FUSANG - Enemy Custodian and attackers in fac - and now?

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Little Leet
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FUSANG - Enemy Custodian and attackers in fac - and now?

Post by Igsorian »

I must admit: That's the situation where i often - too often - could cry.
Not because there are and enemy custodian plus attackers in our fac, but because too many peoples don't know what to do.
And the result is: They do the wrong things. Countless facs were lost because of that ...
Let's try to change that, so at least AP-members know what to do.

First thing you need to know:
An attacker-custodian (custodian is often abbreviated "cust") has a "heal-aura".
This aura gives the members of his faction a heal-over-time - 600 HP per second.

So let us look at 2 possibilities to fight:
1. We attack while the custs fight each other and the attackers are in reach of the heal-aura.
In that case it is more than useful if someone disables that heal-aura!
In the ability-wheel you see the ability "Electromagnetic Manifestation" [Elemental Magic line].
If possible equip that, use it - that helps a lot!

Also useful is to pull an attacker out of the heal-aura (or, if aura disable, pull him away from his mates to your fighters): "Chaotic Pull" (Chaos Magic line power) can do that.

2. But the best way to fight there, in my opinion, is: Just wait until the attacker-cust has killed our cust.
He then will walk some meters more into our fac, but then he will leave and the attackers are alone and can be killed easier.
Means: Stay outside the fac-room. Avoid to get agro from the attacker-cust after he has killed our cust so he will leave.
And then we attack. For sure you can - if you have it - cast Electromagnetic Manifestation on the attackers then too - that's never a fault.

1/25/2014: corrected healaura to 600 per tick
Last edited by Igsorian on Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FUSANG - Enemy Custodian and attackers in fac - and now?

Post by Chrisax »

I added a few minor things to Igsorian's nice post (like what magic lines some powers belong to). But let's now add more:

- a faction can get a custodian to help them only if they are the "underdogs" (that's the name of the mission that becomes available à wells). This means they hold no facility and no (or almost no) well for a whille.

- the underdog mission consists in gathering anima shards (some glowing lights spread over the map and slowly respawning); then you can progressively charge the inactive custodian near your faction's starting point. It's quite a long process UNLESS someone seized the opportunity to farm shards in another Fusang run. (Like I did. :twisted: ) Or unless people know where shards are.

- the custodian will despawn after a long while (forgot how long)

- the activated custodian walks randomly until he decides to attach a facility. Sometimes the custodian gets lost. A custodian can easily insta-kill any player which doesn't have like around 6K life. (i.e. anyone but tanks). For people used to do the job, it's possible to "mess" a custodian bu aggroing it and make it walk back and forth. That's why a custodian must always be escorted so you can kill the "griefers".

- the custodian will attach the turret (machine gun) of a facility; when the machine gun is down, the gate opens. This takes quite a long time although the custodian will always win if let alone vs the turret. Remember that at your start point, a vendor sells upgrades for turrets and upgrades for the custodians inside the facilities (the ones guarding them). They are very rarely used but not useless.

- once the attacking custodian has killed the defending custodian (he will always kill it: he is stronger; it's just very long), if the attacker custodian is alone in the facility nothing bad will happen! Only an enemy player can capture the facility!

- This is why the bast tactic is to:
- rebuild the gate and the turret with the commend inside the gate: so enemies can't enter anymore
- kill enemies inside, ignore the custodian

- BUT, as Igsorian said, it can be very difficult to kill enemies with the attacking custodian inside. So you may want to wait for the custodian to get idle and leave (after killing the defending one) to attack enemies. Nevertheless, in this case, you need to have a LOT of firepower and preferably stuns too, because, in roughly 45s, the enemies are able to capture the facility (and pop their own defending custodian). So you must rush and stop them. The "capper" (the one capturing) is near the control sphere and can't move, with the "using item" stance.
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