First login in 11 years!

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Baby Leet
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First login in 11 years!

Post by sgtsin »

Your last visit on AP forums: Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:19 pm (forum time)

Wow, I can't believe it has been this long! I played in game as xxrampagexx for a while. I'm sure if there are long time members you remember my friend who went by rampage as well. I also played as Psychojive.

I've considered downloading the game again but I don't really have too much time to play with 2 kids and all. It would be more for nostalgia anyway. I'm not sure if any of my old chars are available since I stopped playing so long ago.

Also I wanted to provide you all with the unfortunate news that our friend Rampage, passed away a few years ago. He was a very close friend of mine and I know he put in a large number of hours with you all as well.
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Re: First login in 11 years!

Post by Chrisax »

OMG xxrampagexx :) Of course I remember you and several others will too. It's good to have you back.

It doesn't matter if you can just play casually. We are happy to see old members back and help them, even if they can't be very active. We are family.

Also, ALL you old characters are still there (and you are in AP always). The only one that could have been deleted are very low froobs like under level 10 that were not played. The only thing is that, with the servers merge years ago, some characters may have been renamed temporarily with random names like "R" followed by a number?

If you want more information about AO during your 11 years of AFK: Just say when you are ready to log on so we can welcome you. :)

Now... What you said about Rampage was a shock. It makes me feel like empty and frozen inside me.

Rampage was a great AP member and awesome officer. He was the spine of our PvP for many years. I will always remember his soldier... as I'll remember his hot head sometimes. ,)

I always expected to have him back. It's strange but I thought about him this morning again.

I wish the best to you, Rampage, my friend, forever. :luv:
Baby Leet
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Re: First login in 11 years!

Post by sgtsin »

My wife is going to be gone for 10 days starting next week. I'll see if I can get the game installed and figure out my old credentials I'd hate to start all new toons even if they are horribly out dated.

It was really upsetting when his sister called me with the news. I hadn't really talked to him in a while but not from lack of effort. I've known him since 2000 when we played competitive counter-strike together. I know he had a ton of love for AP that out weighed his frustrations with FC.
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Re: First login in 11 years!

Post by Chrisax »

If you can't remember your credentials, you can contact FC's support (sadly totally overwhelemed at the moment but let us know if you're going that way).

Provide them with all the info you can proving you're the owner: email, credit card number (if you have it), IP address of that time, any detail only the owner can know...

They return old accounts to owners every week, so you're not a special awkward case.

Keep us informed.

And, yes, I know Rampage loved AP so much. :luv:
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