Application - Rusty Roisty

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Baby Leet
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Application - Rusty Roisty

Post by Rusty »

Hello my name is Rusty and i would like to join Athen Paladins. An old friend of mine Walktall referred me. I have been playing Ao for about 12 years on and off.

I live in the UK so my time zone is GMT +1 at the moment due to summertime savings time. im usually online on an evening after 7pm and sometimes through the day due to kids.

I dont do towers only battlestation just for fun, i sat this because all but my new main is omni and hope that wouldnt be an issue. If i do settle in and raids happen i might be happy enough to swap sides on some of my other toons.

My main would be:

Rolsty Soldier 125 Clan (leveling at the moment)


Rustydoc Doctor 220/30 Omni
Rustvy Adventurer 219/19 Omni
Reepsty Keeper 216/15 Omni
Ruksty NT 206/12 Omni
Rustrade Trader 206/11 Omni
Racsty Crat 175/10 Omni
Phyxerboi Fixer 159 Omni
Rustymeta MP 159 Omni

Thank you
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Re: Application - Rusty Roisty

Post by Chrisax »

All done directly online by Fuze, for reference.
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