Reapermann passed away this morning

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Little Leet
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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Storksofly »

Been in this org for quite some time now and reap has been nothing but funny with me very helpful and such a great guy to be around. He was nothing but a joyful soul a very good guy one of those genuine people that you just love being around and doing things with if things went wrong he always laughed about it and if things went sour he was also still smiling and would say things like 'hami needs to learn to pve too much pvp' we threw jabs at each other like Ali and Foreman. Everytime i logged on first thing id hear was 'Hey hami' wether he was in a inferno mission pande raid or sectors the hey hami always came through. I learned the news this morning as i was headed to work and i held back tears and even stood there in shock and told my gf that one of my generals has gone to a much better place today and took me a few seconds for reality to hit me back. Someone i played with everyday for almost the last year or so really does make you wonder. As i sit here and hold tears back it really does sadden me we lost a good man today and i really do wish his family nothing but the best.

People ask me everyday why am i in a PVE org instead of a PVP org as thats all i do. I tell them the people in AP really do make me feel at home. I enjoy being in this org with you guys and if you ever need anything guys you definitely know how to reach me.. I hope we never hear this sadness ever again in and out of this game. These upcoming weeks will be tough and i definitely will have a little black hole in my heart but time heals everything i was told.

Rip reaper hope nothing but the best for you pal.

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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Timba »

Rest in peace.
Given that I have taken a mostly indefinite break, I did not know about his health. My interactions with him were always on the bright side, never stopping helping people.

My condolences to the family and friends.
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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Xandramas »

I don't hold out much hope, but I've submitted a request for an in-game memorial to Reap , I'll keep you all notified
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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Laenaya »

Condolences to his family and to those who knew him.
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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Tlaski »

Reaper was one of the good ones. He will be missed :(
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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Jakereaper »

I have found out about Reaper when I logged on asking about Ipande raids on that very same day. Really, really sad news indeed, as Reaper was one of the pillars of Athen Paladins for all that involve activity, help, dedication and friendship. As one very well said above, Reaper was always greeting everyone by name, and this and so many other little things make him the person that was close to our hearts, no matter his real life circumstances.

I know that I speak this for everyone when I say that he has already a spot in everyone's heart and that he will be terribly missed.
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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Snakebite »

I only found out about this an hour and a half ago, I made a post about it on the Alliance forums and felt sad...

An hour ago, I went to pick Enato up from work. She found me 15mins later sat in the car waiting for her and crying.
Because of the way I was brought up (I won't go into that), I have a fairly unique outlook on death. I get sad at someone passing and that's about it, I then get on with my life and just remember them from time to time. I can't honestly remember anyone that I've cried about upon hearing of their passing.
Why I should do this now, for someone that I've never actually met (and was unlikely to ever meet) eludes me... And I'm holding back tears as I type this (my eyesights bad enough as it is without tears (good job I can touchtype!)).

All I can say is, if and when I get back ingame, there's going to be a big assed hole where Reaper should be.

Chris, if you want to write something, I'll post it on AOUs News page... Just PM me it (on any forum)...

Xandramas wrote:I don't hold out much hope, but I've submitted a request for an in-game memorial to Reap , I'll keep you all notified
PM me if you don't get any joy, being part of AOU means I have some contacts I could try...
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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Fury1 »

I dont know what to say i Just Read That Post and i Feel so Much Sadness And Anger
Sadness Caz hie was my Friend and hie was soo Nice hie was 1 of the Good ones That i Enjoyd Playing whit him so Much hie was so Nice to Everyone

Anger caz i did not Have the chance to Play whit him is Much is i want to and did not have the Chance to say Good bye my Friend It was privilege knowing you ..and i am sorry you Passed away

Ty for Been my Friend ( Reapermann )
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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Laenaya »

Already expressed my condolences, but I want to add that I am in awe of guys like him that carry the cross so that no one outside his intimate circle is aware of what they are going through. I wanted to add this in case his family reads this.
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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Chrisax »

Komodo expressed their sympathy to us with tells from Tempzz adn hawtay

[Tempzz]: sup chris
[Tempzz]: sorry to hear about Reaper

[Hawtaysboy]: you guys doing ok?
To [Hawtaysboy]: hi Hawtay :-) We are still in shock with Reaper but we stay strong in his honor :-) [Athen Paladins] Chrisax: it was one of our easiest s42 raids :-) I guess Reaper was guardian-angeling us :-)
[Hawtaysboy]: we were shocked to hear, we knew from hami that he was in poor health
To [Hawtaysboy]: yes, that was not good at all :-( many issues
[Hawtaysboy]: we are here is you huys need anything
To [Hawtaysboy]: thanks a lot hawtay :-) this means a lot
[Hawtaysboy]: stay strong
To [Hawtaysboy]: we are working on some kind of event for reaper, we'll keep you informed
[Hawtaysboy]: we would be interested in attanding
To [Hawtaysboy]: awesome :-) Ustarlen is trying to figure out if we can set up some kind of video relay so reaper's family and friends irl can see how much he was loved and what he means to us all
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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Snakebite »

Chrisax wrote:To [Hawtaysboy]: awesome :-) Ustarlen is trying to figure out if we can set up some kind of video relay so reaper's family and friends irl can see how much he was loved and what he means to us all
If this was done from ingame, I'd resub to attend!
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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Koven »

This was truly sad news. Reaperman was one of the nicest people i knew in the game. Friendly and helpful to all. Will be missed :cry:

Condolences to his family and close friends.
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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Chrisax »

Snakebite wrote:If this was done from ingame, I'd resub to attend!
The event and the possible video broadcast will of course be in-game.
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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Snakebite »

Chrisax wrote:
Snakebite wrote:If this was done from ingame, I'd resub to attend!
The event and the possible video broadcast will of course be in-game.
Just let me know when...
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Re: Reapermann passed away this morning

Post by Zerotool »

RIP my friend dunno what to say ((
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