Another Hiatus apology

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Mini Leet
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Another Hiatus apology

Post by Arxx »

Just wanted to say hi to the Paladins and say sorry i have been away, i redid my pc which was the biggest reason (almost done) .. then i had some storm drain issues in my basement (hopefully fixed now!) .. and then theres that blasted Real Life that keeps interfearing
.. hehe.. its also October and my favorite time of year and i volunteer at a haunted house (well a haunted forest really) :twisted: take a peek .. it is only friday and saturdays but that would be most of my gametime .. so just wanted you all to know i have not and will never jump ship on TSW .. i will see you all soon! .. ohh and if any of you facebook - feel free to look me up .
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Re: Another Hiatus apology

Post by Chrisax »

Good to heave some news from you, Arxx. :D

Your haunted house looks spooky.

We'll be there when you come back to TSW but we need to make some plans because, at the moment, TSW lost a lot of people really (and this impacted us too). A part of them probably left to try Guild wars 2 and as many they could have "completed" GW2 and get bored soon and come back. But we need to work on recruitment on the remaining population. We'll talk about this.

And hope FC does what must be done...
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