New update patch for booster, and thoughts on AO

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New update patch for booster, and thoughts on AO

Post by Chrisax »

A Busy Week:

It has been a busy week in game, and definitely on the forums. Thanks to all who have taken the time to take part in discussions on improving AO for all of us. Some excellent ideas were brought up and suggestions were made. A couple of which are already done!

It is always good when we get the chance to get this kind of a discussion going, especially with so many different people. It gives us a chance to get a better perspective on what is really important to the playerbase...and it can sometimes be surprising. A great number of the issues that were brought up will not require crazy amounts of work to resolve, and it will be good to know that a bit of small effort in the right direction can make such a difference to so many people. For example I didn't fully realize how much people were affected by the spammers in has already been done to make this problem easier to deal with (something not easy in a game that offers free accounts..) and we look forward to having better ways (less player driven) in the near future to deal with this issue. Again, thanks to all who put together lists of their top 10 issues, this will be very usefull in planning our development in the coming year. It was also great to hear that some already started work was moving in the right direction.

The Booster:

Work continued this week on ironing out the last few small issues in the booster after what was probably the smoothest launch we have ever had. We can look forward to an update on Tuesday (barring disaster) to address, and crush, the vast majority of the small issues included in the booster and the recent past.
  • Including:
    • - Adding the suggested SK rewards for 220 players to the Dust Brigade and Alien questlines.
      - Increasing the drop rates of components for Spirits that drop from the Technomaster and Vortexx instances.
      - A serious attempt at removing the raid related crash that has been occuring recently.
      - Further work at tightening up synch even further.
      - Addressing small issues with several of the new missions.
      - Removing the smoke effect from the new hoverchairs.
      - Adjusting alien snares to reduce training in the Arid Rift alien playfield.
      - Tidying up a few new exploits.
It has been great to see so many of you enjoying the booster and your feedback on WHY you are enjoying it. This type of content structure is a little new...but it seems like one that works. In the future we'll try to make adjustments to older content to make the risk vs reward similar to encourage the idea of "alternative leveling" away from traditional (and perhaps repetitive..)methods. Work is of course continuing on the final instance...and while it will not be coming in Tuesday's update it will be coming very soon. The weapons included in the instance need to be right as I would hate to see them adjusted after being pushed to live.

Soon there will be another interview with me on (I was slow getting it to them while recovering from the launch..). I am certain you are all getting quite sick of me by now. I'm hoping in the near future we can have a weekly update from other Devs in the house here so you can get to know them a little bit as well. They are all talented and very interesting people and I am honored to get to work with them every day. Who should go first?

Macrosun's Fun stuff for this week!

Reverse Knockback sneak peek (No leets were harmed in the filming of this video!):
Visible Display option for Hostile Nanos running on your target! (Screenshot of early version...size of icons etc can be tweaked later :) )


Hail Macrosun!
This "Means" Cake
Game Director

"I killed my boss and all he dropped was an iPhone..."
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