How to avoid a neutnet ban? v5 may 11th 2011

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How to avoid a neutnet ban? v5 may 11th 2011

Post by Chrisax »

Posted (and updated when necessary) by Navian on Alliance forum

How to avoid a neutnet ban? v5 may 11th 2011 ... f=43&t=693

ac_navian wrote:This is more or less a repost from neutnet forum, i may include extra notes here and there

General rules for all Neutnet messages
Neutnet is a mass-message network where people can reach out to every subscriber with a message. All messages sent to the network need to be of public interest. All messages need to be within Anarchy Online EULA and Rules of Conduct. Personal issues, accusations of players or organizations, profanity, jokes and non-English messages are not allowed. This bot automatically bans for profanity, so keep it clean. You should never reply to a Neutnet message with another Neutnet message. Messages may be deemed inappropriate at an Moderators discression, think before you post.

Don't use scripts to send Neutnet messages. You don't need colors or message boxes. If your message is really big, you might be better off posting it to official forums and linking to that post instead.

Do not add /tell some-person to your message. Anyone not banned can send a message, so it is not be needed. You should not help people getting around bans or locks. If you post for someone else you risk a ban. Using alts to get around lock timers or bans usually results in long bans for all known alts. We got out ways to find alts, but as people sometimes add friends to alts on other bots to share points we might get false ones, so to avoid false alts keep your alts added to the bot.

Internet links are only allowed to the Anarchy Online official website, the Anarchy Online official forums and to the Neutnet Forums. Any other links are not to be sent through Neutnet.

This means: No ninja-accusations, no trade scams, no Youtube, no jokes of any sort and no exploit information should be sent to Neutnet at all. Use your brain; being drunk, high or just plain stupid is not an excuse. If you are not sure, message most likely shouldn't be sent, but you can try asking a moderator.

Neutnet is a service provided by players, and got same restrictions as any other account. As far as we know, GMs and ARKs do not use Neutnet, so please don't try to reach them with this.

Do NOT contact Zacix regarding admin issues.

Channel rules
General rules apply to all of the single channels. In addition, there are rules for each channel.

Events channel: Usually social and roleplay events. This is not any sort of spam channel, all messages should have meaning and interest to community.

PvM channel: This channel is for PvM encounters that require one team or more. You cannot use it for LFT, but to find more team/raid members.

PvP channel: This channel is for PvP encounters, like Tarasque, Battlestation and Towers. Duel requests are allowed.

Lootrights channel: Selling of NODROP item lootrights. All buying messages go to Shopping channel. If you are giving away lootrights, those should go here as well. If you have a message you intend to repeat, please do so sparingly.

Shopping channel: Buying and selling of items, announcing services, requesting services. Clear playfields are service, so those go here as well. Basically, if it involves credits or items changing owner, it goes here. Using this channel will lock its use for two hours. Trying to get around the lock by using alts/friends can get them banned as well.

Last edited by Mireiawen on 2010-08-30 12:31 GMT, edited 6 times in total.
Reason: Updated rules

Neutnet Forum wrote: Why I have been banned?
People are not banned just randomly, so you must have broken the Neutnet rules. There's also some common mistakes listed below.

Can you unban me?
Usually, the person who banned you is the one makes decision and unbans when ban has been long enough. There might be exceptions when person is missing and ban has been long enough and not action is not worthy of permanent ban.

How long I will be banned?
This depends on what you have done and how many times, ranging from few days to permanent bans. First time bans with small mistakes are 3 days, and get longer depending on action.
Here are some examples of where messages belong, as there seems to be problems, either because people don't read Click here : rules or don't care about. Also, not everything is clear to users what we moderators think to be clear. Trying to get most common mistakes here, with reasoning and pointing to the Click here : rules. EULA you see when you start your client, and Rules of Conduct are available on Click here : Anarchy Online site. It is possible that rules have changed after this is posted, so if you see some information out of date, please inform Neutnet moderators so we can fix it. If something is missing, feel free to ask.

I want to buy lootrights to that NODROP item
Correct channel is shopping.
Lootrights channel: Selling of NODROP item lootrights. All buying messages go to Shopping channel.
Rule was made so that people buying items won't slow down the Lootrights channel, at worst times it was so slow that items rot before message was out.

I am looking for buffs/tradeskills
Correct channel is shopping.
Shopping channel: Buying and selling of items, announcing services, requesting services.
Tradeskilling and buffing are clearly services.

I got this clear playfield and want to offer it for others / I want to get a clear playfield
These two are close to each other and thus grouped to same place.
Correct channel is shopping.
Shopping channel: Buying and selling of items, announcing services, requesting services. Clear playfields are service, so those go here as well.
Clearing a playfield is considered as a service, as you do something for someone else, just like tradeskilling an item.

I have spots to offer in a kite team, charging per level
Correct channel is shopping.
Shopping channel: Buying and selling of items, announcing services, requesting services. Clear playfields are service, so those go here as well. Basically, if it involves credits or items changing owner, it goes here. Using this channel will lock its use for two hours. Trying to get around the lock by using alts/friends can get them banned as well.
Charging for levels is a service

I am looking for an outside tank (OST)
Correct channel is shopping.
Shopping channel: Buying and selling of items, announcing services, requesting services. ... Basically, if it involves credits or items changing owner, it goes here.
Most likely, you are offering something in return, be it credits or spot in the team, for getting someone to tank for your team. Thus, it is considered as a service.

Can anyone help me through a dungeon or kill a mob for me?
Depending on situation, correct channel is shopping or PvM.
Shopping channel: Buying and selling of items, announcing services, requesting services. ... Basically, if it involves credits or items changing owner, it goes here.
If you are looking for high-level help, or some twink to help you through a dungeon or kill single mob, it is shopping. Most likely, you are offering something in return. Thus, it is considered as a service.
PvM channel: This channel is for PvM encounters that require one team or more.
If you are making a team of your own level and looking for members, even for one mob, it might be in PvM.

I am looking for team
Should not be sent to Neutnet.
PvM channel: This channel is for PvM encounters that require one team or more. You cannot use it for LFT, but to find more team/raid members.
We encourage people to do the initiative and start making the teams themselves. Also it would be a lot of LFT messages if we allowed it.

I was scammed or ninjaed
Should not be sent to Neutnet.
All messages need to be within Anarchy Online EULA and Rules of Conduct.

Personal issues, accusations of players or organizations, profanity, jokes and non-English messages are not allowed.
Anarchy Online Rules of Conduct wrote:You may not harass or threaten other players in any form while online in Anarchy Online. You may not use information you get in-game to harass people out of the game.
As it is a case of harassment when you accuse someone of something, these should not be sent to Neutnet. We can not know if someone was actually scammer or ninja. Any tells from GM and ARK may be modified, so don't post those as proof. Please, leave these matters for FunCom to solve.

[green]Accusing someone will also get you a 1 month ban at least.[/green]

I want to start a Victory Points farm on Battlestation
Should not be sent to Neutnet.
All messages need to be within Anarchy Online EULA and Rules of Conduct.
Anarchy Online Rules of Conduct wrote:You will not exploit any bug in Anarchy and you will not communicate the existence of any such exploitable bug (bugs that grant the user unnatural or unintended benefits in game for a character of their profession and level), either directly or through public posting, to any other user of Anarchy. You will promptly report any such bug via the email address.
Farming the Victory Points by deciding which side wins is considered as unintended use of game mechanics, thus exploit, and should not be communicated over Neutnet.

I want to contact a moderator
Should not be sent to Neutnet.
All messages sent to the network need to be of public interest.
Moderators, be it Neutnet or some other bot, are a small minority of Neutnet users. For Neutnet moderators, do /tell Neutnet !adminlist or check list on forums.

I want to contact a ARK, GM or other Funcom staff
Should not be sent to Neutnet.
All messages sent to the network need to be of public interest.

Neutnet is a service provided by players, and got same restrictions as any other account. As far as we know, GMs and ARKs do not use Neutnet, so please don't try to reach them with this.
Neutnet is a community run service for community. As far as we know, ARKs, GMs and other Funcom staff don't follow it. Also, it is usually not of general interest that you have been sitting in petition queue for hours. If there are problems with petitions, please see official forums if there are known problems, and try to contact FunCom either on forums or by e-mail; I guess might work.

I got improvement idea for Neutnet functionality or rules
Should not be sent to Neutnet.
All messages sent to the network need to be of public interest.
Instead, post it on our forums. Until idea is implemented, it is not much of interest to general public. But discussion about rules and features are welcome on our forums. Zacix, who hosts the bot, as well as most moderators do read the forums at least few times a week so your idea will be read and usually commented as well. Also, from forums you can see if its been suggested already as well as it doesn't vanish that easily into all other spam.

Last edited by Mireiawen on 2011-01-24 16:58 GMT, edited 5 times in total.
Reason: fixed broken link; small corrections

Strong Leet
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Re: How to avoid a neutnet ban? v5 may 11th 2011

Post by Phoenix »

My guess is one of the most common is doing a WTB on the lootrights channel. I've done that once. #-o
Posts: 2517
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Location: Australia

Re: How to avoid a neutnet ban? v5 may 11th 2011

Post by Elrojo »

i bet most common is /pst (insert an alt name).

I was banned for that.

Grind told me to do it btw!
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