How to make credits

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Post by Hyde »

but if you're doing it solo, how long does the kill take? Contrast it with how long a 200ish normal mob takes to die. I don't know, never played with that unique, so could be faster cash but I'm doubting it.
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Post by Chrisax »

Val is talking of the basic minions of the Unique, I guess, the Followers of the One. No way The One can be soloed, and killing the Harbringer of the One would be pointless, no better loot than the Followers and it takes forever. (I know, I did it many times.)

I was surprised to see the armor sold so well, then I remembered I sold pieces long ago for 60k/piece. At that time, killing a Follower was a challenge, and there was no point in trying to make money like that.

Today, when you are 200, with SL stuff and perks, etc, I guess it's something to test. Use a stopwatch ;) and calculate exactly how much money you make over time. It probably depends a lot on the profession.
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Post by Xortus »

Hyde thx for the tip to sell shop food stuff to omni map terminal... :D I got like 4m selling almost 5 backs of crap :) and they were only like ql 150-170 stuff and some of em where kinda crappy. but thx anyway :D
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Post by Sillanto »

I heard taht omni term pay better but are there any you can use as clan and if so where ? :)
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Post by Alphacenta »

Sillanto: Into the general store of the omnis, and sell to their maps booth :wink: (As mentioned twice by Hyde n Xort)
Lupusceleri L220/24 Agent.
Silversmith upcoming TL5 twink.
Wolfseye L110/12 Adventurer (towertwink).
Lysdexic L90/9 Agent (Mimic Enf towertwink).
Aesculapias L21/2 Doctor (ancient).

Aaaand various other alts.
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Post by Sillanto »

Thanks. didnt realise you could sell as clan. thoguht they were using alts.
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Post by Xortus »

Nope.. I didn't use alt :P but I used yalm :P damn those areas are dangerous so you better keep your eyes open for attacks :P
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Post by Chrisax »

Go to the Omni outpost called 2HO, the grid is usually not guarded and there is only a guard on the way to the store. (Look at the Huge map of RK or the CSP map to locate the stores). You can run fast to the store.

Also, there is a bunker not far from the rgid terminal: good place to hide if you have aggro.
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Post by Xortus »

Oh thx Chris :D Now I don't have to run away from omni elite forces that are behind my ass trying to grill me :P Now I can do it much safer ^^
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Post by Valkyrieval »

I've read that you have to have about 1000 complit in order to make the same money selling it an omni shop as a lowbie trader in a trader shop.

See ... ostcount=4

I have a level 41 trader on a second account who keeps CL implants in all the time. I can sell for more with her than I can with my main.

Especially if you have a lot of alts, setting up a froob trader will net you more money.
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Post by wap »

Hmmm...I'm an idiot I guess...I've never thought of setting up a froob trader...dual log him and make my selling worries go away!! Ur genius..pure genius!! Good tip....bump for you!!
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Post by tommytanker »


Just another tip:
Sell all your shop food @ Newland City Miir store, it will pay same as omni shops (ofc Trader shop its better, but for lazy people its easier).

Took me a few mins to find this guide ^^ I need to make money and I had no idea how to, my Soldja is 216 now LOL as froob I knew many ways, but I'm so noob with expansions :cry:

so better and faster way:
camping/selling pred armor, making perenniums
any ideas? I heard about SL dynas but I have no idea what items are expensive... any other ideas?
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Post by Rulzern »

In SL, and in no particular order, not sure what is more money/hour:

-Dynas for items (Pred armor is not a good money-maker at higher levels, I sometimes camp nippy when I'm doing stuff that allows me to spend 2 minutes every 20 minutes to kill it)
-Dynas for PBs (some symbs sell very well indeed)
-Farming pearls (slow)
-Farming stuff for aruls
-Farming Alba
-Farming catas for rings and tier stuff (not worth it)

Not sure if I forgot something, making perens and camping pred armor isn't all that good money at 216 compared to other things.
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Post by Ceokittymeow »

Well when i had my Crat available to me (Still frozen ;_; ) I had somewhat of a way to make some creds that actually worked really well and wasn't that time consuming as I am still under the lvl 200 mark... (last i check i froze at lvl 196 i think)

I loved to mezz blitz team missions... The more the merrier! Clicksaver was my best buddy!

Now what i did was get people to team up for missions (If i couldn't find anyone to help roll some quick missions, i would just triple log some fr00bs i had kicking around) get as close to a lvl 200 mish as i can (after lvl 200, the mobs go very mean and ace prefix and can be major tools as mezzes wont insta stick) and made it to where all of them were in City of Home in Broken Shores (BS for short)

I set up CS for head on and credits, everthing else is up to you ( I liked having human mobs and head on so it would be easier to land mezzes). Then i would roll about 10 mishs and be on my merry way.

I would go in and mezz all mobs, kill some if they couldn't be mezzed or countered (which was a rarity for me) but i would mezz all and loot everything that wasn't nailed to the floor, and if it was i would pry it off the floor! Every chest, box, broken android etc. looted and head for the boss room

Now the boss rooms were kinda tuff but i had ample supply of victims... i mean mobs to throw them selfs to the boss ( I love charms ), kill boss loot and leave, mezzing anything that broke out of the mezz.

After that it was rinse and repeat and i was done with 10 team mishs within 1/2 hours tops!

Sell on a fr00b trader that was lvl 30ish and pow! I made about 10-12 mil if it was a good day, that not including the 2-3 sets of complete ql 200 implants that sell good, as well as Recompilers and other RK goodies i could sell seperate!

Now this is what i did for alot of my credits when i was wanting something for my crat or an alt, but this could be done with lower level toons that can mezz and solo a team boss. It wont have as high of a pay out but you can get a good bank roll going and start to become more self sufficient.

This also works out well for those on the token grind around lvl 100 to get your last RK upgrade merit board, just instead of mezzing mobs, you would have to kill them...

So that is my little money maker idea, hope that it helps any

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Re: How to make credits

Post by Mortus »

Necro bump! I guess most things in this thread are still viable ways to get credz at low/mid/high levels. At 210ish+ a lot of other farming options opens up, but I'm not too experienced with endgame farming yet :P

Addition to this thread:

The span of player economy is very wide i.e. some people have 1M and think that's a lot, some people have 4bn and just don't care. Higher level player that are twinking something on are sometimes willing to pay way overprice for items. As example selling CL guns for 2-3M a piece (buys from GMS for ~1M) and selling QL200 CL imps for 2M each (clean imps cost less then that). Again, 2-3M profit might not be worth it for you, but it's an easy way that requires no camping and basically no time.

Buy and resell. Always good.
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