Some basic comments I made to devs about Battlestations

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Some basic comments I made to devs about Battlestations

Post by Chrisax »

Answering the points (in bold) asked by devs
Profession Balance - How did your profession perform inside the battlestation

Computer Performance - How did your system handle the battlestations when there were a lot of people present.

Server Performance - Was lag a major factor in the battlestations.

Decontamination Area - Was there enough time to buff inside the Rez area?

Fun Factor - Did you enjoy the fighting in the battlestation? What areas could be improved or changed to increase the fun factor.

Major Bugs - Post any major bugs that you encountered while testing inside the battlestations.
Profession Balance

MP 220 - AI 25
LE contains nothing that can improve the very bad situation of MPs in high level PvP, as explained many times on the forums:
- No protection vs Alpha (and a fortiori nothing that could be an original and MP-specific way)
- Pets insanely easy to neutralize (root, calm) and impossible to free before your are dead (try unrooting 3 pets with Succor of Expeditum while the enemy hits you)
- No good Alpha damage unless you get some by going out-of-MP-content ways (weapons) and it will anyhow be relatively weak
- Terrible landing of NSD and Curse of Chronos (especially since HHAB was introduced)
- Nukes weak and outdated
- Pets' AR and damage too low, especially with people getting even more all def / evades
- If you go for Mechs, you have to recast THREE pets if you have to leave the mech... long enough to be killed two or three times unless you're in a totally secured area
- Pets can get lost behind you (all pets professions)

Computer Performance
AMD 64 2.8, 1 GB RAM, ATI 9800 / 256 GB RAM. No problem at least with the number of people in beta

Server Performance
Q: Was lag a major factor in the battlestations?
A: With the number of people involved, I'd say minor. Still, pets can lag, less than in usual RK wars (they are unusable), but still enough to be a problem

Decontamination Area

Not enough time AT ALL. It should be easily 2x or 3x more for self buffs / casting pets / buffing pets / buffing a bit others, especially if you get the dreaded messages about not being able to cast a nano because another is not finished.

For buffing professions, like MPs, this is hell as you can't buff others fast enough.

Only real solution: put a console to click to get out of the room, NO countdown (or make it 4 times what is it now so it works for all professions AND for buffing a bit others)

Fun Factor

The potential is here to make stations a very good PvP experience. But the main problem is nothing really prevents zerg tactics. Currently people are running around almost solo, like headless chickens, but that will probably not last.

Also, there is no big reason for using mechs.

Two possible suggestions:
-Make anti-personnel turrets better against foot fighters, so people have to use mechs to counter them, making the other ones use anti-vehicule turrets and Mechs too, so the whole Mech thing really starts.

-Have some area effect weapons in the station, such as security devices that fighters could control: the indoors mini-version of a laser strike somehow, so 'blobs" could be seriously hit, forcing people to use little groups with real tactics.

Another thing for PETS PROFESSIONS: you lose pets when entering a mech, OK. But when you leave a mech this means you have to recast 2 pets (engies) or 3 pets (MPs)? Do any profession have to reequip its weapons during one minute after leaving a mech or is unable to heal after leaving a mech? No. Then a pet profession should get its pets back when leaving a mech.
-Generous way: pets timers are on hold during the time spent in the mech
-Other way: timers are not on hold and you get your pets back for the time they have left on timers

About CRATS' pets and TRADERS' drains: if crats wants to use charmed pets (better than their regular pets), they have nothing. If traders need to drain (probably not very high level traders), they have no mob to drain.
Possible suggestion: have some idle service/security bots on the station that can be drained or charmed.

-It would be great to have a minimap of the station wih usual features
-It would be good to have a way to easily identify enemies (not only in stations). For example an option you can select that makes Clans get a red dot above them and omnis a blue dot
-On the mini-station icon, make the player look like an arrowhead, not a point.

Major Bugs

-People often crashing when being warped out of a station after a defeat
-If you started to cast a nano while in the decontamination room and get warped out of it, the nano execution bar completes then freezes up and the nano is not executed. You have to move to cancel it and recast.
-The icons of the decontamination room nanos (I guess) remain in the nano window if you are in the decontamination room when you are kicked out of the station
-and all others reported by testers
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