Application - Kaizoo

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Baby Leet
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Application - Kaizoo

Post by Kaizoo »

Hey! Applying to join AP :)

I'm currently still in Alpha Omega but the time i joined it was prolly going more towards inactivity and I seem to be the only one online most of the time :)

Took a hiatus to play other games but i'm back to doing some content again :)

I've got only one 220/30/70 Crat, Kaizoo and bunch of random toons :)

pic of my little lady:

I have done pretty much all of the content except the new subway/totw, but it's been a good couple of years so im restructuring the cogs in my brain on how to play again :)

I work from home and I dabble with the game most of the day, but mostly active at night after kids and wife are sleeping :)


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Re: Application - Kaizoo

Post by Chrisax »

Handled in-game as this is a case similar ot Xees' case. Alpha Omega member.

To [Kaizoo]: hi Kaizoo :-) This is Chrisax, president of AP. I'm talking with Xees ATM and I saw your application. I will reply to your application but I can already tell you that, as the old Alpha Omega joined AP, we invite AO members in AP with a minimum procedure (read and agree with our Code of Conduct and Org chat recommendations). Plus, you're an IRL friend of Xees who vouches for you. So, simply put, you are in as soon as you can be invited. :-)
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Re: Application - Kaizoo

Post by Chrisax »

[Kaizoo]: i've read the Coc and the chat recommendations and it looks good to me :)

[Xees]: we're good mates in rl too, Kaizoo that is
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