Server Patch Notes Combined!

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Strong Leet
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Server Patch Notes Combined!

Post by Kilajan »

This thread will be used to combine all patch notes in the future. Please do not reply in this thread other than posting patch notes!

If you post patch notes, follow the following standard.

Code: Select all

[size=200][b]Update X.X.X[/b][/size]
[size=150][b]GENERAL / NPC / BIG TOPICS[/b][/size]
[b]Missions / Lower topics[/b]

The star in front of new additions and make a space after [/b]]

Last edited by Kilajan on Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:42 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Strong Leet
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Update 1.0

Post by Kilajan »

Update 1.0


[*] You can no longer create a Nickname that ends with a dash instead of a letter or number. (in accordance with the rules of naming your character as stated in the character creation tooltips).
[*] Items/Weapons obtained from the in-game item shop can no longer be sold in game to vendors.
[*] Corrected an issue where some character bound items could be traded.
[*] Fixed an issue where background music would cease to play after zoning a few times.
[*] When the player holds Shift and double clicks a loot bag, the cursor now reverts back to the default icon.
[*] Characters are no longer bald after character creation (unless you chose to be bald).
[*] Fixed an issue where particles from a buff would not be removed properly.
[*] Fixed the "getting Lore" animation.
[*] When changing the eye color on a newly created character, it now changes the eyes as intended.
[*] Fixed the animation when your character interacts with something.
[*] Fixed an issue where the chat filter was not working properly.
[*] Fixed an issue that was responsible for a chat server crash.
[*] Climbing ladder animations are now more in sync with the ladder.
[*] Using /reset while in anima form no longer renders your character unable to resurrect.
[*] Fixed some visual issues seen in London with Tessellation enabled.
[*] Removed the automatic video popups while in the training rooms.
[*] Your pet should now be able to follow you through Agartha without pathing issues.
[*] Fixed a staircase in The Scorched Desert where your character would stop moving near the top while climbing the stairs.
[*] Shadowy Forest : You can no longer look through the bottom of the herb gardens.
[*] Equipping an item should always play a sound now.
[*] Corrected an issue where a few cinematics could remove certain buffs from your character unintentionally.
[*] Fixed an issue where you could accidentally select the wrong dimension to create your character during character creation.
[*] Fixed a crash that occurred on shutdown of the client.
[*] The patcher button now links players to the official forum, and players are now sent to Community and Support pages in their chosen patcher language.
[*] Applying more than one resource at a time should now play the resource added animation correctly.
[*] Fixed an issue with overlapping voices.


[*] Fullscreen mode setting on the patcher should now save for Dx11 users.
[*] Fixed a crash caused by opening/closing the browser and going into fullscreen mode.
[*] Fixed a crash observed when training skills.
[*] You should no longer crash when using energy drinks.
[*] Fixed a crash caused by opening the tradepost window.
[*] Fixed a crash caused while navigating through the storage pages of the tradepost.
[*] TXAA has been disabled in the Video options setting panel, even if you have a 600-series card (like the GTX 680) and the newest beta drivers (304.48).


[*] There is now a popup asking if you would like to buy an item you cannot use.
[*] Dynamic tooltips are now updating correctly on the toolbar as well when players have "Show advanced ability descriptions" both checked and unchecked.
[*] The Run for the Border achievement has been renamed.
[*] The text that warns you that you are about to delete your character is no longer cut off.
[*] Loot confirmation popup windows now display during cinematics.
[*] The Claim Reward button on the Deck tab will work correctly now.
[*] The Health bar tutorial now contains all correct information.
[*] Empty passive skills no longer have a gold border around them.
[*] Fixed the cause of some error text in the tooltip of an item updated with a glyph or signet.
[*] Mission goals are no longer overlapping for multiple missions in the mission tracker GUI.
[*] Fixed an issue where it was possible to lose keyboard input when clicking outside the tradepost while writing a letter.
[*] The inspection GUI no longer shows Faction Rank as undefined.
[*] Missions that are unrepeatable do not show up on the Mission GUI anymore.
[*] Fixed an issue where you could not drag an ability's icon from the ability wheel to your hotbar.
[*] Added missing tooltips to the Savage Coast , Carpathian Fangs, Besieged Farmlands, City of the Sun God, The Blue Mountain, and Shadowy Forest maps.
[*] Fixed an issue where a button on the login screen would overlap the login name field on small resolutions.
[*] Implemented a few new Lore categories.
[*] Double left clicking items that have an ability no longer automatically attaches them to your mouse pointer to move them.
[*] The tutorial window now properly displays information.
[*] Fixed an issue where you may have seen the wrong faction on the character selection screen.
[*] Rank is no longer cutoff in the Members tab of the Cabal Management window.
[*] Stack size no longer appear as a block in the crafting window.
[*] Cursor "cog wheels" no longer light up when you are too far away to interact with an object.
[*] There is no longer a black screen when the player spams the M key to open the map is pressed repeatedly.
[*] Corrected an FPS drop that occurred when opening and closing GUI windows rapidly.
[*] There is a rename GUI that pops up now when you have an invalid name.


[*] Players are no longer able to sprint with their weapons out.
[*] Fixed an issue where the Shotgun Wedding ability had no icon, description, tooltip, and could not be equipped.
[*] Raging Volcano is no longer missing its animation.
[*] When using the ability Blowout the buff icon now appears the same no matter how many resources you have.
[*] Linked Veins no longer heals the player, but his allies, as intended.


[*] Recursia should no longer freeze and fail to summon adds.
[*] Hell Raised : Nightmare version - Adjusted the Corroder encounter difficulty slightly, based on feedback.
[*] The Ankh : Elite - Slightly increased difficulty to make this more of a challenge.
[*] Hell Fallen : The damage numbers have been balanced to make the Golems much more difficult.
[*] The Slaughterhouse door now has a tooltip to show it leads back to The Carpathian Fangs.


[*] Story and faction ranking mission can no longer be shared, as intended.
[*] Missions with prerequisites should no longer appear locked in the GUI when not locked.
[*] Templar : Weapon training missions now update from all groups of demons in the Crucible in London.
[*] Onscreen messages will now show updates for each tier of a mission you are doing, not each task.
[*] Fixed several facial animation issues in cinematics.
[*] Virgula Divina : Players can now enter and exit the dungeon without having their mission paused.
[*] Dawning of an Endless Night now has proper faction-specific mission completion text.
[*] Dawning of an Endless Night : Tier 18 cinematic with Cassandra now displays correctly.
[*] Dawning of an Endless Night : Ami now opens her mouth to speak during her cinematic.
[*] Dawning of an Endless Night : Fixed a crash during tier 15 defend the Savage Coast wards.
[*] London Underground now completes correctly.
[*] After the cinematic that plays once Mara has been killed, the effects no longer have visual issues.


[*] Fixed an issue where your character could become stuck in the Dojang in Seoul.
[*] The van that drops you off now has a better visual look.
[*] Heart of Chaos : The Dragon is now more lifelike during his cinematic!
[*] Total Eclipse : The waypoint marker is no longer offset for tier 9.
[*] Dae-su no longer runs over tables to describe the currently selected weapon.
[*] Dae-su will no longer use incidental dialog choices while describing weapons.
[*] End Game : The female characters lips are now moving with the speech.

The Blue Mountain

[*] The player is now able to assemble the ward on tier 3 of The Light that Blinds.

The Besieged Farmlands

[*] Of the Forest will now update on tier 2 when you go to the Polluted Valley.

City of the Sun God

[*] Black Sun, Red Sand : The mission no longer automatically pauses after reaching Akhenaten. Akhenatan's cinematic will now trigger properly.
[*] Mummy Issues : First temple door for Tier 2 now opens after the guards are defeated.
[*] The Black Pharaoh no longer interrupts himself while casting.

The Carpathian Fangs

[*] Mortal Sins should progress correctly now.


[*] Zen and the Art of Weapon Maintenance : The pop-up now shows the proper image for assembling pistols.
[*] Kingsmouth missions The Hunger and Floater have been locked in this update.
[*] The Occultist's Cookbook : The text located in the instruction booklet now reflects the correct way of assembling with glyphs.
[*] Interacting with the computer in the Kingsmouth Code mission now works as intended.
[*] The mission Men in Black Vans should now work correctly.

The Scorched Desert

[*] The locusts now have the correct animations for all of their abilities.
[*] Angels & Demons : Fixed an issue where some users would crash at the end of the warehouse cinematic.
[*] The Fate of al-Merayah : The mission now updates for all team members.

The Savage Coast

[*] The mausoleum in the Wheel of Misfortune instance has had its collision adjusted.
[*] The Black House : All media popups have subtitles now.

The Shadowy Forest

[*] Mortal Sins - Leaving the Dragon's tomb while on tier 15 will no longer prevent mission completion.
[*] Mortal Sins - Dying during Emma's cinematic will no longer make Emma disappear permanently.


[*] Besieged Farmlands : Greenguards return to their original position after attacking enemies.
[*] London : Iain Tibet Gladstone now stands in his correct pose.
[*] Kingsmouth : NPCs at the sheriff's office now have attack animations.
[*] Fixed several NPCs in London who had clothing texture issues.
[*] Using an NPC's incidental dialog will no longer disable other dialogs on the NPC.
[*] Some additonal NPCs will now have conversations when you walk past them and trigger them.
[*] Reduced the difficulty of the Mud Golem in Kingsmouth.
[*] Cassandra King in Kingsmouth has proper textures now.
[*] Kingsmouth : The Draug Warmonger and it's zombies now correctly hate the player spawning them.
[*] Coughing NPCs now have cough audio.


[*] Players can now correctly purchase abilities within Fusang Project.
Last edited by Kilajan on Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Strong Leet
Posts: 175
Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:32 pm
Location: Lund, Skåne, Sweden

Update 1.0.1

Post by Kilajan »

Update 1.0.1


[*] Fixed the cause of some stalls in performance while in Seoul.
[*] When you zone, you will now be returned to you original dimension (unless you are in a team, in which case you will stay in the same dimension).
[*] Fixed a visual issue where blood effects while using magic abilities would show green or orange square textures.
[*] You can now use the Meet up feature if you are in combat stance, but not in combat.
[*] Reduced loudness of Radio music during a cinematic with Sophie in Besieged Farmlands.
[*] Weapons should now behave properly in the training areas.


[*] The Athletic hoodie, blue now appears in the dressing room.
[*] Fixed several clothing items that had the wrong visual looks compared to their descriptions.
[*] Clothing in the item shop now matches their thumbnails.
[*] The Neutral Faction pants and jacket should now get delivered correctly when claimed.
[*] The Bubble Vest, blue item will now be delivered properly.
[*] Players can no longer buy anything they already own from the clothing vendor.


[*] Increased the size of pets.
[*] Pets no longer collide with players.
[*] Owl pets have had their visuals slightly improved.
[*] All dogs now look like shown in the preview in the item store.


[*] Addressed an issue which could sometimes prevent players from using chat while the servers were under heavy load. We are aware that this fix will not resolve all of the current chat issues.
[*] The officers chat in a cabal is now restricted to only those that can see it.
[*] Fixed an issue where it was difficult to select a chat channel if you left the game via disconnecting.


[*] Hammer sounds have been improved.
[*] Updated the Striker ability to properly apply damage when the target is hindered.


[*] Fixed several issues, including one regarding incorrect tooltips on QL 3 glyphs.
[*] Updated all mission rewards to properly decompose into dust/fire/water as appropriate.


[*] Hell Raised Normal - Recursia: Triggerthings have had their HP reduced by 20%. Elite and Nightmare Triggerthings are unchanged.
[*] Hell Raised Normal - Recursia: Phase 3 will now trigger at lower health. Elite and Nightmare modes are unchanged, and will continue to trigger at the previous (higher) values.
[*] Hell Raised Nightmare - Recursia: Recursia should now successfully cast Anima Eruption at any target in the fight, regardless of range.
[*] Hell Raised - Machine Tyrant: The Machine Tyrant should now hit his targets more consistently.
[*] The Darkness War : Nightmare mode buff Underworld Ward now works.
[*] Nightmare mode minibosses will now drop Nightwatch level glyph kits.
[*] Reduced the number of unique item drops from Nightmare bosses.
[*] Gatekeeper's Challenge : Gatekeeper's damage output was reduced slightly.
[*] Minibosses in Nightmare mode dungeons will now drop QL 10 blue items with a chance of QL 10 epic Glyph crafting kits.


[*] The particles for Immunity are no longer overwhelming and easily noticeable on the larger bosses.
[*] All guild related events (except for someone else in the guild joining up, leaving, and changing online status) should be displayed as onscreen messages now.
[*] Right clicking one item then left clicking another item will no longer both close the menu and pick up the item.
[*] Sending too much money should now only give you one onscreen message.
[*] Compose Letter is now correctly called Compose Mail
[*] Compose Mail "To(recipient's nickname):" text field only accepts characters, letters and hyphens, as intended.
[*] You can now use SHIFT-TAB to jump back between textfields when composing a mail.
[*] Mails are now marked as read properly.
[*] After confirming the deletion of a mail item, you will no longer have to manually select another mail - the next mail will be automatically selected for you now.
[*] Holding an item on the mouse pointer and then clicking the right arrow (next page on store and sell) no longer opens a deletion popup.
[*] "Expand Size Limit" in the store tab now looks like Expand size in your inventory.
[*] You will now get feedback if you try to remove funds from your Cabal bank and you are of too low a rank.
[*] Scrolling through your mail with the scroll wheel should now work correctly.
[*] Changed the color of the envelop asset from red to white.
[*] The prompt given to players when deleting mail with no attachments now reflects that there are no attachments in the message.
[*] Messages can now be sent if the message body only contains numerical characters.
[*] Fixed an issue with the Expand size on the store tooltip.
[*] The split item GUI should no longer misbehave when splitting a stack in the guild bank or store and sell tab.
[*] You are no longer able drag and drop items to the Compose Mail attachment through the Postal Service windows.
[*] Placing an item from normal inventory over the bank GUI will no longer cause the bank GUI to grab the item.
[*] Read mails now appeared greyed out after being read.
[*] Improved the visibility of receiving mail.
[*] Fixed the ability to send cash without having to write a message as well.
[*] Increased width of drop down menu components to support longer text.
[*] Players are not able to type more than 4000 characters in the text field. Larger text pastes will be truncated. There is no visual indication that you have reached the limit.
[*] Trying to take a mission that puts an item in the inventory when the inventory is already full now shows the message „One of the Mission Goals failed to create. Make sure you have an open slot in your inventory. „
[*] Depositing an item in the same cabal bank slot at the same time will no longer cause the player to become unable to receive items.


[*] Spectres in Blue Mountain should now be a little easier to defeat.
[*] Teeth have been fixed on several NPCs.
[*] Lair monsters should no longer block the path to where Gravedust can be found.
[*] City of the Sun God : Sutekh no longer walks through rocks on his daily constitutional.
[*] New York : Fixed Charles Zurn's hair.


[*] Players will now appear as they should in the first cinematic.
[*] Dragon - Into Darkness : Bong Cha's congratulatory phone call will no longer echo to bystanders.
[*] The Haunting: Fixed an issue where one task could fail during the mission.
[*] The end boss in the mission Too Deep, Neesh-Um, the Stalker of Nightmares, will no longer aggro the player until his adds are killed.


[*] Media popups for gravestones in Kingsmouth town should now appear correctly.
[*] Fixed rubberbanding issue in Kingsmouth sewers.
[*] Ravens will now properly fly off during missions when they are supposed to.
[*] Player can pick up the flamethrower and get the finished product when on Tier 3 of the mission Flame Away.
[*] Dead Air : The mission should always be completeable now. The crate will respawn after the filth hulk dies and can be interacted with so long as there are players with Tier 5 active.
[*] Dead Air : Waymarker is placed properly at the serial number location. The serial plate no longer has an empty tooltip.
[*] Ambushes are now triggering properly, and will solve the goal on any player near the Lost Drone.
[*] The Trapped Survivor in Kingsmouth Town should now respawn correctly after dying or completing the mission "That'll Leave a Mark".
[*] That'll Leave a Mark - Injured man will get into the fight more often, but if he manages to get to the sheriff without fighting, then the player can consider himself fortunate.
[*] A Sacred Place : Dragging zombies into the church awards group credit.
[*] Journey's End can now be shared.
[*] Adjusted the placement of the map and Beaumont's Notes in Dawning of an Endless Night so they no longer have clipping issues with the tables they are on.
[*] Made it more clear how to interact with the computer in Kingsmouth Code.
[*] Horror Show - Collecting cameras now awards group credit.
[*] Zen and the Art of Weapon Maintenance can now be shared.
[*] The buff provided by the Siren's Song during Dawning of an Endless Night now has a description.
[*] The Hunger : The Voracious Wendigo is now killable.

The Savage Coast

[*] Tolba Bay's zombie population should now stay dead longer.
[*] The Terrible Wendigo in Savage Coast no longer spawns right where the Council of Venice have set up shop.
[*] Jack's Back has had some improvements made to prevent some issues with the mission.
[*] Monsters should no longer fight players in Nicholas Winter's immediate vicinity.
[*] The Urn for mission 'The Black House' should now always be present if you are on the right tier.
[*] The Urn for The Black House in Savage Coast now does less damage if activated incorrectly.
[*] The Resident Horror should now always respawn properly for the mission Life Imitating Art.
[*] The Mud Golem encountered in 'Theme Park Tycoon' should now provide mission credit to all players who have engaged him.
[*] Poltergeists during the Strange Candle event in the Black House now have a proper name for the burning effect.
[*] Newspaper clippings for "The Black House" should now have proper subtitles.
[*] Taking the Purple : Made improvements to this to help ensure the ambushers will always spawn during tier 2.
[*] Increased the grace location on the telescopes so it's more lenient about where you can solve the mission A Reasonable Man.
[*] Hell Hath no Vacancy : Daniel Bach now has a more audible reason to appear unsettled during the cinematic.
[*] The Player, Not the Piece should now fail and resume correctly if you disconnected during the final event.
[*] Volatile Essence Flask inventory item now has an updated icon.
[*] Waypoint for the second mangled corpse in mission 'The Strange Boat House in the Mist' now correctly points towards the goal.
[*] The Angry Clown in the mission Theme Park Tycoon now properly wields his chainsaw.
[*] Ak'ab should no longer be able to move the wardstones with their dash during the Savage Coast ward defense for Dawning of an Endless Night.
[*] Added several waymarkers to mission 'Gravity'.
[*] Photographing monsters for Daniel Bach during "Bring it Bach" should no longer randomly award two updates for one picture taken.

The Blue Mountain

[*] Visuals for the trail will show properly in War of the Totems.
[*] The Filth Amendment : Subject Zero will now always spawn when all four spikes have been defeated. Spikes will recover from their wounds after 5 minutes and must thus all be defeated within that time.
[*] Off the Menu: The zombies during the Defending the piece of meat event are now less numerous and weaker.
[*] Homeland Insecurity - Checkmate beacon activation time has been rebalanced to take 2 seconds to activate.
[*] Homeland Insecurity - Penumbral brood queen has had her hitpoints reduced somewhat.
[*] Homeland Insecurity: The respawn rate of the Dreyrugr Lord for tier 2 was greatly lowered.
[*] The Orochi Group: When the player is caught by a drone or an agent, he will no longer have to fight a Corrupted Orochi while exiting the container.
[*] Scavengers: The difficulty of the Skeleton Crew mob spawned during the assault in Tier 1 was slightly lowered.
[*] Dawning of an Endless Night : Fixed an issue that prevented players from completing Tier 18 if they crashed during the cinematic in Tier 17.
[*] Dawning of an Endless Night : Disconnecting during a cutscene at the end of the mission will no longer strand you in black waters.
[*] Population of Ak'ab at Kraken Cove and in the immediate surrounding of the Mansion has been reduced.

The Scorched Desert

[*] Ammunition crates gathered during "Ten Thousand Bullets" in the Scorched Desert should now give credit to all players in a team.
[*] The Ancient Tomb Guardian boss for "Black Sun, Red Sand" has been rebalanced to fit better with appropriate gear intended for the fight.
[*] Map marker for "Black Sun, Red Sand" tier 4 now has been updated.

City of the Sun God

[*] Funeral Pyre can now be shared.
[*] Ghoul, Well done can now be shared.
[*] Mission "Halls of Lost Records" should now be more multiplayer compatible.
[*] The mission "Foundations" has now made it back into the City of the Sun God. The mission is given by "Tablet Piece".
[*] Earthrifts in Dust Devils should now be more multiplayer friendly.
[*] The Eye of Horus ability no longer has a placeholder name.
[*] The mission starter for "She Who Likes Silence" in the City of the Sun God has been moved slightly, making it easier to pick up the mission.
[*] Waypoint marker for From Ashes now include all the urns.
[*] Mission marker for tier 3 of Mummy Issues in the City of the Sun God now points to the door of the Tomb.
[*] The Dark Places - Soul Corruptor no longer has a placeholder name for the ability that makes it take to the skies.

The Shadowy Forest

[*] Tenebrae : Tenebrae no longer keeps attacking when reaching 0 hp, and will resolve the mission goal properly.
[*] The siren song now plays at the end of the cinematic for "Fungal Fireworks".

The Besieged Farmlands

[*] Updated muzzle flash on Scarecrow shotgun to use a custom modified one that is now facing the correct way. Effects also updated to use better looking shotgun spray.

Carpathian Fangs

[*] Tweaked collision around Dracula's Castle in order to make the window more accessible.
Last edited by Kilajan on Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Strong Leet
Posts: 175
Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:32 pm
Location: Lund, Skåne, Sweden

Update Notes 1.0.2

Post by Kilajan »

Update Notes 1.0.2


[*] Sharing Side missions should now work even when the character receiving the new mission already has one or two Side missions.
[*] New achievements are available for 500, 1000 and 5000 completed missions.


[*] London Underground (Templar): Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the mission to suddenly pause itself.
[*] Fixed the timing of the audio on Zamira's cinematic.
[*] Into Darkness (Templar) - Co-op Parking Garage: "Investigate the lower levels" now triggers with better timing.


[*] Added an extra check towards the mission goals to support instances where the player finds themselves back in the Dojang instead of in Seoul.

The Blue Mountain

The Benevolent Conspiracies
[*] Pausing the mission during Tier 2 should no longer prevent the players from completing the mission. Furthermore, the items used during the mission can still be picked up during the Tier they are used in by grabbing them from the correct soldier corpse.
[*] Pausing the mission will no longer remove the Checkmate beacon from the player's inventory. For those who already lost their Checkmate beacon, on Tier 5 you can pick it up again from the dead soldier's bag.
[*] The Blue Harvester will now drop his loot.
[*] Reduced the spawn rate of Familiars during the final tier of 'The Breakfast Cult.'
[*] Off the Menu: Fixed an issue that would sometimes leave Bloodfang (Tier 3) stuck in his lair.
[*] Further changes have been made through the various camps of Blue Mountain to make sure the mob density is reasonable, that you can run through the camp while avoiding some of the combat and that when you fight mobs it's harder to accidentally pull adds that should not be pulled. The zones addressed were:

Southern Beach
Skull Island Draugs
Mansion's Surroundings
Blue Ridge Mine Entrance
Haunted Forest
Abandoned Building (asylum)
Northern Ak'Ab camp
Western Beach
Orochi Camp Zombies
Pumpkin Patches

The Scorched Desert

[*] A Shadow Over Egypt: The health of the summoned mini golems has been lowered.

City of the Sun God

[*] Warrior Spirit of Hemitneter during "Blood and Fire" should now have more hitpoints and dps.
[*] The mission "Heavy Metals" should now correctly get sorted under "City of the Sun God" for completed missions in the Mission Journal.

Black Sun, Red Sand

[*] Killing the Black Pharaoh and dying at the exact same time now allows players to complete the mission.
[*] Corrected an issue with Akhenaten's Death Awaits ability.
[*] Blood and Fire: Fixed an issue with the Hemitneter's Clasp that would prevent players from restarting the mission during tier 1.
[*] The Dark Places: The filth attacks from the Soul Corruptor should no longer persist after leaving the Ravine of the Champion.


[*] The Hunger : Fixed an issue (this time for good) where the Voracious Wendigo could become stuck at 50% health and immune, but kept attacking.
[*] Corpse Clingers now summon a zombie when casting 'Scent of Blood'.

The Savage Coast

[*] The Black House: Carrie Killian's ashes should now respawn correctly.
[*] Carnival of Souls: the item „Winter's Monocle“ received at the end of the mission can now be removed from the inventory.

Theme Park Tycoon
[*] The sound of the Octotron no longer persists after completing tier 2.
[*] Dying during the Angry Clown encounter should no longer make the clown immortal.
[*] Winter's Plans can no longer be deleted from inventory.

The Shadowy Forest

[*] The Architect encounter has been tweaked a bit to make it slightly less difficult.
[*] Tenebrae should no longer be using placeholder abilities.
[*] The Cellar Door: this is again a solo instance, as intended.

The Scorched Desert

[*] High Cost of Dying: Corrupted Water Guardian is now easier to kill.
[*] Nathifa is now less difficult to kill.
[*] Caahs the Soul Spawn now has a spawn animation.
[*] Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Tier 2 can now be completed correctly.


[*] Nightmare minibosses will again drop epic items. The chance for an epic Glyph kit is unchanged.
[*] All items dropped by minibosses are now Bind on Pickup.
[*] If you log out inside a dungeon, your character will now still be inside that dungeon instance when you log back in.

Polaris (Nightmare):
[*] Ur-Things now disappear before the Ur-Draug's Veil phase is lifted.

The Slaughterhouse
[*] Based on player feedback, various effects throughout the dungeon have been improved.
[*] Fixed an issue with hate on the Aleksei-Chetyre adds.

The Ankh
[*] Melothat's debuffs will end when he dies.
[*] Checkpoints in Hell Raised and Hell Eternal should now function correctly for players joining these dungeons while they are in progress.

Hell Raised - Recursia
[*] Triggerthings have had their hitpoints reduced by 20%. Elite and Nightmare Triggerthings are unchanged.
[*] Phase 3 will now trigger at lower health. Elite and Nightmare modes are unchanged, and will continue to trigger at the previous (higher) values.

[*] It is no longer possible to avoid the Triggerthing spell Biomeltdown by pressing close to the fight entrance.
[*] Recursia should now successfully cast Anima Eruption at any target in the fight, regardless of range.

Hell Raised - Machine Tyrant
[*] The Machine Tyrant should now hit his targets more consistently.
[*] The Anima Vortex for removing the Machine Tyrant's Anima Overcharge should no longer permanently disappear when waiting to begin the encounter.

The Darkness War
[*] The Mayan Battle Mage's loot will now always spawn on the ground.
[*] Fixed an issue where The Bloodhound could replicate himself.


[*] Gear manager builds can now be updated without having to first delete the previous build.
[*] Need/Greed windows no longer disappear if you resurrect to a point where you should still be allowed to loot the items.
[*] Fixed an issue that caused custom chat tabs to lose subscription to some chat channels on zoning.
[*] Sprint buff indications have been updated so you can now see which sprint upgrade you are using.


[*] Lore piece 5 in Agartha has been made easier to find and access.
[*] 'And Did Those Feed in Ancient Time' no longer unlocks when completing only 'Chariots of Fire'.


[*] Nightwatch Glyph crafting kits are now Bind on Pickup.


[*] 'Volatile Current' should no longer randomly stop working.
[*] Casting 'Crimson Theatre' should no longer break the Ascendant encounter (Hell 2) and the Halina encounter (The Facility).


[*] Cassandra King now looks younger and more attractive!
[*] Villagers around Transylvania will reply more responsively to clicks for random chat phrases.


[*] Claimed clothing will now show the same name in the Dressing Room as in the Item shop.
[*] A correct grey variant of 'Patterned Cargo Pants' is now available.
[*] The 'Male Dawn Leathers' clothing item will now correctly appear in the players Dressing Room instead of the inventory.
[*] The Warrior deck outfit is no longer causing characters to look bald.
[*] 'Cutoff harness' clothing will no longer cause invisible arms if worn with a 'Sports bra'.
[*] 'Purple Quickened Anima' can now be bought at Rank 8 as intended.
[*] Fixed an issue where certain items could not be bought at faction vendors when levelling up several faction ranks at once.
[*] Hair should no longer clip through baseball caps and other headwear.


[*] Fixed error on dragging items between different pages in the bank.
[*] You can no longer walk away from the bankers while the delete confirmation window is onscreen.
[*] The right click menu on bank now has a subtle background.
[*] Pressing ESC now closes the delete mail dialog.
[*] When deleting an item from the cabal bank, the dialog message now correctly references the cabal bank instead of the inventory.
[*] You can now press ENTER to confirm the delete mail action when the window is up.
[*] The unread mail icon now is cleared when all mail is read.
[*] Fixed an issue where it was not possible to use up/down arrows after deleting cash in a mail.
[*] Compose Mail is now the top window when clicking the compose window button.
[*] Clicking on an unread mail will now highlight it.
[*] The 'Take all attachments' button now greys out when taking items.
[*] The sort function for attachments and dates are now working.
[*] Sorting mail now ignores lowercase/uppercase.
[*] The Expand Size Limit button now greys out and can no longer be used when you upgrade your bank to the maximum size.
[*] The "To:" field on mail now includes an option to send to a friend or cabal member on your friends list.
[*] You can now only send 6 attachments on your mail.
[*] The "to" field is now limited to 40 characters.
[*] The message when trying to send a character bound item by mail has been clarified. It will now say „Item can't be sent by mail. It must be in your storage and cannot be bound to your character.“
[*] You are now presented with a sound along with a "you've got mail" message. The sound and message are displayed once per received mail.
[*] The mail notification icon now quickly blinks 5 times when new mail is received.
[*] You will now receive a message explaining to wait if you try to send several messages in a too short amount of time.


[*] Some missing German audio files have been added.
[*] Some missing sounds have been added to Transylvania
[*] Some missing sounds have been added to the laboratory location in Amity House


[*] The speed and animation for walking backwards has been slightly increased.
[*] Fixed an issue where some anima wells in dungeons were not being discovered properly.
[*] User preferences/settings should now be saved correctly and remain, also when connecting to the game from different computers.
[*] Fixed an issue where auto run was being interrupted randomly.
[*] Fixed an issue where your screen would become dark after resurrecting in The Blue Mountain.
[*] Fix some collision issues in Fusang.
[*] The Secret World now has new desktop icons.
[*] Character nicknames can no longer end with a '-'.
Last edited by Kilajan on Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:45 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Update Notes 1.0.3

Post by Kilajan »

Update Notes 1.0.3

[*] The Voracious Wendigo has stopped eating ambrosia and should now be killable again.
[*] The Gathering - Tugomir cel Mare and his 3 accompanying adds are less difficult to kill, because they don't aggro all at once.
[*] Players are no longer able to take off their clothing through UI mods.
[*] Custom UIs should now work again.
[*] The Sprint ability should no longer stop working in some instances.
[*] Items should no longer on rare occasions become unusable after being spawned.
[*] Fixed a server memory leak.
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Maxi Leet
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Re: Server Patch Notes Combined!

Post by Malosar »

Update 1.1 - Issue# 1: Unleashed


Seven brand new missions, two new Nightmare Mode dungeons and the Marketplace are now all available as part of The Secret World Issue #1: Unleashed.

Please click here for more information about the new missions in Issue #1.

(Psst, complete all the new missions for a new achievement and unique clothing rewards!)


The Marketplace
[*]The Marketplace is now available in London!
[*]All tradable items can be listed and searched for via the search options in the Marketplace UI. This UI is accessible via the bank NPCs in London
[*]Only items from your personal storage can be listed and they will occupy a slot in the bank until they are sold
[*]Listings show up from all players on all dimensions
[*]All items are listed for 7 days after which point they time out
[*]All listings have a 10% up front cost based on the listing price. This cost is refunded if the item sells
[*]All successful sales are subject to a 5% broker fee upon sale


[*]The ‘/say’ and ‘/shout’ chat commands now work properly
[*]Fixed a bug that caused custom chat tabs to lose subscription to some chat channels on zoning
[*]Improved animations when interacting with objects
[*]It is now impossible for players to make their characters nude
[*]The "Burn, Baby, Burn" achievement should now get correctly awarded
[*]When using the ‘high’ graphics settings, screen will no longer become blurry in some areas
[*]The website will not crash the in-game browser
[*]Filth Rain does not follow players to other zones
[*]Players can no longer attach character-bound items to mail
[*]Changing eye colour now works properly for all heads in character creation
[*]Certain heals will no longer generate hate on friendly targets
[*]Players will not be able to consume the Elixir of Life when already at full health
[*]Certain monsters, such as the Royal Sadists, will not attack the player when dead
[*]London: Yay tacos! The taco vendor now sells tacos in stacks of 10 and 50. Tacos also now stack up to 100
[*]Eating a delicious taco no longer cancels a player’s sprinting
[*]Atentist Garb no longer causes character's eyebrows to change to orange
[*]Pets are no longer killed by the Innsmouth Academy door wards
[*]Fixed several locations throughout the world where it was possible to become stuck on terrain and objects
[*]Switching to walk now disables sprint


[*]Adjusted volume of ingame sound and music while the browser is open
[*]NPC emotes should now have sound again


[*]Introducing two new Nightmare Mode dungeons: The Ankh and Hell Fallen. These dungeons are built to be extremely challenging, and the enemies and encounters in these dungeons will test your build-making, gear, group composition and combat skills to the limit
[*]Dungeon bosses and mini-bosses now only drop one loot bag
[*]The Ankh: Akhenaten, the Black Pharaoh, is now immune to crowd control effects and will no longer despawn, then respawn with full health


[*]Players can no longer attempt to attach a glyph to a weapon that is already equipped with the same glyph.
[*]Players will now receive their gadget if they craft a gadget and already have a similar gadget in their inventory


[*]Players can no longer consume the Elixir of Life if already at full health
[*]Elixir of Life will now display correct combat log information when used
[*]Clarified description text of the Loyal Hound
[*]Several glyphs that were selling for 1 PAX have had their prices corrected.
[*]Players should be able to receive clothing items from the Item Shop even if their inventory is full
[*]The description on the item “Sinner’s Blood” has changed


[*]Players now need to be secret society rank 2 to create a guild


[*]The anima full-screen effect will no longer persist if the player has entered a PvP Battlefield
[*]Players can no longer enter PvP Battlefields while in Anima form. They will be resurrected upon entry
[*]Fixed an issue where PVP status for El Dorado was not showing the correct info on the gui.
[*]The rain in Stonehenge has been removed


[*]Trying to split a stack when the player inventory is full will no longer cause that slot to malfunction
[*]Mission decals will not disappear when a player teleports out of a zone
[*]Scrolling down the faction rank window no longer causes parts of it to disappear
[*]Items that cannot be sold do not show up in vendor's lists anymore
[*]Splitting items in the crafting UI now works the same way as splitting items in your inventory
[*]Resolved an issue where the animations for getting Anima Points, Skill Points, and Mission Completion Notifications would repeat several times
[*]Fixed some issues with the chat text filter
[*]Corrected the display of the number of online and total cabal members
[*]Scrollbar and list now update position correctly when friends have been removed
[*]Ignored list now shows total amount of characters
[*]The <DELETE> key will no longer initiate deletion of characters in the login GUI. You now have to click the "DELETE CHARACTER" button with the mouse
[*]Making a new map marker with a very long name will no longer cause an error message when the map loads
[*]Hovering over the randomize icons in character creation now gives a tooltip
[*]The buttons on Gear Manager no longer expand when holding down the buttons
[*]Gear manager builds are now updatable without having to first delete the previous build
[*]The hitzone for the buttons in the gear manager now works properly
[*]Highlighting of the selected player in the Raid GUI now looks correct
[*]Fixed several issues with resizing and positioning the Raid GUI
[*]Players can now rotate their characters on the character selection screen
[*]The gear cursors no longer appear on patrollers, or other civilians standing around
[*]Removed some hub lore achievements, as they were outdated
[*]Quest tracker does not incorrectly update when inactive missions are updated
[*]There is now a prompt letting you know that an item cannot be traded
[*]Characters who reach faction rank 13 should no longer see a tag of a different faction as their next possible rank


[*]Updated several combat ability animations
[*]Active Dodge will no longer go on cooldown anyway if you attempt to use it in an area where you cannot use it
[*]Hammer: Smash ability will now always have an animation
[*]Hammer: Hell to Pay is a column attack, as intended
[*]Hammer - Updated Grip Whip's animation
[*]Blood: Blood Spike description has been changed to 5 secs instead of 8 secs
[*]Blade: Reduced the damage dealt by the Crimson Theatre ability
[*]Blade: Fatal Flourish's tooltip has been updated to state it will stack 5 times
[*]Chaos: Deconstruct now properly applies secondary resources when a target is beneath 35% health
[*]Chaos: Karma is now affecting up to 5 targets with both the damage and the debuff
[*]Elementalism: Updated the tooltip of Short Fuse to properly display cooldown
[*]Fist: Updated tooltip for Berserk, to correctly show ability information
[*][Fist: Updated ability to ensure that Creature Comfort properly applies Character Skill Warmth
[*]Fist: Updated tooltip to display internal cooldown time of Restraint
[*]Fist: Updated tooltip for Hot Iron
[*]Fist: The tooltip for See Red has been changed to "This root effect cannot be removed"
[*]Pistols: Area Drone will no longer appear to move with your character
[*]Pistols: Updated all consumers to ensure that the Seal the Deal passive properly applies its buff when intended
[*]Assault Rifle: Experience now increases leech effects as intended
[*]Shotgun: The Shotgun skill passive Point Blank has been renamed to "CQC"
[*]Shotgun: Removed the incorrect Impaired data from the Point Blank ability
[*]Shotgun: Close Quarters will now be applied to large bosses


[*]Seven brand new missions are now available to all players as part of our first free monthly content update, Issue #1!
[*]Crafting items for a mission should now fulfill the goals of that mission
[*]Corrected an issue where ranking up could fail to trigger if a player earned the exact amount of xp needed to rank up
[*]Into Darkness will no longer shut players of any faction out of the instance for any reason if they have not yet completed the mission
[*]Into Darkness: Illuminati now also get to keep their headlamp
[*]London: Fixed an issue where some male npcs had female voices
[*]New York: Mainframe - There is now a confirmation prompt to enter the Orochi Office
[*]New York: Questions and Answers - Warehouse workers have proper health values

Solomon Island
[*]That’ll Leave a Mark: The trapped survivor should now spawn at the trap only if he has been killed or the mission has been completed
[*]Dawning of an Endless Night: Improved the visibility of the Siren's Song effect while in the sewers.
[*]Appetite for Destruction: Monsters’ attacks no longer come from within the walls.

The Savage Coast
[*]Another Bug Hunt - Tier 2: Players can now turn in their dog tags to Sarge when in the appropriate area
[*]Ami Legend – Tier 5: Players are no longer forced to respawn outside after dying 2 times in the cave
[*]The Black House: Carrie Killian's ashes should now reappear correctly
[*]Crustacean Curse - Tier 2: Mission will now award XP as intended
[*]The Man in the Ebony Tower: This mission is now be properly repeatable
[*]Winter’s Legacy: Jacob Smythe will now spawn as intended
[*]Taking the Purple - Tier 2: Players can now spawn the ambushers if another player fails this mission
[*]Infernal Vibrations: Players who lose the demonic resonator will now be able to reacquire it during any stage of this mission
[*]Breakfast of Champignons: The fullscreen effect now vanishes after completing the mission
[*]Life Imitating Art: Removed the fullscreen visual effect from this mission
[*]The Player, Not the Piece – Tier 2: All staked draug now display a visual effect when staked. Your cursor will change to a cog wheel, indicating interaction can take place, when you mouse over all parts of the pyre
[*]Gravity - Players can now open the will and see the pop-up
[*]A Reasonable Man – Tier 2: Zombies now properly jump off the cliff
[*]Extra-Curricular Activity – Tier 1: Scavenging Wendigo no longer climbs trees

Blue Mountain
[*]Off the Menu - Tier 2: This mission should no longer reset after a player had added the sedative to the meat
[*]The Haunting - Tier 3: The Delapores now respawn if players leave using their Agartha Conduit and zone back into the instance
[*]Dawning of an Endless Night: Players can no longer get stuck in the Dreaming Prison
[*]Dawning of an Endless Night: Players who have exited the dream before completion will now have a marker directing them back to the Dreaming Prison
[*]Dawning of an Endless Night - Tier 5: Joe Slater cinematic should now play properly in all situations

Scorched Desert
[*]Cinematics from From Oxford, With Love tier 1 and Black Sun, Red Sand tier 4 can no longer be triggered at the same time and overlap each other
[*]The Big Terrible Picture: The mission no longer displays a placeholder name in the beginning of the cinematic.
[*]The Big Terrible Picture - Tier 2: Infancy Fire should now extinguish properly
[*]The Big Terrible Picture - Tier 3: Prisms should now work properly
[*]King of the Hill: Vortex Grenades, Fragmentation Grenades, and Landmines will now only work in the appropriate area
[*]A Lion in the Streets - Tier 4: Players can no longer trigger a second Great-jinn to fight by rushing to the second appearance too quickly.
[*]A Lion in the Streets: Fixed an issue where the presence of additional Marrowchewers could make this encounter more difficult than intended.
[*]Not by Bread Alone: Goal is now updated by walking into the camp, not by clicking on Arun Singh.
[*]Black Sun, Red Sand: Players are able to see the Ancient Tomb Guardian's ability circle much clearer when standing on sand.
[*]The Last Legion - Tier 3: Primus Pilus is now flagged as a mission target.
[*]The Last Legion - Tier 3: Monsters should no longer disappear during cinematic and Legion should spawn correctly
[*]The Last Legion - Tier 3: Killing Legatus Aulus should now reward credit for players who are on the same step

City of the Sun God
[*]From Below: Adjusted the assault encounter
[*]A Flight of Locusts: Adjusted the end boss difficulty
[*]The Eye of Horus: Keeper Garran and Keeper Sh’ar now spawn as intended
[*]The Eye of Horus: Pausing this mission will no longer cause the Eye of Horus to disappear from players’ inventories
[*]Mummy Massacre: The amount of mummies to kill to lure the leader out has been reduced
[*]Mummy Issues - Tier 1: The Temple key needed to unlock the door to the scribe's room should now be more visible
[*]Mummy Issues: The Tablet Pieces dropped by the Messengers should now only be picked up while doing the mission
[*]The Way of Things: Fixed the Firepots that summon the Manifestation of Amir
[*]The Way of Things: Tiers 2, 3, and 4 have been made more multiplayer friendly with multiple improvements
[*]Black Sun, Red Sand - Tier 9: Akhenaten, the Black Pharaoh will no longer despawn, allowing the mission to be completed
[*]Halls of Lost Records – Tier 2: The Goal Marker has been adjusted
[*]Halls of Lost Records – Tier 6: The Goal Marker will now display properly
[*]Halls of Lost Records - Tier 6: Activating the defense mechanism will update the mission for all players present in the room
[*]Foundations - Tier 3: Examining the tablet now updates the mission properly
[*]The Stained Oasis - Tier 3: The goal marker should now display at the correct location
[*]Dust Devils - Tier 3: The Hell Commander is now harder to beat and has been scaled up slightly

[*]The Besieged Farmlands
[*]The Cost of Magic - Tier 5: Ritual can be completed as intended
[*]End Games: Mission will resolve correctly when reaching Transylvania
[*]Cucuvea's animations during the story mission cinematic were adjusted
[*]Sins of the Father: The tiers of this mission will now complete as intended
[*]Test Run: Fixed an issue with the Dartgun

The Carpathian Fangs
[*]The Castle: This mission is now repeatable
[*]Exit Strategy - Tier 4 : The Orochi communications terminal now works as intended
[*]Cabin Fever: The handwritten note now provides team credit. Team members may review the media popup in their journal

The Shadowy Forest
[*]Mortal Sins – Tier 7: Map marker now displays properly and mission now completes upon entry of the tomb
[*]Mortal Sins - Tier 10: Only one player at a time can now interact with the water of life puzzle letters
[*]Mortal Sins – Tier 19: This tier now functions properly when two players are attempting to solve the mission back to back
[*]Mortal Sins – Tier 20: The Silver Egg now indicates which mission it is for and can no longer be deleted
[*]Mortal Sins - Tier 20: Players can now re-enter the tomb if needed
[*]Last Dance of the Padurii - Tier 4: Pausing this mission will no longer cause the Humming Music Box to disappear from players’ inventories
[*]The Draculesti - Tier 4: Once all of the explosive spots are full, players who placed explosives get credit for this mission
[*]Fatal Framing: This mission will now reward XP as intended
[*]Who Comes and Who Goes: Goal text will now correctly ask the player to “Find the Abandoned Tunnel”
[*]The Amazing Brothers Blaga – Tier 3: There is now a large bounded area for players to search in
[*]A Wreath of Roses: Goal markers radius are now larger and more visible on the map
[*]The Cellar Door: The mission should now reward experience upon completion of each tier, up to the designated total
[*]Blood and Fire: Fixed an issue with the Hemitneter's Clasp that would prevent players from restarting the mission during tier 1
[*]Forget-Me-Not: This mission will now provide credit if completed in a group.
[*]Six Feet Under - Tier 2: The Signal Tracker item will go now go on cooldown upon usage to present some form of feedback upon activation
[*]Six Feet Under - Tier2: The tooltip on the Signal Tracker has had updated use information added to it
[*]Six Feet Under - Tier 3: The Signal Flare effect should now display long enough for the duration of the events
[*]Fungal Becoming: The Mushroom spawn ability should no longer display placeholder text
[*]Fungal Becoming: Nightmare buff tooltip for Fungal Becoming now states the correct value.
Last edited by Malosar on Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:11 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Server Patch Notes Combined!

Post by Chrisax »

Thanks Malosar :)

The list for 1.1 may be not totally final and will be edited if needed. :)

(This message will be deleted when we are sure the 1.1 list is final, to keep the thread clear.)
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Update 1.1 - Hotfix

Post by Kilajan »

Update 1.1 - Hotfix - August 3rd

[*] Fixed an issue that caused custom chat tabs to stop updating and show no new messages after zoning to another playfield
[*] Corrected an issue that players sometimes couldn't correctly subscribe to certain chat channels
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Update 1.1.1 - August 7th 2012

Post by Kilajan »

Update 1.1.1 - August 7th 2012

With this update we have enabled TXAA, and The Secret World is the first game in the world to support this anti-aliasing technique! This requires the newest NVIDIA Kelper (600) series of GPU. To enable TXAA in the video options of the game select "TXAA 2x" or "TXAA 4x" as your anti-aliasing under the video options of the game. These drivers are schedueled to go out of beta (WHQL) around the 13th of August.


Solomon Island

Kingsmouth Town

[*] The Pick-Up: The mission can now be paused and resumed again later at the correct tier where it was left
[*] The Orochi Scientists now fight back

The Savage Coast

[*] Carter Unleashed: Carter will no longer be seen running straight through the ladder and the wall at the end of the mission
[*] Carter Unleashed: NPC Familiars found in the basement of the academy are now hanging from the hooks instead of floating in thin air
[*] The Black House: The pentagram will disappear when the player solves the puzzle

Blue Mountain

[*] Funeral Crashers: Fixed an issue that prevented players from resuming their mission if it was paused on tier 5/5
[*] Funeral Crashers: Added a journal entry for tier 5 of the mission
[*] Dawning of an Endless Night: Fixed an issue that could cause players to be stuck on tier 15/18 when activating the wards in The Blue Mountain and disconnecting

The Scorched Desert

[*] The Last Legion: The Mission now properly resets when a player disconnects during the fight
[*] The Last Legion: Players going in PvP while doing the mission will no longer block the mission for other players
[*] The Last Legion: The Orb of Aten is no longer an interactive object after starting "Defeat the Legion"
[*] From Below: Dr Shirui and Experiment SB118 are now spawned correctly

City of the Sun God

[*] Halls of Lost Records – Tier 5: The Nodes of Mystical Energy inside the Chamber of Satis will no longer enter an infinite cooldown
[*] The 3rd Age: Players can no longer interact with the sarcophagus before they have assembled the key, as intended
[*] The 3rd Age: The first goal will now only update if you get the Strange Metal Clockwork Key in your inventory
[*] Using the Altar of binding will now update the goal and will no longer cause the altar to become uninteractable
[*] Black Sun, Red Sand: The mission now has a mission description

Besieged Farmlands

[*] The Summoning – The Plague: The bosses and mobs now always drop loot when defeated

The Shadowy Forest

[*] The Drăculeşti - Tier 4: Players must now pick up the explosives and detonators individually so that they may receive the items correctly
[*] The Drăculeşti - Tier 4: When you interact with a placed explosive, you will now receive a message indicating it has already been used


Hell Raised

[*] Nightmare: We have determined that mobs in Hell Raised Nightmare had an unnaturally high Defence Rating. This caused a frustrating number of glances, even for superbly-equipped players who had mastered the dungeon. Though the Hit Rating requirements of this dungeon remain high, we've adjusted them down to be more in line with the difficulty of gearing for the other Nightmare modes
[*] The Master Planner achievement now enforces the proper requirements of never changing your build, as intended

Hell Fallen

[*] When he summons the second Machine Tyrant, the first machine Tyrant no longer remains active (unless in Nightmare mode)
[*] If players are killed before Wicker's explosion kills them during the Ascendants encounter, a duplicate Wicker which leads the boss and/or adds outside the encounter location should no longer spawn
[*] After defeating the Ascendants during the last fight, the lootbag dropped can now be opened immediately

Hell Eternal

[*] Infernal Overwatch's summon spell "Klaxon Call" can no longer be interrupted
[*] Eblis's loot should no longer drop in inaccessible locations

Soviet Fort

[*] Halina Ilyushin should no longer cast Spite whenever she feels like it. She should also stay in her arena, as the program intended

The Facility

[*] Lasers will stop doing damage when they are no longer visibly hitting the player

The Ankh

[*] The damage from the Orochi Dead Ops encounter has been toned down
[*] Nightmare: After walking in and out of the Filth in the dungeon, the Filth Undertow effect no longer remains on the player
[*] Nightmare: The Dimensional Reaper summoned by Doctor Klein is no longer invisible

Darkness War

[*] Wayeb-Xul encounter: Bomb Mayans are no longer running towards the player and they will now always explode at 0 health


Fusang Project

[*] The "Capture a Facility" mission should again give the correct amount of Black and White Marks of Venice


[*] Fists: Turn the Tables and The Scarlet Arts will now build counters on Hot Iron
[*] Blades: Mobs with Resistances should no longer resist the DoT effect applied by Sling Blade
[*] Hammers: Passive abilities that proc on critical hits will now affect Hell to Pay
[*] Blood Magic: Particles are now shown correctly instead of orange and green squares


[*] The Charged Ward Generator can no longer be traded, as intended
[*] The items acquired during King of the Hill will no longer affect the Monsters outside its intended location
[*] Fixed some clipping issues with hats and hair
[*] When purchasing the "Friend of the Darkness" title from the item shop, you will now also get the correct title


[*] The notes received during the mission "Crime and Punishment" - Tier 1 will no longer display black squares instead of letters


[*] London: Entering Tabula Rasa will no longer leave the character in the middle of empty space
[*] Agartha: Fixed an issue with a Gatekeeper spell that could not be avoided by players
[*] New cabals can again be created normally
[*] The Nightmare achievements for Master Planner (Ankh and Hell Fallen) are now visible in the achievements window
[*] The achievement "Corvophobia - The Poe (chase away 50 flocks of ravens)" should now update correctly
[*] Attacking the shield/barrier of a boss or mob will now correctly generate hate
[*] Lairs and region bosses will now automatically be locked to the player/group that summoned the boss
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Update 1.1.2 - August 15th

Post by Kilajan »

Update 1.1.2 - August 15th


[*] Removed the need to chew tacos - they can now be consumed in under a second. Note: We cannot be held responsible for choking or other health risks related to rapid food consumption
[*] Improved the cast and cooldown times on the Faction Mark items (please note: the cooldown of Mark of the Illuminati will also be changed accordingly in the next update)
[*] Using Faction Marks will not put players in combat anymore
[*] Fixed an error when trying to connect to Facebook
[*] Fixed an issue where some characters could not authenticate with the chat server
[*] The target decal option setting will now be saved properly
[*] Fixed an issue where flying NPCs would slide across the ground
[*] The ingame browser will no longer crash when a download link is opened (it will rather just be ignored)


[*] Polaris: The Ur-Draug will now do a line of sight check after agroing a character to make sure he can actually see that character. If not, he'll resume patrolling
[*] The Ankh: Reduced the health of Melothat by 20%
[*] Hell Fallen – Nightmare: Reduced the health of the Endjineers
[*] Hell Fallen – Nightmare: The Arch-Myrmidon's Phalanx can no longer be purged, and is only removed when his soldiers are killed
[*] Hell Fallen: Ascendant ninjas have gone back to ninja school and learned how to not run away
[*] A new, more attractive and less cluttered buff marker for Nightmare dungeon timers has been added. This is purely visual, and doesn't change how the system works at all
[*] The Facility: Soviet laser targeting systems have been upgraded. Lasers will no longer follow you back to the Anima Well


London – Amity House

[*] Virgula Divina: Fixed an issue which caused some players to be unable to move after watching a cinematic in the mission


[*] The Pick-Up: One of the 3 doors will always allow the player to pass through to the other side

Blue Mountain

[*] Detritus Prime: Fixed an issue that prevented players from completing the mission

The Savage Coast

[*] Ami Legend: The Tenebrous Brood Ravager should now always spawn during tier 2

The Shadowy Forest

[*] Last Dance of the Padurii - Tier 3: Capturing Music Essence from spirits must now be done individually if players are to receive the Humming Box correctly. As such, team credit for these goals are now disabled

City of the Sun God

[*] Halls of Lost Records: Resolved an issue preventing players from interacting with the nodes
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Update 1.1.3 - August 22nd

Post by Kilajan »

Update 1.1.3 - August 22nd


[*] Fixed several crash issues for the in-game browser

Fusang Project

[*] The Results score will once again update properly for all three secret societies.
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Re: Server Patch Notes Combined!

Post by Bredin »




Brand new missions, the rocket launcher - our first auxiliary weapon including its own mission line - and the plastic surgery and barber shop are now all available as part of The Secret World Issue #2: Digging Deeper. Please click here for more information about the new missions in Issue #2.
And there is also a new title available if you complete all of the Digging Deeper missions!


Two additional dungeon Nightmare modes are now available: The Facility and Hell Eternal.
The plastic surgeon's shop Modern Prometheus in New York is now open for business.
Visit Ockham's Razor barber shop in London for a new haircut or change of facial hair styles.
You can now access a Looking for Group (LFG) Tool using the Shift+C keyboard short cut or via the in-game menu.
You can now equip an 8th active/passive ability! This is reserved only for auxiliary abilities.
All lair NPCs now have a chance to drop Bind on Pickup rare core items.
All Lair bosses will now drop two Bind on Pickup rare items, 1 rare signet, 1 rare Glyph kit, and two Region boss blueprints.
All Region bosses will now drop a loot bag containing 2-4 blueprints to summon that boss, 3 epic Bind on Pickup items, 1 epic signet, 1 epic Glyph kit and a unique Raid Puzzle Piece.
NEW Lair Kill missions :
From Beyond the Iron Curtain (The Carpathian Fangs)
The Spoils of Cold War (The Shadowy Forest)
Midnight Mass (The Besieged Farmlands)
Sinking Feelings (The Savage Coast)
Unto the Beach (Kingsmouth)
Citadel of Pain (City of the Sun God)
Return of the Red Nights (The Scorched Desert)
The House always Wins (Blue Mountain)


London - Fixed the hat vendor's voices to match their genders.
Tabula Rasa - Gave some NPCs more health. You can now use active dodge in this playfield.
Pangaea mannequins no longer have (U) tooltips.
Corrected several visual issues with clothing.
You are no longer able to get stuck between the bookcase and a chair in Dracula's Castle.
Slightly optimized client memory usage.
Athletic Hoodie, blue should now appear correctly in the players Dressing Room after purchase.
Turrets will turn to their original rotation after combat and when they deactivate.
A new Anima Well can be found in the vicinity of the Lair area in Shadowy Forest.
The Magna Cum Laude achievement should now always be achievable.
You are now unable to accept dungeon teleports before reaching Jack Boone in Kingsmouth, to prevent an issue where your character could become totally unable to progress.
Adjusted the animation of running while using a cellphone.
Fixed an issue where the Shirt and Tie would clip through your equipped jacket.
Each lair now has a "warning area" encircling it on the map.
On the London map, the spelling of "Ealdwich alley" has been changed to "Ealdwych Alley".
The clock on the top menu can now switch between showing game time and real time. Switch by clicking it.
Rifles will no longer clip through your character's body when drawn.
Fixed an issue with naked characters in cinematics.
Fixed several locations worldwide where it was possible to get stuck.
Fixed some clipping issues with new female hairstyles and hats.
London: A specialised arms dealer in Ealdwic Station will now provide you with the necessary components to create and cast your auxiliary weapons.
Signet of Echoes will no longer cause friendly targets to attack you.
Fixed an issue with NPCs not playing attack animations for Assault Rifle attacks.
The sound of your headlamp will no longer be heard by other characters.
Fixed an issue with ocean reflections.
The camera will no longer jump when changing sex during character creation.
Fixed a few issues with hairstyles that caused clipping issues.
Fixed collision issues in several places worldwide.
Lair - Spoiled Garden - The Chain Spore detrimental effect on players should now display its icon correctly.
Fixed an issue with flickering shadows with crossfire enabled.
Fixed the cause of a server crash.
Fixed a spot where players took unintended environmental damage.
Fixed a crash caused when skipping introduction cinematics.


Do or Die no longer has a brief delay after activating it.
Turn the Tables and The Scarlet Arts will build counters on Hot Iron.
Turn the Tables updated to indicate that it is not affected by any heal increasing effects.
Mass Provocation will now affect up to 5 targets.
Mass Confusion will now affect up to 5 targets.
Queued dash abilities will now change weapons correctly when they are executed.

Assault Rifle
The tooltip for Leeching Frenzy will now correctly state that the beneficial effect has a duration of 4 seconds.
Anima Outbreak now specifies the number of friendly targets healed per enemy target hit.
Tactical Retreat grenade will now damage targets.
Tactical Retreat will no longer go on cooldown if it can't be used (e.g. if you have a cliff behind you).
High Explosive Grenade's tooltip now reflects that it does more damage to Afflicted targets.
Frag Grenade now does area damage when used with 4 and 5 resources.
Lucky Bullet's tooltip now reflects that the effect happens on the 7th attack, not on the 8th attack.
The tooltip for Shellshocker now correctly states that it hits every 0.25 seconds instead of every 0.3 seconds.
Fixed an issue with Demolition, Man.
Updated the tooltip for Groundwork to state that up to 5 friendly targets will be affected. Improved Groundwork will affect the same number of targets.
Updated Veteran Passive ability to only apply once per cast of abilities.
Demolition, Man will only proc once from Tactical Retreat.
Updated spelling error in Call your Shots.

Gaian Exposure's buff is now correctly named "Gaian Exposure".
Updated Blood Pact tooltip for barrier with numeric information (absorption rate and amount).
Updated the tooltip for Prolonged Darkness to correctly show that it adds 3 seconds (instead of 2 seconds) to Left Hand of Darkness' damage over time effect.
Blood Pact: Updated tooltip for barrier with numeric information (absorption rate and amount).

Aidelon: Reduced the critical chance bonus on Afflicted targets with Blaze from 100% to 40%.
The damage buff from Short Fuse is now consistent whether the caster is in a group or not.
Group mates will receive the Short Fuse buff when a group member casts it.
Blaze is now affected by Seal the Deal.
Final Fuse passive ability now correctly improves the buff from Short Fuse.
Manifestations will now more reliably trigger the Elemental Skill: Fury.
Fire Manifestation will now trigger hit effects.
Updated description for Elemental Skill: Fury to clarify what triggers it.
Fixed several issues with Short Fuse and its passive Final Fuse.
Phantom Purge now removes the particle effects from targets that have been purged.

Hog Wild now only effects NPCs located within the specific cone effect area.
Lick Your Wounds' healing ticks are no longer able to crit.
Using Anima Burst will now increment stacks of Hot Iron.
Nurture, Cauterise and Shelter will now trigger Adrenalise.
Vigour can now critically heal.

Updated tooltip of Blowout to display proper health increase %.
The tooltip of Epicentre has been updated to say that it creates a damage area around the targets of the caster's attacks.
The Thor Hammer ability will now stop to play its animation when the caster is interrupted.
Epicentre should no longer cause FPS drop when used by multiple players near each other.

Big Bang will now actually trigger each time each time a manifestation, turret, or drone deals damage.
Critical Help will only trigger when a manifestation, turret, or drone is summoned.
Win-win will now affect the caster and cleanse the correct number of detrimental effects.
Mad Skills will now trigger when critically healing.

Smart Bomb: Reduced placement range to normal shotgun range.
Bomb Squad: Reduced placement range to normal shotgun range.
Riot Act will now show the advanced tooltip when the Show Advanced Ability Descriptions option is selected.
Shotgun Damage Skill attack will now appear in the combat message window as CQC instead of Point Blank.


Cover in Stonehenge has been more evenly spread out.
Hit Rating and Defence Rating have been removed from the World Domination buff.
Updated the mechanic for capturing an Anima Facility.


The Facility and Hell Eternal Nightmare portals in Agartha have been added.
You will now be able to rejoin a Nightmare dungeon that you previously left, provided the instance is still active. An instance will remain active for 5 minutes when empty.
Generic pets are now disabled in dungeons.
Wallachian nightmare dungeons give an increased amount of Black Bullion.
The Facility: Anima Control Rod beams should no longer flicker.
Hell Fallen - Nightmare: Some issues have been fixed and balance adjustments have been made.
Hell Raised Nightmare and Hell Eternal Nightmare: Lifeburn will no longer cause certain passives to damage you.
Nightmare Xibalban Bloodhound (Darkness War), Nightmare Pit Dweller (The Ankh), and Nightmare Piston Predator (Hell Eternal) mobs now have a 50% chance to drop Bind-On-Equip Band 10 purples.
Trash in Nightmare dungeons now has a chance of dropping either Band 10 blues or a low chance to drop Bind-On-Equip Band 10 purples.

The Slaughterhouse
The dungeon has been rebalanced extensively and it's now significantly harder.
Aleksei-Chetyre should now die immediately when reaching 0 health.

Darkness War Nightmare
Wayeb-Xul: The duration of the stun applied by Concuss is now slightly shorter.
Wayeb-Xul now pauses his combat a few seconds after casting Concuss.

The Ankh
A particle now plays on the target and Doctor Klein right before he casts Dreaming Shroud.
Added tier and goal text in the mission journal for Pandora's Box and Pandora's Box Revisited.
Removed the filth spawned along the edge in Normal/Elite.


Healing signets will now trigger on the correct target.
Signet of Castigation will now have a visual indicator when active.
Fixed an issue with Signet of Ablation not activating properly.
Fixed an issue with Signet of Equilibrium not applying properly.
Penetration kickbacks will now trigger correctly.
Black Mark of the Morrigan now correctly applies Flurry of Feathers from all heals, including blood magic barriers that have a direct healing component.
You can now create moulds with weapons such as Taipan's Last Resort and Soul Crusher.
The clothing item Atenist Garb no longer causes your character's eyebrows to change color to orange.
Fixed the name of the ability cast by the Fragmentation grenade, now named "Frag Grenade".
The cost of purchasing Glyphs from the PvP vendors has been significantly reduced.
The cost of purchasing Venice Glyph Upgrade Toolkit has been significantly reduced.
The cost of purchasing Venice Talisman Upgrade Toolkit has been significantly reduced.
Auxiliary Weapon Mould: Original now for sale from vendors.
Auxiliary Weapon Mould: Gold-Plated now for sale from vendors.
Auxiliary casting Toolkit now for sale from vendors.
Auxiliary weapon mould blueprints now have a chance to drop from all Nightmare bosses.
Adjusted Signet of Order to behave more like its description.
Signet of Temperance should now trigger properly.
Plethron Epipens will now behave more consistently.
Fixed spelling mistakes in several signets.
The Atomos head talisman will no longer incorrectly place a stacking buff on your hostile target.
Fixed an issue where some Dress shirts would clip through the Punk Blazer.
Fixed some issues where the Female tight plaid pants would deform multiple shoes meshes.
The Orochi Field Uniform will no longer change the your pants and shoes when equipping it.
Shell of the Nautilus from normal Polaris has had its icon corrected.
Achievement Rewards: The male "Dawn Leathers" item is now a green poncho similar to the female, as intended.
Faction Marks sold by the Explosives Vendors now clear each other - a given target can only have 1 Mark. These Marks also no longer falsely claim to only effect one target at a time.
Thoth's Condemnation (normal and elite versions) now add the correct amount of stats to you.
Wosret's Marvel can now be properly disassembled.
Caress of the Void can now be properly disassembled.
Calabi-Yau Manifold can now be properly disassembled.
Grotesquely Bloated Heart can now be properly disassembled.
Pishacha's Hunger can now be properly disassembled.
The coveted Taco Hat is now available if you have consumed 7460 tacos or more in-game.


Fixed an issue with the gear manager swapping builds with similar weapons.
Marketplace : The marketplace search no longer returns with items that are already sold.
The equip button has been replaced by a reassign button for abilities already equipped.
Improved the mission tracker visuals and feedback.
Cabals - Added a new permission to cabals (Can Withdraw Items).
Cabals - You can now invite other players to your cabal even if they are not in your area.
Made the GUI of states and resources a bit easier to understand.
Added burst as a subtype in ability search.
Fixed target decal option not saving properly.
Crafting - Assembly window should now never open without text on the assembly button.
The in-game browser should no longer crash when a download link is opened (it will rather just be ignored).
Fixed an issue where the PvP GUI would not update properly after a Battlefield was completed.
Fixed an issue where the Gear Manager would sometime not load the gears that are part of a build.
You can now invite other players to your Cabal by Right Clicking their name in chat regardless of how far the invited player is from you.
TO MODDERS: Added the possibility to set a target though the UseShortcut function in com.GameInterface.Game.Shortcut (UseShortcut(pos:Number, targetId:ID32)
Changed cabal member promote button from Ok to Ok/Cancel.
Opening up the dressing room tab should no longer show a blank Back tab by default.
Gear manager has been updated to work with auxiliary abilities and weapons.
Removed outdated achievements The Grimms and Heart of the Matter.
Fixed a brief delay when joining a group where group chat would not display right away.
Hazmat Suit will now correctly appear in the multislot section of the Dressing Room.
Corrected an incomplete sentence on a character selection screen popup.
The maximum number of possible gear manager slots your character can have when purchasing all upgrades, has been increased to 20.
Added new icons to playfield maps to show the lairs.
Area names and Lair names should no longer appear onscreen at the same time.


Into Darkness - Illuminati : You will now be able to continue if you skip the road flares and proceed to the meeting point in the dark.
Dawning of an Endless Night: Correct instance name will appear when attempting to enter Illuminati Archives.
Dawning of an Endless Night: You should no longer be attacked by friendly Undying Thanes in The Savage Coast stone encounter.
Hub cities: You are now unable to leave the training rooms until the weapon missions are complete.
Virgula Divina: Fixed an issue which caused some players to be unable to move after watching a cinematic in the mission.
To Catch a Thief: Goalmarker now guides you back to the instance on the 'follow the rogue agent into Agartha' step.
Total Eclipse: The Headlamp is now removed from inventory upon mission completion.
London Underground: Fixed an issue where the door found in the Bazalgette could be interacted with without having the mission active.
London Underground: The Crocea Mors item has been removed from the mission as it is no longer required.
New York
Mainframe: A locked door found in the instance will now provide appropriate feedback when interacted with.
The Pick-Up
Adjusted the trigger areas for this escort mission.
Fixed an issue where Cassandra would sometime stop following you during tier 6 which would prevent mission completion.
Fixed an issue where leaving the instance would sometime not solve the "Leave the maintenance tunnel" goal during tier 7.
One of the 3 doors will always allow you to pass through to the other side.

Floater: Lost Drone can now be spawned by other players after someone else already spawned it.
It takes Two to Tango: Tango should automatically respawn after it despawns either from mission completion or failure.
That'll Leave a Mark: Fixed an issue where the Injured Man would duplicate himself.
The Kingsmouth Code: Fixed an issue where the mission would pause after clicking some paintings.
Runaway Light - Fixed a few issues with Ellis gun during the mission cinematic.
The Hunger: Voracious Wendigo will now consistently spawn at the bones for tier 1, and then run away after the first ambush (without getting stuck at half health).
Hell and Bach: Theodore Wicker's spiritual memory re-lived on the seance circle in tier 2 is now distinct from his tape-recorded journal later in the mission, as intended.
The Savage Coast
Carter Unleashed
It is no longer possible to get stuck in the generators in the basement.
You can now complete the mission even if you have crafted the Charged Ward Generator before the intended goal.
Another Portable ward generator can be picked up while on goal "Assemble a charged ward generator" if it was used up previously.
The Media pop-up is now larger and easier to read.

A Carnival of Souls
Fixed an issue where you would sometimes be unable to destroy the Joy of Children during tier 3.
"Joy of Children" can be destroyed when re-entering the instance during "Free the Joy of Children".
Bring it Bach: Camera effect appears when the camera is used.
Jack's Back: Jack will reliably spawn after killing the 3 revenants in Tier 3.
Ami Legend: Fixed an issue where the encounter would sometimes break if you died during tier 2.
The Exterminator: Burrows can be attacked by melee attacks.
Dear Reader: Fixed an issue where the ravens would sometime not fly away when approached.
The Faculty: Professor Jones now drains less life from her familiars.
The Breakfast Cult: Ward generator effects in the library will show properly now.
Sinking Feelings: Added a text for when the mission has been solved. The number of slurs to kill has been adjusted.
The Blue Mountain
Bitter Servants can no longer attack you through walls in the Franklin Mansion and can no longer pass through walls.
Fixed an issue in pathfinding near the Franklin Mansion staircase where NPCs would end up under the stairs or on the above floor.
Fixed an issue that prevented you from entering the area for the Aspect of the Long-Toothed.
The Filth Amendment: The waypoint for finding Subject-Zero among the prisoners has been increased slightly in radius.
The Filth: The Media pop up in Tier 2 should now be localized in the mission journal.
His Master's Voice: French and German version of the pages should appear correctly in the journal.
Jack of the Lantern: Fixed an issue that could make Jack of the Lantern take a lengthy amount of time before spawning in the pumpkin patch.
Up in Flames: The Hazmat Suit awarded when completing the mission will now properly appear as a Multislot item in the Dressing Room.
Scavengers: Fixed an issue where the Faction Report would not show any text.

Fixed an issue that prevented you from completing the goal "Find a Wabanaki Guide's feather" after pausing and unpausing the mission.
The mapmarkers for the Ancestor's Nightmares have been adjusted to better reflect the location.
Fixed an issue that could cause the mission to not complete correctly.
Ancestor's Nightmares will no longer keep you on their hatelist, preventing you from regenerating health.

The Orochi Group
The Poisonous Smoke can now be prevented by wearing the hazmat suit (from the Up in Flames mission).
Fixed an issue where the required password was incorrectly shown on the computer terminal GUI during Tier 3.
The Media pop up for Tier 4 of the mission should now be localized.

Homeland Insecurity
The Tactical Map found during the mission will now match the visual look of it's media popup.
Fixed an issue that could prevent you from completing the mission if your inventory was full.

The Ghosts and the Darkness
Fixed an issue that prevented you from hearing Billy Woodrow's spoken dialogue.
Jimmy Rigby's corpse will now be easier to find.

Echoes in Eternity
Fixed an issue that prevented you from completing the mission if you resumed it on the last tier.
Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented you from completing the mission if you paused it.
The Scorched Desert
Old Gods, New Tricks: Mission dynel used to spy has been renamed to Spy on Tanis.
The High Cost of Dying
Tier 1: Interacting with the Altar of Learning inside the Ancient Marya Atheneum will now properly complete the mission goal.
Tier 2: Leaving the Ancient Marya Atheneum during the mission will no longer block the mission from progressing.
City of the Sun God
The 3rd Age - Tier 3: Fixed an issue that prevented you from completing the mission if it was paused.
Batteries Not Included: The Malfunctioning Drones found during the mission will no longer remain immobilized on the way to their destination.
Waters of the Nile: The mission will no longer disappear from certain instances.
Halls of Lost Records: The locked door in the Chambers of Horus will now unlock properly when the mission asks you to pick up the Key of Horus.
The Way of Things: Slightly improved lighting inside the pentagram room.
Blood and Fire: The Statue of the Voice of Aten encountered at the end of the mission will now respawn faster and should not lock anymore.

Changes to NPCs:
Shade Stalkers should be easier to handle.
Foreman Gahiji found new strength and should be slightly harder.
Eiz has drawn even more power from his altars.
Filth-Warped Aspirants now know how to use their weapons correctly.
Golems now properly bind to the will of the Shaper of Golems.
Transformed Orochi Soldiers have grown and found their proper powers.
Filthy Orochi Assaulter should be more interesting to fight.
Vile Dive ability from Soul Corruptors now have a clearer area of effect.
Bullrush ability from some Guardians now have a clearer area of effect.
The Corrupted Corpses NPCs in City of the Sun God have been tweaked to be more enjoyable.
Infectious Commander should be easier to handle.
Several NPCs have been made stronger in the mission "The way of things".
Shezmu the Betrayer found new defensive moves making him harder.
The manifestations of Amir now have less health.
Mummy ability "Old Blood" area of effect will now be clearer.
Envoy Runihura has gained new gear and will be harder to kill.
Rib-Hadda has gone through some soul searching and has been completely rebalanced.
The Bling Blang ability of Mummies should be less of a problem.
All NPCs in the mission "The Sad Song" should be easier to handle.
Jinn Riftseeker has channelled more power.
Heropsis, found in the Tainted Burrow, will now properly spawn adds during combat.
The Shadowy Forest
Respawn timers for standard NPC population have been increased around The Shadowy Forest.
You should no longer find oddly placed object interaction labels around the playfield.

Mortal Sins
The Water of Life pouring should no longer appear to cut abruptly.
Puzzles in the Dreaming Prison can now be solved without audio.
Each letter of the Water of Life puzzle should now reset correctly after a moment.

The Cellar Door
Fixed an issue where you would be unable to complete the mission if you Disabled the Security Wall too early.
You won't be able to skip ahead of the security systems and use levers unless you are on the appropriate objectives.

Fatal Framing
The Camera should now be removed from your inventory when you are not currently on the mission, or if you have completed it.
You should now be able to interact with the Romany Corpse again during the first goal of tier two, should you decide to abandon the mission.
The Camera should no longer be removed pre-emptively if you are in a grouped situation.

The Drăculeşti: The Goal Marker for the Photograph Fungal Incubators should now be more accurate.
The Amazing Brothers Blaga: The Electric Hazards debuffs in the area should no longer display placeholder text.
Free Spirit: The Goal Marker for Tier 1 is now more accurate.
The Wild Hunt: Leaving the cinematic directly after taking the mission does not continue to hinder your movement speed anymore.
Lord of the flies: You now have two minutes to kill the Forest Heart's Decay, and should revert back to the first goal should you fail by dying or running out of time.
Fungal Fireworks: The Electrical Substation image should no longer display to every player in the area, it will only display for the player using the terminal.
The Besieged Farmlands
Moved General Rodica slightly to prevent him from floating.
The Lone Wolf won't be lazy anymore, it will stand up and use its correct fight animations.
Added collision to Slave Dog Gladiators and Slave Dog Trackers in the Besieged Farmlands.
Ripples: The Herald of Sorrow won't disappear anymore if summoned while the summoner is outside of the circle.
Mortal Sins: The Forest God will now properly hold a mug while he is drinking during the cinematic on tier 2.
The Cost of Magic: The page can be picked up again if deleted or never picked up in case of a full inventory.
The Kindly Ones: This mission can now be picked up again after being paused.
The Carpathian Fangs
NPC respawn times in Carpathian Fangs have been adjusted.
Improved pathfinding in The Breach.

The Orochi message triggered from the terminal now plays to completion in all languages.
Audio will now be played when accessing the audio file on the computer terminal.
The Zmeu-Mother's will now respawn more quickly.
Adjusted the map marker for the "Access the terminal and find out what happened" goal during tier 1.
Adjusted the map marker for the "Gain access to the research data" goal during tier 2.
Adjusted the waymarker for 'Breached - Tier Two'
Finding the Orochi terminal will now update closer to the actual terminal.

The Girl is Gone
Fixed an issue where the helicopter would despawn before you could reach it.
Lidiya will be more aware of new players entering the observatory while she is in combat.
The helicopter should now arrive on time.
Boss lockout barriers encountered in Tier 4 of the mission will now come down sooner following the encounter's completion.

Eye Spy
The mission will now provide the correct amount of experience.
The mission will now fail properly if the triggering player disconnects. Note that the mission will only provide credit for grouped players - solo players must each escort the drone.
Too Deep: Fixed an issue where the four Bringer of the Beyond would sometime not spawn.
A Dying Breed: The mission will now provide the correct amount of experience.
Bloodlines: Added map markers to the goals requiring you to acquire blood sample from vampires.
Cabin Fever: Virgilu's respawn timer has been adjusted.
The Castle: The ability cast by House of Danesti vampires now has a proper name.
Icebreaker: The Ice block found during the mission can now only be destroyed by players on the appropriate goal of the mission.
Metal Detective: Adjusted the waymarker for Tier 1.


Blue Mountain soldier's arms now match the color of the rest of their skin.
Blue Mountain - Fixed the respawn times on the Ellri Lords and Broodmothers in the Quarry.
Reanimated Warrior's XX_Mesopotamian Snare cast is now named "Halting approach".
Ellri Destroyers' XX_Attract Zombie cast is now named "Undead attraction".
Zamira Vata now has her shades above her head.
The House of Danesti Keeper located in Dracula's Castle is now more aware of people sneaking up behind him.


Added collision to some gas canister found in the Fight Club.
The Shadowy Forest
Fixed an issue where the runestones near Mama Padurii lair were floating above the ground.
The Savage Coast
Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the Shadow version of the Theme Park instance.
General, Athen Paladins
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Joined: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:25 pm

Re: Server Patch Notes Combined!

Post by Bredin »





Three new Halloween missions are available. A phone call from Madame Rogêt will get you started.
The Meowling
Crossing the Black Path
The Cat God

Blue Mountain: Hrapp, Fog-Cloaked is now lurking around the Quarry.
New Seasonal achievements and rewards added for the Halloween event.
Fixed a localization issue in Fusang.
Added a missing door decal to the Modern Prometheus building.
Fixed an issue where Gear Manager builds could not be switched due to an item being on cooldown. The Gear Manager will now only check for active abilities being on cooldown.
London: Pangaea now offers a selection of new Streetwear and Footwear for men and women. This includes athletic sweater hoodies, baggy trousers with straps, and skate sneakers for men, and includes fur collar leather vests, sneaker heels, and two new miniskirts for women.
London: In the spirit of Halloween, Ealdwic station headwear vendors now offer a crown and pirate hat for men and women. They also carry a new set of wide and slim glasses for women.
Gear Manager now updates correctly if the build name is also updated.
Nightmare monsters Pit Dweller, Piston Predator and Xibalban Bloodhound now drops bind on pickup items instead of bind on equip.
Removed some wayward filth from Agartha.
Added audio to Dr. Aldini's flesh sawing animation.
Fixed a potential server crash with the Red Revere Lair Boss.
The Karma ability will now correctly cause the target to heal the next target it hits.
The visual effect for the Rocket Launcher ability Big Red Button now occurs correctly.
The raid GUI is now easier to notice, changes states when toggling the window, and is clearly draggable and movable.

Men in Black Vans - Tier 2: The journal text should appear again.
Blue Mountain
Homeland Insecurity: Fireteam Charlie members can now be healed during Tier 3 of the mission.
Strangers from a Strange Land: Adjusted the volume of the dialog for Huginn and Muninn.
City of the Sun God
The Binding - Tier 1: The Falcon should no longer get locked while no one is interacting with it.
The Binding - Tier 9: Fixed an issue where busts did not spawn.
The Shadowy Forest
The Drăculeşti: Flares will now fire even if an offensive target is selected.
Reduced the sound effects of the Wisps around Anastasia's caravan.

Eruption should now work properly on Relentless enemies.

Blue Mountain: Deconstructed Workers and Filth-Changed will now drop loot.
Egypt: Tweaked the environmental effects in the Egypt Lairs to improve detail level and visibility during daytime.
Shadow of Depravity no longer summons adds during the fight.

Fusang: Players now receive achievements for capturing facilities.
Fusang: You can now once again respawn a Custodian in a facility your faction owns if it was destroyed by an enemy faction, that did not manage to capture the facility.
Fixed an issue with the El Dorado battlefield game.



Two new missions are available with Issue #3:
'The Binding', which brings you to the City of the Sun God in Egypt to learn more about the Seven Sentinels. This truly epic investigation mission is definitely one of the most challenging and extensive.
'Dogs of War' plays on the mounting conflict between the vampires and their allies. Use your wits and battle prowess to instigate a war between the werewolves and the vampires.

There are also a full set of new Lair missions available!

The Cat God himself, after whom Issue #3 is named, will make his appearance in October as we are getting closer to Halloween. The Halloween event will run through the end of October and into the first week of November, and will include several missions which set off a brand new storyline including a new villain. So there'll be plenty of opportunities to take on the challenge and learn what's behind this new, dark threat to The Secret World come October!


Fixed an issue that caused some nVidia users to occasionally experience a Stop Error (BSOD) when zoning.
Fixed an issue with leech heals. "Reap and Sew" has been re-enabled.
Female hairstyles should no longer be offset by one in the list during character creation. ‘Sideswept Twist’ is no longer showing twice in the list of hair styles available for female characters.
Agartha: The portal to Hell Eternal (Elite) is now easier to access.
All of the faction marks have been updated to make them more visible.
Fixed an issue with hair clipping through some hats.
The ‘Close shaved’ hairstyle for males no longer shows over the character ears when viewed from the side.
Mark of the Templar and Mark of Blood no longer have the same visual effect on a target.
Social pets: The "Tabby-Cat" has been more accurately renamed "Calico Cat"
Fixed an issue with some shadows in The Shadowy Forest.
You can now swap weapons when you do not have one drawn.


Fixed an issue with in-game messages that could not be received by some players.
Deleting a mail without removing an attachment first will no longer cause the item to eternally remain in sender's bank.
Added a message warning users if they are the last member leaving their cabal, that anything left in the cabal bank will be lost.
Fixed the possibility of visually displaying very large expiration times in the marketplace.


Saved gamma settings will now load properly.
Shared gear manager builds do now appear correctly in the GUI.


The Facility: When Nodes get smashed you now immediately lose the buff if you are already inside the radius.
Darkness War - Wayeb-Xul: Bomb Mayans should now always explode at 0 HP.
Hell Raised: The Black Iron Artefacts no longer sound like they are machine-guns.


Dawning of an Endless Night: To lessen the inventory clutter, we removed the Deep Shaft key from the Illuminati box in the Franklin's mansion. Players that already have the key will still lose it upon finishing tier 17 of Dawning of an Endless Night.
Into the Darkness (Dragon): The Phoenician agent now sounds like he’s been corrupted by the filth.

New York
Mainframe: The entry field shown during tier 4 now provides information on how to enter data.

Kingsmouth Town
Death and the Instruments thereof: the diesel tank is no longer temporarily locked by other players.

Blue Mountain
Detritus Prime should appear more reliably in tier 1, though he still enjoys long walks in the bog.
The Haunting: Thomas is back in the fight during ‘Protect Margret and Thomas’ in tier 3.

Carpathian Fangs
The Motherlands: Fixed an issue with one mapmarker.
Stalker in the Darkness no longer resets during the fight.
Too Deep: Thirsting Shades will now provide the proper update when killed.
Too Deep: Metamorphosing Shades will now provide credit to all players involved in their death.
Too Deep – Tier 3: The mission goal now correctly instructs the player to kill a Shade from Beyond.
There are no Flowers in Pricolesti: Interacting with the mobile phone will now provide team credit.

Besieged Farmlands
The Forest God is no longer holding an invisible mug throughout the cinematic during tier 2.

The Shadowy Forest
Singing Stones - There is now an animation played when picking up a melody from a stone from tier 1.
Hungry like the Wolves - Tier 1: The Lone Wolf now shows a proper animation when he rotates to wait for you and when he returns to his patrol path.

City of the Sun God
Akir the Sun Guardian will now visit the City of the Sun God once in a while!

The Scorched Desert
Black Sun, Red Sand: There is now a visual indication that the tablet is "locked" for use while the guardian is alive during tier 4.


You can no longer change a build in the gear manager while an ability is on cooldown.
Perseverance should now trigger on activation of Frenzy abilities regardless of the result.
The grenades from ability ‘Dirty Bombs’ are now placed on the ground when possible.

Updated the tooltip for On Guard to say that the effect can stack up to 5 times instead of 10.

Reckless will no longer be triggered by Canonball.
Warmth now consistently works on other targets and it no longer requires you have put points into Follow Up to function properly.

Rocket Launcher
The animation for the Big Red Button ability no longer shakes the character for a second or two in the beginning.


Blue Mountain
Getting between the scaffolding and the wall in the casino won't make you slide out of control anymore.
General, Athen Paladins
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Posts: 1914
Joined: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:25 pm

Re: Server Patch Notes Combined!

Post by Bredin »





Multislot clothing now allows you to equip the head pieces separately from the rest of the clothing.
Investigation missions are now repeatable with reduced rewards!
Various adjustments and improvements have been made to PvP. For details please see the update notes below.
The abilities and skill for the new Auxiliary Weapon - "The Quantum Brace" are now available to see and purchase in the GUI. The mission for this, "The Uncertainty Principle", is currently disabled in this update. It will be available next week when the Issue #5 content is enabled!


London, Clothing: Check out the new Leatherwear clothing vendors in Ealdwic Station, as well as the additions to headwear, footwear, and imports vendors! In an attempt to even out the inventory, men can now purchase a large bundle of new clothing (100+ items), from lab coats to bandanas to steeltoed boots! Women can also purchase a new five-piece outfit, available in five colors.
Fixed the cause of a client crash.
You can no longer keep buying certain hats or bras that you already own.
The animation transition when doing the sleep emote is now smoother.
The achievement One for Ages will now be correctly awarded to you. For those who had already met the requirements but didn't have the achievement, killing any of the rare bosses will fix the issue.
We have added a few pre-set facial features to character creation.
The Florist's innovative "buy two, get 98 free!" sale has ended. Bouquets are now sold one by one.
The placeholder name found in the Lair Bosses achievement category has been removed.
Hardcore punk dress now unequips the leg slot when worn.
You can now dodge in the parking lot in New York.
The height sliders in Character Creation and the Plastic Surgeon now look the same.
Removed the ribbons from the female Tentacle Top hat because of clipping issues with hairstyles.
Dr. Aldini's incidentals will work in French and German.
Reduced the size and increased the length of the cooldown timer to display hours:minutes:seconds ("00:00:00").
Fixed an issue that caused high memory consumption around Innsmouth Academy.
White Marks of Venice items now use the proper icon.
London: The chairs in the library of Temple Club now seat you facing forwards, as intended.
Manhattan Exclusion Zone has been added to the Nightmare dungeons list in the LFG window.
Now players signed as tank only are shown in the LFG tool.
Fixed a sound issue in The Scorched Desert.
Added a new deck for completing the entire skill wheel.
Fixed an issue where an impact sound was played even without successful hit.
Dressing Room - Uniforms will only hide the slots they are meant to occupy instead of block them.
Switching between Main Wheel and Auxiliary wheel now displays the cell pane correctly.
Crafting - Fixed the clear assembly button and added a tooltip.
Gear Manager slots will update properly after purchasing a new empty slot.
Albion Theatre
Players in the Albion Theatre and playes in London can now talk to each other in London chat.
You may now collect all 3 pieces of Lore for the Opening Night of the Albion Theatre.
A "Silence" option in Audio now allows the cutting off of musical effects partway through.
Fixed an issue that could cause lighting in the Albion Theater to look different for you after reconnecting to the playfield during a performance.
Musical effects in the Albion Theatre will no longer cut themselves off if you choose to play one twice in a row.
Earning the "A Play for All Seasons" achievement now unlocks the Surgery Table, as intended.
Stage groups can relinquish ownership of the stage by cancelling the Director Buff on everyone in the stage crew.
The Quickened Anima item now has a new icon.
The Sprinting I-IV effects now have new icons.
Improved FPS around the Forsaken Oasis in The Scorched Desert.
Abilities can be queued with the mouse while other channeling abilities are being cast.


Buffed the effectiveness of the Equal Footing buff, especially at the lower ranks.
Fixed an issue that could cause minigames to not start.
Fixed an issue that caused players to be removed from the minigame queue when zoning or resurrecting.
Fixed an issue that caused players not to be able to join minigames that are already in progress.
Fixed an issue that caused minigame in progress to not request new players.
Fusang now uses the resurrection system from the minigames. All respawn timers (including the minigames) are set to be 15 seconds max.
The Fusang status results and map should update correctly again.
The maximum population for Fusang now scales dynamically. If your side has more than the minimum side plus a threshold (currently set at ten) you will be added to a queue. You will be able to enter once the population of the other factions increases.
Underdog custodians no longer attack the inner facility.
It is no longer possible to heal an underdog custodian.
Underdogs custodians no longer attack facilities that are under attack by another underdog custodian.
Illuminati base: Extended the safe area around the home base.
The World Domination buff should update properly again for all dimensions.
Fixed an issue that could cause the Illuminati and Templar Custodians to become confused.
Underdog Custodians will no longer fight each other.
The flag carrying particles now properly get removed from players who are linkdead.
The relics are now a flat distance away from the starting point rather than a variable distance.
Neutral flags now have a pickup time.
The "let it go" achievement should now work correctly.
The capture area will show the particle indicating who owns the area once again.
All achievements should work as intended.


Updated channeling ability tooltips show that the damage specified is dealt 'per hit'.
Updated resource consumer ability tooltips to include damage or heal values when consuming 5 resources.
Authority will now affect Flak Jacket and Greater Good.
We have done a round of balance adjustments on all consumers that have a cast time greater than 1 second (or a channel time of greater than 1 second):
Increased the damage dealt by Blade abilities Dancing Blade, Chop Shop, and Brandish.
Increased the damage dealt by Blood abilities Blood Spike, Infection, Exsanguinate, Left Hand of Darkness, Bloodshot, and Guts and Gory.
Increased the healing and barrier provided by Blood Magic abilities Angelic Aegis, Exquisite Corpse, The Scarlet Arts, and Hematic Rites.
Increased the damage dealt by Elemental abilities Combust, Electrical Storm, Flame Strike, Blaze, Conditional Force, Flashpoint, Fire Manifestation, Inferno, Magnetic Wipe, and Lightning Manifestation.
Increased the damage dealt by Pistol abilities Shootout, Big Forty Five, Semi-Auto, and Bond, Strong Bond.
Corrected an issue when using some abilities with Anima Charge.
Bamboo Cutter will now properly trigger Breakdown and gain bonuses from Blade boosting effects.
Rocket Launcher no longer flips on your back when 'Big Forty Five', 'Epicentre' and 'Stonewalled' are used.
Adjusted the sound effect of the Killer Instinct buff.
The sound of the Pistol attack Semi-Auto will no longer continue after the target is dead.


The red circle decal that's part of the particle effect for Eblis' Shadow Of Blood debuff no longer disappears when you jump.
Motes of Aten will now display in the deathcam for players viewing the Squalid Hekaturgist encounter in The Ankh.
The Orochi Extraction Helicopter will now take longer to appear after defeating the Primordial in Polaris.
Resolved a fight progress issue with the Manhattan Exclusion Zone.
Cybulski should no longer spawn multiple copies of himself in the Slaughterhouse.


London - All Roads Lead to Rome: you may now re-enter the Londinium Excavations if you leave under any circumstance midway through the investigation.
Illuminati Story Mission: Mainframe: Scrambling the Orochi turrets now gives feedback that the scrambling succeeded.
The Vision - the text of the Faction report has been added again.
The Hunger - Moved the Voracious Wendigo's spawn point off the rocks and closer to the ground.
The Savage Coast
Breakfast of Champignons - Ghost Cap mushroom's toxic cloud now debuffs healing.
The Blue Mountain
Detritus Prime - Golem remote controller will not delete itself, allowing you to keep it in case you fail the tier. Re-using it updates the goal "Use the remote to command the golem".
Detritus Prime - Goals to pick up the unfinished remote, ceramic resonator, and transmitter module will only update when you gain the items in your inventory.
City of the Sun God
Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented an Akh from appearing upon the death of an Aspirants during the first tier of The Stained Oasis mission.
You will no longer get stuck on Tier 7 of Black Sun, Red Sand if you attempt to pick up the scroll with a full inventory.
Carpathian Fangs
Waypoints for Cabin Fever, Tier 3 have been corrected.
Signal Jammers involved in The Girl is Gone should now respawn properly.
The Red Thread - The Spectral Lyre will now remain in your inventory if you pause the mission.
Shadowy Forest
Tier 2 of Shrooms will now fail after 2 minutes have elapsed.
The Cellar Door - You can now complete the quest even if you leave the instance and return.


Shadowy Forest - Fang Run Gorethroat will now give XP and loot.
Shadowy Forest - Your character will aim at the Queen Sect Friar from now on, instead of aiming at the floor.
Corrected an issue that could cause the Forest God to stand on the bar in the Besieged Farmlands.


All wearable items now have a maximum durability of 100 and will lose 10 durability each time you are defeated in PvE. Repair prices have been modified, making all uncommon items cheaper to repair, while repair of high end items is now more expensive.
Fixed many weapons that could not be used with Casting toolkits to create moulds.
Signet of Discipline now correctly lasts 8 seconds.
Signet of Discipline now has the correct internal cooldown of 10 seconds rather than 30 seconds.
Buff provided by Blue- and Purple-quality Overdrive signets now provide visual cues when slotted into Rocket Launchers.
Signets of Rejuvenation, Ablation, and Fortification will now trigger when dropping below 50% health regardless of the source of the damage.
The Agartha conduit will no longer spam you when you enter Agartha, if you have stored it in your bank.


The moon in Shadowy Forest is no longer intensely bright.
Dr. Aldini's - The papers on the floor will no longer flicker when moving your camera.
You can no longer get stuck on the soviet truck at the entrance of The Facility.
Shadows should now be rendered correctly in City of the Sun God, Shadowy Forest, Besieged Farmlands, and Scorched Desert.
Small collision fixes in "Ground Zero Flashback".



Players are allowed to attack targets that have 0 HP, but are not dead.
Pangaea's 1-PAX sale on certain new items is now ended!
Albion Theatre: Faction and city-themed backdrops are now on sale at qualified Engineers.

Slaughterhouse - Nightmare: Alexei-Raz should no longer fail to spawn when Aleksei-Chetyre hits 1 health.
Resolved an exploit with Eblis in Hell Eternal.

Fixed a collision issue in New York Raid that allowed players to leave the playable area.


The great threats to our planet, no longer contained in deniable, out-of-the-way locations, are now going to start bursting up in the great centres of the world. This raid takes place in New York City! All the classic TSW themes are here. A modern, familiar location gone horribly wrong. A nightmarish creature of madness and myth. The world as we know it on the verge of apocalyptic destruction, and a few heroes standing against the dark days. You can find more information about this raid in this article.

Western Boots no longer cut off trousers.
Auxiliary Upgrade Toolkits will no longer stack and become unusable.
Cabal chat channel: fixed an issue with messages displaying twice.
Albion Theater: you should no longer get stuck between the mezzanine and the balcony.
If you already have a Princess Tiara outfit you will no longer be able to buy another by accident.

White or black marks bought from a vendor no longer get split among the group.
Fight Club
It's now possible to group up with your friends in groups or raids without having to worry about damaging your friends.
All Faction home bases now have a console that allows players to charge their underdog Custodian remotely.
The entrances to the home bases are now protected by turrets.
Increased the healing done by the underdog Custodian aura.
Reduced the amount of anima shards needed to activate the underdog Custodian.
It's no longer possible to heal the turrets protecting the facilities.
The rewards for capturing and holding facilities in Fusang have been adjusted back to what they were before.

The Facility: The Filth Pit encounter will no longer break on reset after healing a Node.

To Sir, With Love
Mission will not update until you gain Montag's blood in your inventory. If it does not occur on the first click, subsequent clicks on Montag may trigger the item spawn.
Old mission items in your inventory will be deleted, and then respawned which will solve the mission goal. This applies to Montag's blood, the occult spectrometer, and the mirror.
Occult spectrometer and the mirror world objects will no longer despawn when used.


Massive PvP Enhancements
Issue #4 includes massive PvP enhancements with the goal to make the conflict between the Secret Societies even more rewarding, more persistent and fairer. The update includes improvements and changes to rewards in Fusang, White Marks of Venice, Cross-Dimension Fusang, PvP Gear Progression, Matchmaking, a new PvP Mission and more! You can read all about these PvP enhancements here.

Take the Stage at the Albion Theatre
With Issue #4, you are able to enter the Albion Theatre in London and put on whatever kind of show your heart desires! Our goal is to empower players. Open mic night? Sketch comedy shows? Extensive Shakespearean productions? Cabaret? Music video? It's really an open toolbox – you and your friends can use the Albion to do whatever you want. Check out this article on The Secret World website for more information.

Issue #4 also sets the stage for the big Raid in New York, which is undergoing final testing and will be brought Live as soon as possible.

Other brand new features available now:
New Auxiliary weapon : Chainsaws! Pick up the mission from Dr. Aldini in New York to begin!
Starter Decks - Nine decks have been added for players who finish the inner ring of combat abilities.
Character size slider has been added to character creation and the plastic surgeon!
Reticule targeting mode is now available. Toggle this mode on and off via the T key.
Slaughterhouse Nightmare mode is now officially open!
Pick up these brand new Missions:
All Roads Lead to Rome - from Mama Abena in London
To Sir with Love - from Hayden Montag in The Savage Coast
The Red Thread - from Callisto in Carpathian Fangs
New Lair Missions are available. These require you to have finished another mission first. These prerequesite missions will award an item which will help you in the new Lair missions.
The Last Strand (Kingsmouth Town)
Required mission: Coralations (Item: Red sargassum barrel)
The Cover-up (Savage Coast)
Required mission: Nobel Calling (Item: Dynamite)
The Whole Truth (Blue Mountain)
Required mission: Picking Up the Pieces (Item: Ward stone)
Up In Smoke (Scorched Desert)
Required mission: Blood Garments (Item: Sufferer's raiment)
The Black Pharaoh's Guard (City of the Sun God)
Required mission: The Trinket Trail (Item: Plenarius artifact)
Restoration (Besieged Farmlands)
Required mission: Blessed Are the Makers (Item: Enchanted statue)
Kreep Rush (Shadowy Forest)
Required mission: Seedy Underbelly (Item: Seeds of Cleansing)
The Shipping News (Carpathian Fangs)
Required mission: The Mortal Coil (Item: Tesla turret)

When equipping a weapon which has a weapon skin applied, the weapon skin will now show correctly. Previously it would only show up correctly if you zoned in with the weapon already equipped.
The Master Planner achievement will now reward a costume.
The I Am Legend achievement will now reward an item.
London: Dancers in the Horned God will now leave the floor to give groups of players more space.
Text should no longer show up in the chat window for long-winded civilians.
Fixed a clipping issue with the female Preacher outfit.
Male eyebrows no longer clip through the glasses on the Grifter outfit.
Movement speed while dead will now scale with your current rank of Sprinting.
Seoul: the Fight Club in Seoul is now open to Illuminati and Templar participation.
Fixed stat modifications that did not revert when items were unequipped.
Raid chat is available (except in Fusang Projects).
Fixed shadows at the Old Asylum Approach anima well in Blue Mountain.
Fixed the intensity of the moon in Shadowy Forest.
Adjusted chair height and brightness in the Horned God pub.
Try these new dance emotes:
All the repeatable solo nightmare missions should now reward a Signet Reward Bag.
The missions Cellar Door and Fungal Fireworks will no longer award a Signet Reward Bag, but will give out reward in line with their difficulty.
New Achievements for the Albion Theatre event are available!
NPCs with a spawn animation will now always play the full animation (previously the first part of it could get cut off).
Cats were moved back to their normal locations in Roget's place and the Franklin Mansion.
The mission tracker will now close when you walk away from an open mission GUI.
Fixed the doors in the Slaughterhouse so they will not always appear open when viewed from a distance.
Lairs - The Last Strand - Draug no longer keep spawning after the assault is over.
Added sound effects to the turrets in The Shadowy Forest.
It is no longer possible to sit in the air by using the chair from distance.
A raid leader can now invite a group with a leader that has already left the raid.
The Achievement Love and Rockets will be awarded to players who have already finished the mission Venetian Missile Crisis when „Issue #4“ goes live.
Raid chat is available!
Fixed an issue that caused stacks of flowers bought at the florist to decrease by 2 each time one was consumed.
Fixed an issue where certain clothing would cause your female character's arms to become invisible.
Seoul : Dae-su's body is no longer invisible.

Increased the damage dealt by all Rocket Launcher abilities.
Increased the damage dealt by the See Red ability.
Healing friendly NPCs with the Adrenalise passive equipped will no longer cause them to attack you.
Assault Rifle - Improved Bursts passive will now properly increase the healing done by the Anima Burst ability.
Blade ability Sixth Sense will now build a counter for each received glancing hit instead of having a delay between counters to keep in line with other defensive effects.
Added a tooltip description to the Two Cuts Blade skill.
The Blood Spike DoT effect now has the correct icon.
Added tooltip description to the Elemental Skill "Fury".
Hammer ability Grip Whip will now display the correct damage value in the tooltip. This is only a tooltip change. The ability itself has not been changed.
Hammers - Reduced the overall damage dealt by Epicentre.
Breakdown no longer requires Impaired state to apply the Exposed debuff.
Breakdown will only apply 1 stack of Exposed per hit.
Increased the damage dealt by Escalation.
Escalation will no longer apply the Exposed debuff.
Intensity has been changed to no longer grant Minor Ward when hitting Weakened targets with Escalation. It will now improve Escalation to apply the Exposed debuff.
Increased the damage dealt by Blood Magic abilities Blood Spike, Infection, Left Hand of Darkness, Bloodshot, and Guts and Gory.
Increased the healing and barrier provided by Blood Magic abilities Angelic Aegis, Exquisite Corpse, and Hematic Rites.
Increased the damage dealt by Elemental abilities Combust, Electrical Storm, Flame Strike, Blaze, Conditional Force, Fire Manifestation, Magnetic Wipe, and Lightning Manifestation.
Left Hand of Darkness damage has been rechecked for accuracy in Issue #4.
Fixed an issue with the description of Intensity.

All white marks of venice in the game have been wiped
Prices at all PvP vendors have been rebalanced to no longer cost any white marks
Prices at all PvP Vendors is now somewhat lower
Rewards for PvP minigames and Fusang has been changed so that you on average get the same amount of rewards for time spent doing them
All PvP vendors now allow you to convert 100 white marks into 1 black mark
PvP-gear can now be upgraded to 10.4
The pricing of PvP-gear has been tweaked, so the time it takes to get a full set of PvP 10.4 gear is in line (but not equal to) the amount of time it takes to get a full set of 10.4 Nightwatch gear.
Stonehenge and El Dorado
PvP matchmaking system tweaked
PvPPerformance stats on all players wiped for this change
If you are lower than QL10 you now get Equal Footing in minigames
Fusang has been merged into 3 battlegroups for higher player population:
Group A: Cerberus, Arcadia, Leviathan
Group B: Drac, Kobold
Group C: Daemon, Grim, Huldra
Fusang Reward scheme changed into a tick-based system
Fusang PvP-missions no longer reward you with black marks.
PvP vendors with upgrades for your faction's turrets and custodians are available near your faction home base anima well
A new PvP mission, The Underdogs is available for factions that are outmatched in Fusang.

Vulkan's persistent area effects will disappear after the encounter ends.
Nobel Calling - Blueprint rewards changed for a different lair boss.
Hell Eternal
Piston Predators should no longer stack in the encounter with the Flagellatrix Superior.
The "Enflamed" environmental debuff in Hell Eternal now stacks up to 10. At 10 stacks, it kills the affected player. Don't stand in the fire!
Eblis will no longer cast Solar Collapse twice in a row if interrupted.
Eblis's life drain, Consummation, can no longer be interrupted.
All players should now be able to see damage dealt by Eblis's spell Consummation.
Eblis should now be more consistent about stunning his target during Consummation.
Eblis's spell Cast Out can no longer be interrupted.
Eblis's vortexes should now appear more quickly on phase transition.
Particles have been adjusted in the fight with Eblis to more accurately reflect damage areas.
Corrected several locations where players could become stuck. Fixed several world design issues.
Slaughterhouse - Fixed an issue with an invisible NPC in the NKL-107 fight.
Added the Slaughterhouse Nightmare mode to the LFG list.

Story Mission Templars
Virgula Divina: If you enter the playroom keypad code before receiving all clues, your mission will now update appropriately.
New York
Questions and Answers - Leah's arms no longer clip through the desk during the cinematic for tier 5.
Just a Flesh Wound
Fixed an issue with the Flesh Blob's casting particles.
Your character will now wield a visible chainsaw in your hands when cutting through the wall.
Fixed the particles when collecting from corpses.
Added sound effects when hacking with a hammer.
Corrected placeholder names for abilities used during this mission.
Added goalmarkers for the major goals of the mission.
Mission now updates for all party members when one person uses the tube.
The loose limb will no longer despawn permanently if you die while fighting it.
The Pick-Up - Cassandra should no longer respawn twice or more.
The Savage Coast
Crime and Punishment - Feedback is provided when the player fails 3 times at entering the code.
The Black House - Strange candle will give the lore when used, but will only trigger the fire once every 5 minutes.
The Black House - Tier 3 urn screen effect will no longer play on other players' game clients.
Hell and Bach - Wicker will now spawn in the middle of the circle in Tier 2.
Theme Part Tycoon - Angry Clown should spawn as normal.
The Blue Mountain
Ami Legend - Ami now has subtitles when she speaks during the mission.
Ami Legend - Assaulting ak'ab will spawn when player leaves and re-enter the assault area.
The Scorched Desert
The Living Oil - The letter will no longer remain stuck to your character's foot after finishing the mission.
Fixed an issue that would sometimes make the crystals unresponsive during the mission The Big Terrible Picture.
City of the Sun God
The Prompt for the Pinnacle will no longer say that it is a solo instance (since it can be joined in groups).
The Besieged Farmlands
Mortal Sins - Cucuvea now holds an object in her hand during the cinematic.
Examining the drawing in Tier 1 of 'The Kindly Ones' will no longer provide group credit.
You can get the Statue from Mortal Coil and multiple players can use the statue if the mission is failed.
The Shadowy Forest
Mortal Sins - Fixed an issue with the tier 10 puzzle that prevented some instances of it from thinking they were solved properly.
Singing Stones - Corrected an issue where players could not interact with rocks during different tiers of the mission.
The Carpathian Fangs
They Mostly Come at Night - Mr. Ruffles will now be worn properly on your character's body.
The Shipping News - The mission will no longer break after one person uses the console.

Energy Drink - Leech consumables will now give a leech effect equal to the power listed in the item tooltip.
Fixed an issue that created bald spots on hairstyles when wearing the female Pirate Hat.
All Male Templar uniforms have been dyed to a nice deep red, to match the female outfits.
Pure Anima - Max Health, Attack Rating, and Heal Rating will now stack with Anima - Block Rating, Crit Rating, Crit Damage Rating, Defense Rating, Evade Rating, Hit Rating, Penetration Rating, Physical Protection Rating, and Magical Protection Rating. You will now be able to have one Pure and one normal Anima buff active at the same time.
Sov-Tech auxiliary weapon moulds now transform auxiliary weapons into the correct Soviet look and not Orochi.
Signet of Corruption should now display the proper rarity color when attached to an item.
Signet of Thirst will no longer cause friendly targets to gain hate towards the user.
Internal cooldown on Signet of Thirst was updated to match the displayed value on the item tooltip.
Signet of Serenity should no longer cause friendly targets to gain hate towards the user.
Signet of Temperance should no longer cause friendly targets to gain hate towards the user.
Signet of Fury will now gain stacks for each successful hit rather than each successful attack.
Rocket Launchers will now display that they require 10 skill to equip when equip requirements are not met.
The male Snakeskin outfit now looks more like snakeskin.
Signet of Obedience will no longer stack higher than intended. This is a visual change only and does not affect the damage bonus.
Blue and Purple versions of Signet of Obedience will now properly provide the damage bonus.
The rifle Crushed Will is now worn like other rifles on the back.
Black Mark of the Morrigan proc effect will no longer trigger passives.
Black Mark of the Morrigan proc effect will only gain 1 stack per second.
Signet of Equilibrium and Signet of Benediction will no longer cause friendly NPCs to attack you after you heal them.

Increased the maximum purchasable inventory size to 250.
Increased the maximum purchasable bank size to 300.
Changed Enemy Evade Chance in the character sheet to Enemy Evade Penalty.
Changed Enemy Crit Chance in the character sheet to Enemy Crit Penalty.
Auxiliary Blueprints and the Moulds they create are now Green quality items instead of White to facilitate Need/Greed rolling.
Made improvements to the Raid menu.
Added an icon for Raid missions.
Fixed a problem when players were seeing a highlighted gear mouse cursor but received a "Too far away" message.
Resource bars for Fist and Hammers no longer stay at 0/5.
Stats should now update correctly on your Character sheet.
Fixed an issue where clicking on the Ability Wheel would sometimes bring up the Auxiliary cells instead of the Main Wheel cells.
General, Athen Paladins
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Posts: 1914
Joined: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:25 pm

Re: Server Patch Notes Combined!

Post by Bredin »


The Research of Tyler Freeborn - Tier 3: The Guardian assault should no longer keep going past 2 minutes.
The Research of Tyler Freeborn: Players on mission "Survive the battle" should have the assault start for them when they run to the holding cell while there are no Orochi guards around.
The Anubis Mask now has a red glowing eye effect.
Female Dawnbringer Garb should no longer have clipping issues with hood and most hairstyles.
The cooldown on the Time Accelerator item has been fixed.
The Dust crafting material should work correctly again.
Two exploits have been fixed.
If you lose a resurrection point that you are signed up to respawn at, you will now resurrect at the closest resurrection point instead of having to wait for the next respawn wave.



A brand new mission line is now available: „The Vanishing of Tyler Freeborn“. This is the first DLC mission. All current players and all players who purchase the game in December 2012 will receive it for free. To access the mission please open the Item Store and claim it from the Boosts / Account tab.
The Uncertainty Principle – the mission to the new Auxiliary weapon ‘Quantum Brace’ has now been activated. To get started in this mission, talk to Moose in Kingsmouth.
From Carthage to Cairo - Tanis in the Scorched Desert needs help in covering her tracks in her involvement of a certain shipment.
Obstructive Persons – help Alina Florea in The Shadowy Forest with her plans to leave Morninglight.


A new Shortcut Bar is now available, which provides access to inventory slots that can be linked to hotkeys.
The maximum number of Gear Manager slots has now been correctly set to 100.
Equipping the chainsaw will now play a sound.
Fixed an issue where purchased items haven't been delivered promptly.
If you log out or disconnect during the Ground Zero tutorial event, you will now be able to advance when you return to the game.
There is a new ‘smile’ emote available.
The chest category no longer shows empty when opening the Dressing Room GUI.
Albion Theatre: fixed some issues with sound from the stage being occluded on certain occasions.
There is now an animation shown from standing to sleeping when using the ‘sleep’ emote.


Just a Flesh Wound – Tier 5: Dr. Aldini is again rewarding players with the Chainsaw.


The Time Accelerator item can no longer be deleted accidentially.
The Casting Toolkit can now create a mould from Shield of Barbarossa and Black Eagle.
Fixed a clipping issue with the Cosmonaut suit.
The ‘Suit Pants. Dark grey’ no longer appear white with blood splatters in the preview.
Fixed a clipping issue with the head piece of the Mercenary Multislot Deck outfit.


Fixed an issue that prevented the PvP role buffs from not showing their stats anymore.
Slightly increased the effects of the Integrated Anima Conduits uniform buff.
You can now queue for the PvP minigames while in Fusang.
Getting killed by Fusang NPCs no longer causes durability loss on equipment.
Fixed an issue where the Custodian would walk in the wrong direction before turning around and proceeding in the correct direction.


You should no longer get stuck in the Red Hand Observatory area of The Besieged Farmlands.
You should no longer get stuck at the bottom of the Breach area in The Carpathian Fangs.
Fixed an issue with a floating propane bottle in The Carpathian Fangs.
General, Athen Paladins
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