Application: Dexxta

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Baby Leet
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Joined: Sun May 28, 2023 8:46 am

Application: Dexxta

Post by Dexxtaz »

Hi all! Returning player here!
At first I wanted to reactive my account for nostalgia purposes.. After seeing a few of my characters on the account at 220, I couldn't resist logging onto them and having a little look at some content! But that's when it hit me.. I had completely forgotten a lot about the game and decided to create a new character and level from fresh which is when my love for the game had returned to life!

I've currently managed to solo my way to level 132 on a Keeper, however I'm starting to feel quite lonely and isolated. Through all of the years that I have played Anarchy, there was one org that I had constantly seen the name of which is.. The one and only "Athen Paladins" where everyone is extremely approachable and delivers everything that I look for! Athen Paladins have given a lot to me through the years in the game even though I was never part of the org, and I would love to be able to start giving the kindness back :D

I mainly play between 17:00 - 22:00 (GMT+1) and tend to spend every minute that I can get on the weekends! I do have a few characters however at this time have no interest in playing them until I can get back on my feet with what I am doing, where I'm going etc.. So the main character I'm playing at this moment is Dexxta :)

Looking through the CoC and guidelines, I completely agree with every aspect :)
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Re: Application: Dexxta

Post by Ustarlen »

Hi Dexxta

Welcome to the AP forums and thanks for your interest in AP. Great to see more returning players. If you could, please let us know what orgs you were part of in the past.

Thanks for agreeing our Code of Conduct and Org chat guidelines.

Our Code of Conduct and org chat recommendations can be found here for future reference:
The next step is to join our guest channel on our org bot so we can meet/team online. Any AP member can invite you to guest chat. It does not have to be an officer.
You can usually find AP members at the big Vanguards building ramp near OA grid terminal.
If you can’t find a member you can self invite by typing /tell Bobsan !join
This is a temporary invite, so you'll have to do it each time you want to be on guest chat.

Once on guest chat, feel free to ask for an officer and introduce yourself, and also ask for help with any questions you may have about your application.

At some point soon, after you've spent some time with us, an officer will contact you for a brief interview. As our officers can be busy with raids and other duties, it may take a moment to contact you. Always feel free to tell an officer that you are there.

Some of the officers you can contact for help with questions or concerns are:

Cheribomber / Cherib / Jacythna / Officegrrl GMT +12
Chrisax (President and org Founder) GMT
Talmahera / Tefnet / Dunnan / Gallya GMT +2
Codebits / Codecrasher / Coderox / Codeish / Codemanforce / Shacode GMT+1
Khimaru / Karmony / Khimmortal GMT+2 and around
Crataatak / Eezeh / Zanokia GMT+1
Bonniedoom / Betadoom / Amagosa / Whapperz GMT -5

GMT / UTC can be seen in-game with the F9 key.

We look forward to seeing you online :)
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