Membership Application - Shomedamoni

You are new to Athen Paladins or AO; you want to JOIN AP; you are unsure of what to do; you don't know what to read first, or where to post in; you have just too many questions; you are a bit lost… Find explanations and advice in this forum, and post here; we'll help! Note: due to the increase of commercial or illegal spam, we will ask you to register before you post here. Sorry for this inconvenience.
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Membership Application - Shomedamoni

Post by Shomedamoni »

Hello to anyone kind enough to read this. I'm or was Shome on AO, I'm also know as Bemral elsewhere. I'm 40 and disabled so I'm on anytime, but not for huge stretches (>2 hours) unless it's a very good day. I lost access to AO when I upgraded computers and didn't manage to get back until the new engine.

My reasons for wanting to join is I really enjoy and miss Team play and help learning. I need instructions until I get the swing of things then happy to pass it on when asked. I'm also OE without Org bonuses, but I only realized that when reading about AP.

I've never been too high level (playing a level 76 trader currently) in the game, I always feel I have too much to learn to keep letting the bad guys level up on me through power leveling. I've clawed through through the insurance terminals to get where I am with some Shadowlands and Alien fun along the way.

(I'm sure it's been said but aren't we the aliens too, or having a body built on Rubi-ka counts as a native? Well at least we don't look like chest-bursters.)

I've read the Code of Conduct and "Org chat recommendations, and attitude on chat"
and they sound like normal courtesy to me, so I accept them all. I'm sometimes bad at saying things but I'm always trying to be nice, and willing to apologize for any offense I cause.

Oh, and I'm bad at Chatting and combat unless it's verbal (Teamspeak or the like), I wanted a character with lots to do in combat, and the doctor and Trader do that for me, but that keeps me from talking most of the time until combats over. Even then talking tends to get me killed, so I may not respond until I'm in a "Safe" place, at least not constantly dangerous.

My main alts:
Shomedamoni (Trader 76)
Bemral (NT 12)
Phillicia (Doctor 27)
TwinEngine (Eng 20)

I'm also often on a free account as Sanduferaru (Soldier 32) he's a mule and my Main when I don't have the money to pay for an account.
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Re: Membership Application - Shomedamoni

Post by Chrisax »

Hello Shome :) Welcome on our forums and welcome back in AO !

In AP, you can play as you want and for as long as you want. Also, we are glad to help our members and teach them. They just need to ask and we'll do our best. (If you don't get a reply online, do post on our forums; sometimes a question can just remain unseen by other people who are playing, or the persons online at that time may not have the answer).

So, thank you for agreeing on our Code of Conduct and org chat recommendations

Now, your next step will be to join our gust channel on our org bot to meet and talk with us online. Any AP member can invite you to guest chat. It does not have to be an officer.
You can usually find AP members at the big Vanguards building ramp next to OA grid. If you can’t find a member you can self invite by typing /tell Bobsan !invite (this is a temporary invite)
Please introduce yourself and ask for help with any questions you may have about your application.

At some point soon, an officer will contact you for a brief interview. As our officers can be busy with raids and other duties, it may take a moment to contact you. Feel free to ask if someone is available for your interview. :)

Some of the officers you can contact for help or questions are:

Crazi / Crazidoctor / Crazigank / Forsikring / Galehus / Stokken (General) GMT +1
Chrisax (President and org Founder) GMT
Bitnykk / Enginyk / Healnyk / Kynecrat GMT +2
Boomer / Bloodstripe / Iwojima / Shelbycobra / Corvettezr1 (General) GMT -6
Codeish / Codemanforce / Shacode GMT+1
Carequinha /Toughcrat / Toughenf / Reapermann (General) GMT -6
Cherib / Jacythna / Officegrrl GMT +12
Jetson / Noobasdoc / Noobastank (General) GMT +10
Ustarlen / Bellorum / Zanda (General) GMT+12

For time zones referred to above please see: ... _main.html

See you online soon! :)
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Re: Membership Application - Shomedamoni

Post by stokken »

Hi been checking if your online but i guess been missing each other
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Re: Membership Application - Shomedamoni

Post by Chrisax »

Can you tell us when you are online so we can meet you? :)
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Re: Membership Application - Shomedamoni

Post by Reapermann »

Hi Shomedamoni welcme to our forums and howdy neighbor...Im a bit north of Branson Misery :P
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Re: Membership Application - Shomedamoni

Post by Shomedamoni »

Hi Reaperman, I spent my summers as a kid south of Branson, Table Rock Lake. Good to meet you. I'm not a fan of Branson either, it's like a bad remake of Vegas.

I'm on various times, I'm GMT -5. I'm free now until Sunday afternoon, if anyone's free let me know when so I can be awake.

Right now the channel appears to be down. At least it's not letting me chat.

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Re: Membership Application - Shomedamoni

Post by Chrisax »

Right now the channel appears to be down. At least it's not letting me chat.
Our guest channel?! It can't be down unless the bot itself is down (and it's not) or of AO chat server got an issue. So maybe you have a setting preventing you to immediately talk on guest channel. Le'ts see:

- when you do /tell bobsan !invite, do you get an answer like "I won't listen to you" or a longer answer describing what to do to join?

- if you get an answer providing some explanations on how to join, please make sure your follow them, as I'll explain below
    • - accept the invite by clicking the appropriate button in the small window that opens

      - then r-click your chat window (any chat window or tab will work but make sure it's one you can see), you'll get a drop down menu

      - in that menu, first select "subscribe to" > "private channels" > "bobsan" (this is normally automatic when you accept an invite but you may have it disabled or activated in a chat tab you can't see): this allows you to see the chat on the guest channel if it was not automatic

      - then, AGAIN, r-click your chat window and you'll get the same drop down menu

      - in that menu, now select "talk to" > "Bobsan" : this makes everything you type in your chat window be sent by default to the guest channel provided by Bobsan

      - so, now you should be able to see and speak on our guest channel
Let us know if you have an issue and also, tell us when you are online and we'll manage to come and help you :)
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Re: Membership Application - Shomedamoni

Post by Shomedamoni »

Turns out I need to send "/tell bobsan join" after the first invite to rejoin the channel.

"- when you do /tell bobsan !invite, do you get an answer like "I won't listen to you" or a longer answer describing what to do to join?"

Yes, exactly.
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Re: Membership Application - Shomedamoni

Post by Chrisax »

Tried /tell bobsan !invite ?
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Re: Membership Application - Shomedamoni

Post by Shomedamoni »

I tried !invite, it was rejected. with a message like "I only listen to group members"
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Re: Membership Application - Shomedamoni

Post by Chrisax »

I'll look into that. But you could finally have your interview and meet us, and officers could review it; that's the most important thing at the minute. :)

Stokken or someone else will get back to you very fast now. :)
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