Fusang - suggested changes

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Little Leet
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Fusang - suggested changes

Post by Igsorian »


until now i sent 2 suggestions about Fusang-changes to FC, and i want to inform you here what i sent to them.

Little Leet
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Re: Fusang - suggested changes

Post by Igsorian »

30. Nov 2012
Fusang Projects is changed to "Fusang VTC" (Venice Training Centre)

Instead of 3 factions fighting there - Templars-Illuminati-Dragons - we have 3

1. The Faithful 2. The Chosen 3. The Deserved
When someone joins Fusang, the game puts him into one of the groups to balance
the numbers of players.

Balancing: Happens not only according to the numbers of players in each group
just in Fusang, but also to the average of gear-ql. The groups should have, all
in all, the same average of gear-ql.

2. If a player leaves Fusang to cash in markls the game will try to put him in
the old group again if that wouldn't change the balance too much.

Gaining (white) marks:
1. The 3-minutes-tick stays
2. Amount of marks is increased again to 300 per tick

Because the shields at HQ and the facities of opponent groups kill opponent
players a player needs to be able to see on screen which group he belongs to.

Are taken out of game. They aren't necessary any more.

Strength of Facility-custs and turrets:
Same power as just now.

2nd Aug 2013

Dear Sirs,

let me begin with a "complain" that you. i know, have read (too) often over the
weeks: Fusang is not what we - and you too - want it to be.

The situation just now, Battlegroup B: 50-70 lumies in Fusang, map is mostly
full blue = nothing to do. That's problem Nr. 1: Other factions don't join
Fusang often (enough) in numbers.
But problem Nr. 2 is even worse:
*If* opponents enter, so that the dominant faction really would have something to do,
the following situation happens: 50-70 lumies, max. 5-8 are active and
fight/defend, and the rest stays afk. Just take a look into BG B, west fac: A
bunch of AFK'ers. Allways.

Ok, complaining isn't helpfull. Not for me, and not for you. Though i am sure
that yu work on this problem i want to send you the result olf my thoughts
concerning this problem(s).

In general all stays the same. White marks per tick, custodians can be raised by underdogs.
Random timed, between 45 minutes and 75 minutes, the "Council of Venice" takes
over all facilities and raises their own defender (cust?). Wells become
"neutral" too, but arent defended by the Council. Plus they put the facility in
a forcefield which kills everyone inside (don't forget the stairs near the
entrance!) When this "takeover" happens players get a warning. I tried it out:
35 seconds are enough to leave the fac even without sprinting. After this 35
seconds everyone left inside is kiled and will respawn - important - in
his homebase.

These bases which are occupied by the council must be taken (capped) again the normal way:
Kill turret, kill defending NPC.
Rewards: Recapping the fac fromthe council gives 2 Black Marks (or 200 white
marks, doesnt matter). You need to get a (new implemented) mission at the usual

These changes could have, in my oppinion, the following advantages:
1. The facs are "cleared" from AFk'ers. Cause they respawn in base they won't get
any white marks if they stay there. In my point of view they will stop staying
afk in a fac, but that is something we players can handle: We just inform the
other side where our AFK'ers can be found.
2. It is easier for the outnumbered factions to get a fac, at least for a while.
So perhaps more players from other factions will join; maybe only if there is
the worldwide message "Fusang: Councli of Venice took over west-facility ...
east-facility .." etc

Because i mentioned "Custs we can raise, stay in game" a word concerning that:
While such a cust is up the facilities won't be taken over by the Council.
Ok, for sure i don't know if you like my suggestion. Or think it is worth
(and/or easy enough) to implement it. But nevertheless you see, that players
care about the game and try to help you to find solutions :)
Little Leet
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Re: Fusang - suggested changes

Post by Igsorian »

Where the **** has my posting with the changes gone? It was in the thread, as a reply, and now it is gone.

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Re: Fusang - suggested changes

Post by Bredin »

You mean that posts disappeared from this thread? It does not seem like they were moderated by anyone here if so (I have access to check, and could not find anything). Maybe you are talking about FC forums?
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Re: Fusang - suggested changes

Post by Chrisax »

Your post with the changes?

Isn't it this one? http://www.athenpaladins.org/forums/vie ... 389#p59389
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Re: Fusang - suggested changes

Post by Crash »

Chrisax wrote:Your post with the changes?

Isn't it this one? http://www.athenpaladins.org/forums/vie ... 389#p59389
Dead link ^^
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Re: Fusang - suggested changes

Post by Chrisax »

Works for me and.... it's in this very thread :-) Just scroll up!
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Re: Fusang - suggested changes

Post by Crash »

Weird. Now I see the whole post. Anyhoo ...

Interesting post, Igs! I'm not someone who thinks the Foo is broken, but I love the way you think. :)
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