FAQ (for starters): Death, resurrection, penalty for dying

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FAQ (for starters): Death, resurrection, penalty for dying

Post by Chrisax »

Temporary note:
For technical reasons, the last updated and edited version of this FAQ is on TSW official forums. Check it there. This one will be updated very soon.


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FAQ (for starters): Death, resurrection, resurrection points, and death penalty in TSW

This is a short FAQ but it's a topic in itself and the questions below are often asked.

When do I die in TSW?
  • As in all MMO games, when you take more damage than your total lifepoints and you can't he healed enough or protected enough to avoid this.

What happens when I die?
  • You will be teleported to Anima Well resurrection point. (An orange magic light usually surrounded by some flourishing vegetation.)
    There are several of these points in each zone and there are some in dungeons and missions. In some missions, you are just teleported back to an arbitrary point near the entrance or a before a significant step in a dungeon.)
    When you respawn at a resurrection point, you will be in Anima (Ghost) mode. (See below.)

When I die, can I choose the resurrection point I'll be sent to?
  • Yes but only if you have discovered this point already by traveling. When you discover a point, you'll see a message saying that you have discovered the point and telling you its name and that you can now resurrect there.
    Make sure you really get the message: if you don't go close enough to the Anima well, you may not discover it!
    - If you have discovered points, when you die, a drop-down menu will pop, showing the points you have discovered in the zone and you can select the point you want to resurrect at.
    - If you have not yet discovered points, you will be teleported to standard resurrection point of the zone or to the nearest one (and then you'll discover it).
    There is usually a resurrection point not far from Agartha transportation network entrances.
    Normally, the resurrection points are safe places and mobs ignore the people respawning there. It seems it's not totally guaranteed though.
    When you respawn at a resurrection point, you will be in Anima (Ghost) mode. (See below.)

So I died and I'm in Anima mode? What's Anima mode?
  • Anima (Ghost) mode is your status when you just died and were sent to a resurrection point:
    • - you see the world in black and white, with strange lights effects.
      - your life is very low and doesn't increase
      - you can't see living beings or mobs (you can see mobs only when back at 10m from your body)
      - you can't see other players unless they are at the resurrection point in Anima form too
      - you can't fight or use most items
    • - mobs can't see you
      - you can't be damaged by anything
      - you are, simply, invisible and invulnerable
      - you can move and run
      - you can use your inventory and your powers management interface

So I'm dead and in Anima mode. How do I get back into action? Do I have to run to my body?
  • To exit Anima mode and revive, your have two possibilities:
    • - you can just click on the Anima Well and revive here immediately, and then continue playing as you want. You'll need a little delay to recover all your lifepoints.
      - you can also run back to your body and resurrect near it (10 meters range): this is very interesting if you want to go back to the place you died at without being annoyed by any mob or environmental damage but you must be sure your body is at a relatively safe place and that you won't be attacked as soon as you revive! When you are in a 10 meters radius around your body, a pop-up window asks you if you want to resurrect there (you can decline and go back to a resurrection point). You can move anywhere within the 10 meters and resurrect where you want. Mobs are more or less visible when you are there so you can estimate the risks. You'll need a little delay to recover all your lifepoints so be careful.

Is dying and using your ghost form intended in some missions?
  • Yes, read/listen well when you get the mission and you can determine if being a ghost could help you. But this is very rare.

How to die on purpose?
  • Get killed by mobs. Or use the command /reset to kill you instantly.

Is there a penalty when I die? Do I lose points? Are my powers weakened or affected in any way?
  • Your powers and gained points are not affected.

    There is nevertheless a penalty for dying in TSW but only under certain circumstances.
    - In PvP, you never get a penalty.
    - In PvE: your equipment will be slightly damaged. You can see this when examining the durability of your items. (Durability for an item is a bit like lifepoints for you.) For example an item normal condition can be 300/300 and a damaged item is 290/300 as well as 5/300, etc.

    It is important to note that damage equipment works normally until it reaches zero (0/300 in our example). At zero, it should stop working.

    A symbol appears on your items in the character panel when they are considerably damaged, to warn you early enough.

    [At some point, it was mentioned that:
    - If you come back to your body and resurrect there, as described above, you will get no penalty.
    - If you decide to resurrect at an Anima well (recreating your body there, for the storyline)
    But it currently seems you always get the damage penalty.]

    When an item is damaged (even if it reached zero durability) you can repair it at any vendor for in-game money (Pax Romana) but, especially at the beginning of the game, you'll likely change your items long before they need to be repaired.

    So the penalty is financial but items are slowly damaged, unless you die a lot. In this case, the repair cost can become important.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE: the developers showed they pay attention to the repair cost and the penalty for dying, in order to balance them properly. Constructive and clear feedback can help them.

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Re: FAQ (for starters): Death, resurrection, penalty for dying

Post by Kilajan »

How to die on purpose?

Get killed by mobs.
The /reset will kill you instantly
They who seek, will find an answer.

"If the tank dies it the healers fault, if the healer dies its the tanks fault and if the DPS die it's their own damn fault" - "Anonymous"
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Re: FAQ (for starters): Death, resurrection, penalty for dying

Post by Chrisax »

I was keeping it in-character. :shrug:

Can always add this ofc.
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Re: FAQ (for starters): Death, resurrection, penalty for dying

Post by Bredin »

Chrisax wrote:
So I died and I'm in Anima mode? What's Anima mode?
- you can't see living beings or mobs

You can in fact see mobs while in Anima mode.
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Re: FAQ (for starters): Death, resurrection, penalty for dying

Post by Rulzern »

Bredin wrote:
Chrisax wrote:
So I died and I'm in Anima mode? What's Anima mode?
- you can't see living beings or mobs

You can in fact see mobs while in Anima mode.
Only the ones near your body (so you don't resurrect in front of a mob).
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Re: FAQ (for starters): Death, resurrection, penalty for dying

Post by Chrisax »

Bredin and Rulzie are both right, and I was too! :D

Bredin is right because my summary of the "Ghost status" does NOT mention the fact you can see mobs when near body.

Rulzie is right because mobs can be seen near body only.

And I was right because I wrote further in the FAQ
"Mobs are more or less visible when you are there [body] so you can estimate the risks"

Conclusion: it's much better if I add a mention in the "Ghost status" summary. :D

Edited it. :)

That's the beauty of feedback! Thanks for feedback, WTB more! =D> :D
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