Patch 18.0.2 bugs and flaws: precisions

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Patch 18.0.2 bugs and flaws: precisions

Post by Chrisax »

This is what means said about the "accident" that happened with patch 18.0.2. The first part is already done (posted on our forums and AO forums). The second part of the post is new.
Friday with Means - April 3rd, 2009
For those who missed this weeks not-so-great news:

I have to offer my most sincere apologies for todays update on behalf of myself and my team. Many of the features and fixes of this update are broken, inluding:

1. Correct mechanics/difficulty/loot of the new 12 man instance.

2. Obviously unintended ability to wear two HHAB type rings.

3. Monster regen in combat.

4. Etc etc etc.

The state of 18.0.2 on the live servers now was never supposed to be there...Thos of you who are dissapointed in what you see have good reason to feel that way.

In the interest of open honest communication what happened today has never happened before. Last weeks version of TestLive is now on the live servers. I have no explanation for this at present...and those most likely to be able to help us sort this out are away today for uninterruptable personal reasons.

We will be fixing these issues as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Nobody is more upset that this content we have been working so hard to produce the last weeks has been delivered in this manner...these issues will be worked out as soon as humanly possible...and when we are completely certain any of these issues will not persist.

What we are doing about it:

1. Panicking.

2. Regaining our composure and trying to systematically eliminate at a time.

The Instance:
The instance is meant to be on a four hour lock (when completed successfully). When the correct amount of loot (what is there is not remotely correct) is actually on the boss (and the boss is working correctly) we will see how it is going and work from there. This is not supposed to be farmed back to back for hours on end....and at 4 hours is available more than any other raid boss in the game.
Very little in here is working as it should...I'm looking forward to seeing the functional instance in the next update.

The Full IPR:
The full IPR was never meant to be something you would stack up and save. If you had one before you still have one now. They were supposed to expire...we just never bothered to remove them thinking that was the easiest and friendliest approach. Now we have given out another free IPR. Keep in mind with profession balancing on the horizon there will be another one coming in the not too distant future.

Two HHAB type rings at once! 1000100100010!:
These will zone validate the "not both" requirement. Anyone with both on will find both rings 100% overequipped. Wearing one ring + zoning should restore your general mojo.

Losing the ability to attack:
We are watching this carefully and trying everything we can think of to reproduce this issue. Any help on this one would be greatly appreciated.

I'll be updating the 18.0 Forums on these nifty screwups as more information becomes available.

Have a good weekend! (We'll be busy!)

This "Means" Cake
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Re: Patch 18.0.2 bugs and flaws: precisions

Post by Iqloo »

I miss the AO lulzbugs, ah nostalgia rush..
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