Anseh's Application!

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Anseh's Application!

Post by Anseh_Lewt »

Greetings to all Paladins!

Just a little about myself before I begin :).

I'm 22 years old, 23 in a few days! I live in the UK, so that makes me GMT+0 :).
I've been playing AO since I was 15, on and off.
I think i'm quite a friendly person, eager to both help and take part in events.
I've recently came back after a longish break to find alot has changed, server merge has taken place and a lot of new instances and fun to be had.

I've known Athen Paladins for as long as I've been here, always had alot of respect for you guys and now hopefully i'd like to be part of your org :).

For the majority of my AO 'Career' I was a member of Komodo, Komodites and Defenders of Rubi-Ka but sadly the amount of people frequently online is very,very low and i'm looking to move to a org both friendly and active!

An old friend of mine, Tommy is a member of your Org and upon his recommendation I have applied to be a part of it too.

I've not taken part in much of tl7 content as i've not really had anyone to do the raids and instances with, mainly spending my time levelling toons upto around tl5/6 then slowly losing interest in them due to lack of things to do!
I do take part in pvp occasionally, but at the present my main focus would probably be PvM.

My toons are as follows.

Anseh - 220/22 Nano-technician.
Lewting - 173 Adventurerer
Rytlocke - 153 Enforcer
Lewtah - 170ish Shade
Celestei - 150 Crat
Anseu - 103 Trox MP!

I have more but these are the main ones that I can be contacted on should you wish to ask me any questions, I would be more than happy to partake in an interview of some sort to determine whether you guys think me suitable to be part of Athen Paladins.
I'm usually online around 7pm to 1/2 am GMT.

Thanks for reading and I hope it wasn't too boring!

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Re: Anseh's Application!

Post by Chrisax »

Hello, Anseh, welcome to our forums. :) Welcome back to AO too.

That's a pretty complete application and we're happy to see you consider us a new family for you.

We will have now to meet you online, and, in the meantime, please read our Code of Conduct and also org Chat recommendations ... p?f=8&t=69 ... p?f=8&t=68

Alps, please join our guest channel in-game so we can chat and meet.

To join our guest channel, in the game, you can contact any AP member or officer, and tell him/her you posted and application and ask for a guest channel invite. You'll find usually APs at the Vanguards building ramp near Old Athen grid.

We'll contact you online as fast as possible but you can /tell some of the following names, among many others:
Grind42 / Bobdc
Chrisax / Mekanos
Nomatterwhat / Nobrainatall / Misssol / Missdok / Biggernoob / Robotbygger / Fixtorious / Lasarina
Maycrat / Mayhemdealer
Tommypinetti / Tommysoldja / Tommytanker
Jetson / Noobasknight / Noobastank / Rodog

AP members also hang out in Old Athen near OA grid, North East of the city, on the ramp of the big Vanguards building.

Best luck with your application and see you soon in-game soon! :D
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Re: Anseh's Application!

Post by tommytanker »

Welcome Anseh!!!

To join our guest channel just /tell bobsan !join

Thank you for choosing us,
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