Login in hanging - please wait

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Login in hanging - please wait

Post by Ustarlen »

Everything operating as it should and now can't get past login screen on any of my accounts... Times out. Anyone else have this trouble?
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Re: Login in hanging - please wait

Post by Chrisax »

I have the exact same issue just at the time of this post.

It seems it's on FC's side.

Sometimes, totally restarting AO but, even more, rebooting the PC solves this kind of issue but it can just be FC. Like it seems it is today.
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Re: Login in hanging - please wait

Post by Chrisax »

People are reporting the same issue, posts are like from 3 hours ago.

https://forums.funcom.com/t/why-cant-i- ... -ka/227830

But there is a more recent post, from 2 hours ago:

https://forums.funcom.com/t/login-issue ... -at/227833

Hey all, i would just like to informa all players that i got in contact with someone from Funcom, and i relayed the message that the login servers are down.

I think the issue will be looked at now, this is all info i know, but yeah just wanted to say that the issue is beeing looked at.

Hope will get playing soon, imagine what the aliens do there while we cant defend Rubi-KA !
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Re: Login in hanging - please wait

Post by Ustarlen »

back up, so that's a relief. Thx Chris
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