FAQ (starters): Character Creation, improvements announced

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FAQ (starters): Character Creation, improvements announced

Post by Chrisax »

Temporary note:
For technical reasons, the last updated and edited version of this FAQ is on TSW official forums. Check it there. This one will be updated very soon.


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Character Creation, look, improvements announced

How long does character creation take?
  • If you don't really want to customize (!) and just pick standard choices, you can be done in one minute.

It can't make a character I find beautiful! Also I don't feel I can customize it enough! What the hell?
  • TSW Developers are aware of this concern and are working ri answer the wishes of the Community. They already announced that you will be able to deeply modify, customize and improve your character in-game in the future, with a first target date for the end of August. (See the details at the end of this FAQ in the question about “The Modern Prometheus, Ockham's Razor, and Execution”).

    The first use of these features will be free.

    So, at the moment, TSW doesn't try to make systematically beautiful characters. Currently, you have to do some work to find the combination that will make a pleasant or even beautiful face.

    If you experience difficulties to obtain a result you like, try playing with accessories at character creation but mostly in the game. For example, various glasses are available in both the NPC stores (using in-game credits “Pax Romana”) and the Items store (using Funcom points).

I can't create a new character because my dimension is full! What can I do to play with my friends?!
  • Just create a character on another dimension: in TSW all players from all dimensions can play together and chat together.
    Also, Cabals are cross-dimension too and can have members everywhere.
    The dimension you are asked to choose is only your “Home dimension”: it's the dimension in which you will arrive immediately when you log on and to which you'll return automatically and in a transparent manner when you don't need to be elsewhere.
    But you are never stuck in a dimension.
    For more explanations, please see the FAQ
    "FAQ: Dimensions & Single Server technology - Understanding and using them"
How many characters can I have?
  • You can create 3 characters, and 1 more for pre-orders with the Master or Grand Master pack.
    This number may look limited but as there is no class/profession in TSW and as each character can get all the abilities available in the game, there is not need to create “alts” (alternative characters) for another class, etc.
    So the 3 slots are provided with the idea of having one character in each secret society, although you can use them as they want. (If you wanted 3 Templars, for example, possibly for role-playing.)

Are there special breeds or species or anything similar available for my characters?
  • No; everyone is a human being from Earth.

Does character creation choices influence my power and gameplay?
  • No, you can look as you want to.

Are there ethnic / races choices and do I have to pick specific ones to belong to a given society (for example, Asian for The Dragon)?
  • You can create a character with the (human) skin color and “ethnic” looks you want (in the limites of the character creator of course). Your look doesn't influence your powers or the society you want to join.

Can I choose my skin color independently from my facial aspect?
  • At the time of writing it seems there are some restrictions; for example you can't create an Afro-american character with a very pale skin color.

When do I choose my name?
  • When you are happy with your character, you give him/her a name (not already taken) and start playing. This name is actually your “nickname” in TSW vocabulary. (See the question below.)
    If you pre-ordered the game ( http://www.thesecretworld.com/buy ), you were able to reserve one character name if you took the optional “Master Pack” or “Grand Master Pack”. (Grand Master including a lifetime subscription: you won't pay for your subscription anymore. You will, nevertheless, have to buy expansions when they are available.)

How are names structured? Are there first and last names?
  • You have [first name] [nickname] [last name].
    [nickname] is the one that you can reserve if you feel so, and it's the one commonly displayed above your head, in team windows, etc. It's your “main” name and it has to be unique (two players can't have the same nickname).
    First and last names can be anything and don't have to be unique. Only nicknames are unique.

How does character creation looks like?
  • It's somewhat resembles Age of Conan and SWTOR: you choose between several options to compose your face: head general shape, nose, eyes, lips, jaw, haircut and facial hair (for males), some makeup, etc. It is nevertheless simpler than in AoC.

Can I choose my size (tall, small,...) or body shape (fat, slim,...)?
  • No, this is not supported. It's a choice made for technical reasons, likely (our understanding) for performance and also to assure clothes will work correctly for all characters.

Do I choose my powers / weapons / class / profession at character creation?
  • Definitely NOT. Character creation is only about your physical look and first clothes.
    You will be able to choose powers, change them, switch them, as well as weapons all along the game. It's even a main part of the game.
    Also you don't have to choose a class or profession because there are none. There are specialized roles of course (being a healer, a tank, a high damage dealer,...) but you can be any of them at any time, as long as you have acquired the corresponding powers / weapons: the more you progress, the more your spectrum of possibilities widens.
    You'll first choose some first powers and general directions when you meet your secret society.

Do I get any power or weapon at creation time?
  • No. You will find a weapon (shotgun) at some point early in the game before getting to your secret society headquarters. You don't have to stick with it at all; it's only for a first fighting experience.
    In the headquarters, you'll be able to pick your first weapon and you'll receive the first corresponding powers and equipment.

Where can I get (more) clothes?
  • At character creation, you are offered some clothes you can pick freely (one piece for each clotting slot). In the game, there are stores that sell clothes. The main one is, at the moment, in London (Pangea store near Ealdwic subway station).
    Developers want the players to have a huge choice in clothing and look customization.
    You can always change your clothes.

Can I change my clothes easily? Where, when, and how?
  • Anytime, anywhere. The clothes you own are stored in your character panel (“c” key then Dressing Room menu). You only need to open the panel and select what you want.

Do clothes take room in inventory?
  • No. They belong to your character and are “stored” in your character's panel without taking any room. (Contrary to Age of Conan, AO, or SWToR, for example.)

Are my weapons visible when I'm not fighting?
  • Yes but it is nevertheless very easy to equip or un-equip your weapons. The Gear Manager (which will be explained in another FAQ) can even do that -and more- in a few clicks.

Can I change my look like haircut etc. once in the game?
  • Not at the moment but as this is available with The Modern Prometheus, Ockham's Razor, and Execution (see the questions about these features in this FAQ). The target date for a first introduction is the end of August.

Is there nudity in TSW like in Age of Conan? It's not that I’m interested, you see, but I have children...
  • Yeah, yeah... Well, total nudity or even nude breast (like in AoC) was made impossible by making some clothing slots mandatory: you need to have something in them.
    Standard underwear and some “light” clothes are available (like in AO or SWTOR).
    Mobs can be nude. (Some female mobs are naked.)
    At the moment there is no naked or almost naked NPC and most NPC's wear perfectly ordinary clothes. Note that you don't get naked when switch clothes.

Is there a “social tab” or “vanity tab”?
  • No, because there is no need for any. You do not wear any visible equipment, except your weapons that you can anyhow un-equip, so you just look as you look.

Can I choose the voice of my character?
  • In TSW, players' characters don't speak in cut-scenes, so no voice is available.

Are there emotes? Do the choices made for my character influence emotes?
  • Yes, many emotes are available.
    Type “/” in chat windows and then TAB to see the list. (Another FAQ will contain a macro creating an emotes window in-game soon.)
    Your character choices don't influence emotes in general but some emotes seem to be slightly different for males and females and a few emotes may be reserved for a gender, like the tap dance which is for female characters only.

What are The Modern Prometheus, Ockham's Razor, and Execution? How will this help with the look of my characters.!
  • The Modern Prometheus, Ockham's Razor, and Execution are the first answers from TSW developers to the concerns and wishes about the look and customization of characters.

    A target date for their introduction in the game is the end of August. (Exact date to be confirmed later of course.)

    The Modern Prometheus will be an extreme plastic surgery clinic in Brooklyn, lead by Doctor Aldini. It will offer a total makeover of your characters. A lot of new base heads, noses, eyes, chins and mouths will be available. As well, it will be possible to add or remove wrinkles or freckles. According to Ragnar Tørnquist, Senior producer, you”ll be able to become “a whole new person”. Changing sex doesn't seem included but Ragnar Tørnquist enigmatically mentioned that “the good doctor is working on some experimental concoctions for that particular 'problem'”.

    The first use of this clinic will be free. Others will require a payment in Pax Romana (in-game credits).

    Ockham's Razor will be an establishment in London on the border between Ealdwic and Darkside. operated by the ageing triplets Ockham. It will offer a lot of new hair styles, eyebrows, and facial hair (for men) in “all the colours of the rainbow”, including new mustaches, Ragnar Tørnquist mentioning even “epic” ones .

    The first use of Ockham's Razor will be free. Others will require a payment in Pax Romana (in-game credits)

    Execution will be re-located in Seoul instead of London. It will offer “an extensive variety of tattoos, scars and other body modifications”.

    At the time of writing, it has not been specified if the first use would be free. We can assume it will, based on the decisions taken for the two other services. (?)

Where can I find the announcement of The Modern Prometheus, Ockham's Razor, and Execution by Ragnar Tørnquist?

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Re: FAQ (starters): Character Creation, improvements announced

Post by Calen »

Seems to be missing one. Can you create more than one character on the same server? I ask because when I try I am told I cannot. It might just have to do with Cerberus being full, but either way, the end result is the same.
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Re: FAQ (starters): Character Creation, improvements announced

Post by Chrisax »

You can except if it's full. Cerberus is full. But, correct, I forgot a question about the number of characters and what happens when a server is full.

Added to the FAQ:

I can't create a new character because my dimension is full! What can I do to play with my friends?!
  • Just create a character on another dimension: in TSW all players from all dimensions can play together and chat together.
    Also, Cabals are cross-dimension too and can have members everywhere.
    The dimension you are asked to choose is only your “Home dimension”: it's the dimension in which you will arrive immediately when you log on and to which you'll return automatically and in a transparent manner when you don't need to be elsewhere.
    But you are never stuck in a dimension.
    For more explanations, please see the FAQ
    FAQ: Dimensions & Single Server technology - Understanding and using them
How many characters can I have?
  • You can create 3 characters, and 1 more for pre-orders with the Master or Grand Master pack.
    This number may look limited but as there is no class/profession in TSW and as each character can get all the abilities available in the game, there is not need to create “alts” (alternative characters) for another class, etc.
    So the 3 slots are provided with the idea of having one character in each secret society, although you can use them as they want. (If you wanted 3 Templars, for example, possibly for role-playing.)
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Re: FAQ (starters): Character Creation, improvements announced

Post by Elrojo »

What are The Modern Prometheus, Ockham's Razor, and Execution? How twill this help with the look of my characters.!

How twill is a mistype?
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Re: FAQ (starters): Character Creation, improvements announced

Post by Chrisax »

Typo spotted
Typo dead
Thanks Rojo
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