Pande timers / FFA / etc

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Pande timers / FFA / etc

Post by Hyde »

Just posted this to Alliance and !news:

FYI on Pande timers ... all were FFAed last round (I wasn't on so dunno details). When I checked the topic in Phatznet the Beast timer was almost 6 hours.

Topic in Phatznet says Zods won't pop before Beast ... which is entirely bogus -unless- Beast leaves very early since Zods have a 6 hours spawn timer. If they're FFAed again the next round the timers are gonna be hard to get again.

No real action item here, just an FYI in case people wonder what happened to the timers and/or why the next successful Zod raid may have to start WAY early and camp the mobs. If you're on that raid then pass the word to save whoever leads the mess some hassle.


so, until people track the timers again there is a good chance of all Zods+TNH being wiped for awhile. I'm just letting people know so that

a) they know what is going on

b) can pass the word when people in the bot start giving RLs hell about going early and camping and/or mobs being down

Whoever decided that Zods wouldn't be up before Beast raid went is either planning to launch Beast EARLY to get there at spawn time or is totally nuts and probably made it so Phatznet lost the mobs again.

I've only been going because I wanted to blow my points on TNH symbs to make some cash, so I don't know how much longer I'll be keeping up on the messes. I do know who some of the FFAers are but that knowledge does nothing to stop them so no point in going in to that. TBH they're playing the game as I think FC intended. But right now they're messing up my cheap symbs so I'm keeping an eye out ;)
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