FC's forewords and introduction

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FC's forewords and introduction

Post by Chrisax »

Introduction: What is Lost Eden all about?
by FC

There were really two things we wanted to achieve with Lost Eden, firstly to make the PVP experience in Anarchy online much more engaging and exciting.

Secondly we wanted to expand on the alien theme and allow the players to take the fight back to the Invading aliens!

So to take the PVP ambitions first, the goal with the new expansion is to both provide new avenues for PvP and to improve upon the existing Tower Battles.

The Battlestations are new instances specifically built for objective based PvP. Players will sign up to join the fight on a battlestation. Players will be able to sign up to be transported aboard the battlestations to take part in the combat against the other factions (Neutrals can decide to fight for either side).

These instances are available at various level ranges so players are always fighting other players within a competitive level range. The objectives will be based on taking and holding key locations around the battlestation, holding these locations awards points to your faction until the first faction to reach victory conditions win the encounter.

Improving the Notum Wars tower battles is just as much a focus as the battle stations are, players will have access to new towers and new abilities to aid them in the battle for the tower fields, with the new mechanized units, new vehicles, new tower base installations like SAM turrets, anti vehicle cannons and anti-personal turrets

Throw in new strategic options like being able to call in bombing ships and orbital laser strikes and the tactics of tower battles change significantly. Tower wars will become much more strategic affairs. Players will be given the power to decide how to approach a tower battle. They will have the potential to take down towers faster with heavy vehicles, but likewise the defenders will have the opportunity to find the weak points of their opponents to improve their defence.

In this way the key for tower PVP should move from just grinding down your opponents in ‘calling the target’ fights like we see today, to players having to come up with tactics to best use the hardware they have available to both attack and defend. An attacking force of heavy mechanized walkers could for example theoretically destroy a tower base very quickly, but what if the defenders have racked up on their anti-vehicle cannons? That would mean the heavy units could be just as quickly cut down.

Likewise pure weight of numbers might not be enough anymore as a large group of players huddled together will make the perfect target for an orbital laser strike if the defenders can target it correctly.

Basically our aim is to provide players with the tools to make the Tower Battles much more exciting and interactive then they are today.

The two forms of PvP will compliment each other and introduce new tactics and opportunities that we think will not just introduce more players to fun PvP but also invigorate the Notum bases PvP

There will also be a full PvP reward system that will allow players to gain new items and armor from PvP gameplay by earning new commendation tokens that will be available from fighting in the Battlestations and aboard the alien motherships in the PvE encounters.

In terms of the alien experience, this is an area we really think players will appreciate. Whilst we set out to provide organisation based content in the last expansion (something we think worked really well!) we know that many players also wanted alien based content that didn’t require them to be in an organisation or have many friends online.

Lost Eden allows the players to take the fight directly to the aliens by boarding the alien motherships. These encounters will be brand new ACG (Auto-Content Generation) areas that players will be able to visit much in the same way as team mission terminals work on Rubi-Ka.

These areas really are nothing like players will have seen before and will provide spectacular backdrops to your missions against the aliens!
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