot -> guildname) . "'s cloak can be disabled again",
					"gc", 0, "CityWarning");

				$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##highlight##" . $player . "##end## turned the cloaking device in our city back ##highlight##on##end##!", $channel);
			else if (preg_match("/(.+) initiated removal of the organization headquarters in (.+)/i", $msg, $info))
				$action = "HQ";
				$player = $info[1];
				$zone = $info[2];
				$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##highlight##" . $player . "##end## is removeing our HQ in ##highlight##".$zone."##end##! Our city... will.. *sobs* destroyed!! *starts crying*", $channel);
			else if (preg_match("/(.+) removed the organization headquarters in (.+)/i", $msg, $info))
				$action = "HQ removed";
				$player = $info[1];
				$zone = $info[2];
				$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##highlight##" . $player . "##end## has removed our HQ in ##highlight##".$zone."##end##! We are now homeless street urchin people!! *crys even harder*", $channel);
			else if (preg_match("/(.+) initiated removal of a (.+) in (.+)/i", $msg, $info))
				$action = $info[2]." removal initiated";
				$player = $info[1];
				$zone = $info[3];
				$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##highlight##" . $player . "##end## is removing a ".$info[2]." at our city in ##highlight##".$zone."##end##.", $channel);
			else if (preg_match("/(.+) removed a (.+) in (.+)/i", $msg, $info))
				$action = $info[2]." removed";
				$player = $info[1];
				$zone = $info[3];
				$this -> bot -> send_output("", "##highlight##" . $player . "##end## removed a ".$info[2]." at our city in ##highlight##".$zone."##end##.", $channel);
			else if (preg_match("/^The upkeep for your organization housing has not been paid./i", $msg))
				$action = "payment";
				$player = "";
				$action = "unknown";
				$player = $msg;
				//$this -> bot -> send_output("", "Something wierd is going on, and I don't know what it is!", $channel);
			if ($action != "none")
				$this -> bot -> db -> query("INSERT INTO #___org_city (time, action, player) VALUES
                                      (" . time() . ", '" . $action . "', '" . $player . "')");

	function delete_cloak_reminder()
		$reg_timer = $this -> bot -> core("timer") -> list_timed_events("city");
		if (!empty($reg_timer))
			foreach ($reg_timer as $timer)
				if (strtolower($timer['name']) == 'cloakr' || strtolower($timer['name']) == ' cloakr')
					$this -> bot -> core("timer") -> del_timer("city", $timer['id']);
	function notify($name)
		$setting = $this -> bot -> core("settings") -> get('AlienAttack', 'Spam');
		if ($this -> spam && ($setting == "tell" || $setting == "both"))
			$this -> bot -> send_tell($name, "##red##Warning##end##: Alien Raid in City is in Progress. Please dont enter the city");
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Posts: 23113
Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2006 1:08 pm

Re: New instance city need to check !cloak ?

Post by Chrisax »

Good and useful stuff, DS, thanks. :)

Side note: when posting code, especially PHP one (as the forums use PHP), use the CODE tags around your code. Some code could be lost if you post it without the CODE tags. (BTW, check your code now, to see if all is OK.)

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(And possibly the SHOW/HIDE feature if the text is very long, or the SCROLL one.)
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