Best darn App ever! - Lexily

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Baby Leet
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Best darn App ever! - Lexily

Post by Lexily »

So, my name is Lily, im 28, married, prior Air Force, and have a 2 year old daughter. I live in California and I stacked up so much vacation time at work that ive taken the next 6 weeks off which I hope to dedicate a lot of that time to AO and getting back in to the game. I used to play back in 2008 to 2009. I have 5 characters total but never got any to level 100 because I just took my time with everything and helped other new players. I was so addicted to this game at the time that when I learned how to do a dual monitor setup, I immediately bought a second monitor just to run two clients at once and play both accounts simultaneously.

BUT NOW!!! I'm a total newbie all over again. So far Bellorum and a random Omni player I met have given me quite a lot of information to chew on to kinda get me back in to the game. And I've been reading the War and Peace style BOOKS (guides) Bellorum assigned to me ;) It will take me some time to get back in to the game but i'm usually a quick learner and very strategic player.

Also, I put quite a few hundred dollars in to AO back in the day so I have like a ton of credits and so many purchased items I cant even remember what they all do. It took me literally an hour to rename all of my backpacks in my bank. :-P Im a pack rat. Anyways, I mention the items and money because i'm always up for helping others. So, if during my hordeing, I stashed an item you need or if I have moneys and you dont, I'll be there for ya!

Also, im very social and fun loving. I enjoy a good conversation but also love to kick some ass. ;) So, lets get to kickin!
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Re: Best darn App ever! - Lexily

Post by Nic »

HI Lexily,

Welcome to the AP forums and thanks for your interest in AP. Nice to meet you and thx for letting us know you are interested to join.

Is Lexily your main character?

When you have a minute please read and confirm here that you agree our Code of Conduct and org chat guidelines.

Our Code of Conduct and org chat recommendations can be found here: ... p?f=8&t=69 ... p?f=8&t=68

The next step would be to join our bot as a guest to meet/team online. Any member can invite you to guest chat. You can usually find AP members hanging out at the Vanguards ramp next to the OA grid. If you can’t find a member you can try Clan OOC to see if any AP members are on.

At some point soon, after you've spent some time with us, an officer will contact you for a brief interview. As our officers can be busy with raids and other duties, it may take a few days to contact you.

Some of the officers you can reach out to for help with queries or concerns are:

Bellatrix / Carpdiem / Furymaster (General) GMT
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We look forward to seeing you online
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Re: Best darn App ever! - Lexily

Post by Chrisax »

Hello and welcome back in AO, Lexily :) See you online soon; you got all the information already so we just have to meet you.
Baby Leet
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Re: Best darn App ever! - Lexily

Post by Lexily »

Thank you and I have read the code of conduct and the org chat info as instructed. I will head to Vanguards now to track down any unsuspecting AP member and blast them with invite requests to the guest chat ;) Just kidding.

Woot woot though, Im excited!
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Mini Leet
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Re: Best darn App ever! - Lexily

Post by Duke »

Hi Lexily that is sick ! wow 6 weeks? lol....
What is you new toon lvl ? I have Lowbie toons if you need lvling help or refresh you memory of SL, and mainland....
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