PVP scaling

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PVP scaling

Post by Elrojo »

Just wondering if anyone has more insight to PvP scaling between levels.

I have done a few now, nothing to write home about, but I notice it doesn't work like AO where here are level caps of who can join what.

I noticed that my HP is increased to about 11k, but I was wondering what other leveling out conditions are used? For example the armor stats. Are they reduced, or improved accordingly, or is it just tough luck? Also the damage done. I see noobas (lvl 44) did like 200k dmg and I did 30k. But is this cos he's better and PvP and a dmg class or just cos he's higher level and does more dmg overall?

Also are there caps on dmg dealt like in AO where it is halved and also capped to 30%.

It seems unbalanced still as a level 44 has a far more advanced toolset that a lvl 25. This is like the old 207 vs 170 in AO.
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Re: PVP scaling

Post by Hyde »

Elrojo wrote:It seems unbalanced still as a level 44 has a far more advanced toolset that a lvl 25. This is like the old 207 vs 170 in AO.
Yep, SWTOR made the decision to simply NOT cater to lower levels and twinks. Personally, I think it was the right call. You still CAN PVP at lower levels and have some chance, but the content gets focused on end game. No balance issues caused by abilities not scaling perfectly from level to level.

It's a direction I hope other future games take. Twinks and lower level brackets are interesting in AO but meant they consumed alot of resources (and, when looking at towers, were still not able to be balanced against world PVP objectives). WoW and Rift PVP would be much better if they had taken similar measures.

It does force PVPers to do that much more PVE ... but ... the level, difficulty and time required for SWTOR PVE is minimal.

It really isn't as bad as a 170 vs 207. That combination had virtually zero chance 1:1 and almost zero chance in groups. SWTOR pairs 1 to 49, meaning the 50s with the top-end PVP gear can't gang up on the lowbs. Your HP is compensated and I am pretty sure the base abilities that trickle to hit/crit chances are scaled up.

Agreed that the lack of abilities does hamper, and yes, a 44 can more easily get gear to focus on specific stats (Power, Alacrity, etc) than a L10-30 can. But they're making it 100% clear to players that they do not want the players to pause at these lower levels.
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Re: PVP scaling

Post by Mud »

pvp gear comes in level 20, 40, and 50 forms. So when you face those 40+ and they hammer your face, good chance they have that gear. And yeah it just stinks, base abilities, damage, and healing are buffed...but you are right the abilites are not there. So one on one you don't stand much of a chance...also to heal well you need people to protect you, and I mean really protect you. Most don't understand this at all.

My advice find some guys that do well...maybe the one guy that kinda helps you, HEAL him like crazy, you make friends and a name for yourself, people will start to protect you more, then you heal more...then you make a better name for yourself, it's a process.
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Re: PVP scaling

Post by Elrojo »

Yes i feared as much.

Its not so bad in that you dont have crap HP and they can kill in 3 shots. The first time i felt like i was just a lemming running into battle. The "objectives" arent as clear to me yet and in most cases there wasnt enough ppl to sustain PvP and it ended early.

I have worked out to just heal people who look like they are taking a beating and spam it even if i die. I figure if i die and they dont maybe they will like me ^^. I cant really out heal the dmg yet as its only about 800 heal. the charge and cool down is a bit slow. even in PvE it can be difficult.

The only thing i dont like that is that this is (to my knowledge) the only way to start banking the commendations or w/e to buy the end game stuff. I see that the content is still good end game, but i prefer to be able to progress as i progress.
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Re: PVP scaling

Post by Chrisax »

Nothing really to add to the above, except to praise the old City of Heroes which first implemented like 9 years ago a system where, while teaming, your characters can be boosted to the highest level in the team. You don't get more abilities but all the ones you have are boosted to the top level. This made teaming much easier.
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Re: PVP scaling

Post by noobas »

I have to disagree.

I have my own personal story to relate, and, I'll admit it either doesn't say much for my skill, or, I dunno what, anyway I'll share.

I've been PVPing hard last weekend, because of the valor grind at 50 (I'm up to valor 28 now, which means I gained 8 ranks this weekend). I've got better too. I'm better at choosing fights and knowing when to pop defences.

So, I AM getting better, and, at 47 now, I'm nearing my full toolset.

But, there are still problems, for one, the crouch thing is extremely finicky. Against some profs it's great, against others, it's the biggest hassle.

So, this weekend I found myself finding (seeking) out opponents that were goodd, or tough matches, and I'd activly hunt them if we were either blown out or sitting on comfortable leads. Anyhow, I found this level 20 sniper (my opposite on imp side), named Blue'something. Now, at level 20 was when I started PVPing as well, and, theres no point in hiding the fact that a full set of PVP armor at level 20 is mindblowingly powerful. The way stats inflate with the PVP buff, basically, the better your setup is relative to your level, the better your buffed stats are goign to be. It turns out, that snipers really only need cunning and endurance to be good.. and, this is also what I found when I PVP'ed to valor 20ish around level 20.

The point is, I found a really good match for me, who was level 20. Now, the reason he was a good match isn't because of gear... it's the way he played. He was very good, REALLY good, and honestly I had to adjust my whole method to produce kills on him (overall, we were probably 50/50 by the end of the weekend), but I would produce 30+ kills where he would produce 10+, but thats becuase I'm higher level with far more DPS capability... BUT you can't take away from him his ability.

So, the reality is, for me at least, and probably for many other classes, SKILL>>level

Briefly, the reason this guy was beating me or so evenly matched despite my far better toolset is for two reasons: 1. using LOS to limit his exposure whenever I crouched (immobile), 2. getting into a hard to reach location where he would have several shots on anyone before they could get to him.

So, he followed my forum advice... lol, and the LOS bit was where he was really killing me. Anyway, i've got a better idea of how to play now, but I need a lot of practice.

Bottom line is though, is don't let a low level dictate your perception. Use your toolset, and the defences you have available, and hit hard on the guys you see have taken damage, travel in packs, and use stuns/interupts wisely... (tracer missile !!!!)
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