My application to AP - Assx

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Little Leet
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My application to AP - Assx

Post by Assx »

Greetings AP,

I am playing AO since Dec 2002 and was never really inactive since then.
Maybe some of you guys already know me since I am the org leader of ImPact which is a member of the alliance. Anyway, I am from Germany which means CET+1.

Why am I even applying for a membership? - Well, this is quite easy. ImPacT is not just inactive but almost dead. It's really sad to admit this fact. But because I still love this game since the very first step into AO, I guess I just have to go on and make myself a new home.

Anyway, I am not ready to let go ImPacT completely yet, which is why I'd like to keep a few alts where they are so they can keep holding the flag. Maybe one day ImPacT will awake to new life. =)

So in case, there is a tiny dark room underneath squeaky stairs or just a dusty filthy mattress, I'd like to take it if that means I could join you guys. ^^

Sincerely yours

Andreas aka Assx
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Re: My application to AP - Assx

Post by Chrisax »

OMG Assx, no need to ask, you are very welcome in AP. I'm sorry it turned like that for Impact (which belongs to The (our) Alliance by the way, for those who wouldn't know). Many respectable orgs had a bad time.

Don't worry we have a room for you, with a nice bed, and all you can dream of, and flowers and chocolates. And we'll be very happy to welcome you in the AP family. :luv:

AP officers will invite you on sight. You picked an odd time to join because it's just the moment where I'm a few days out of AO to rest a bit or more likely do a ton of things IRL. That's the first time since 2006! So I won't be able to welcome you myself but my heart will be there whne you join.

Consider me on RK and shouting "welcome to AP, Assx". :D

I'll tell officers but some of them at least probably already know of your post.

Welcome :D

Oh by the way, just for reference, our Code of Conduct and org chat recommendations can be found here but they are close to the good attitude and values you always promoted in ImPact:
Little Leet
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Re: My application to AP - Assx

Post by Assx »

Chrisax wrote: Welcome :D
Thanks a lot! =)
Chrisax wrote: Oh by the way, just for reference, our Code of Conduct and org chat recommendations can be found here but they are close to the good attitude and values you always promoted in ImPact:
I have read all of it really carefully and will follow and respect the rules always, for sure!
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Re: My application to AP - Assx

Post by Chrisax »

I'm happy to have you in, Assx :) I know that, in my semi-absence, officers completed your invite and that you are now in AP.

Oh, and we never had doubts about you and our Code of Conduct ! :)
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