Applying for membership - adamblai / Pugionibus

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Baby Leet
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Applying for membership - adamblai / Pugionibus

Post by adamblai »

Hello all,

I was in AO "back in the day" as many who are coming back. I played from shortly after launch til towers came out...then life demanded attention for about 10 years. AO was my first mmo and I've always loved it. I love the complexity, the detail, the twinking. I think that AO rewards intelligent actions and not just grinding.

I mainly played an adv back then made it to level 196...Sedition was her name.

I'm 45 and live an interesting life (I think...). I work all day as a one-armed lumberjack and have no real life otherwise so I game a good amount. I have to travel for some of my real work so some weekends I dissapear. I'm on TV fairly regularly and some people have a strong reaction to my work. I work training priests in exorcism (I'm not The Exorcist Files to see a documentary I did with exorcist friends). I am not preachy or religious in game at all, don't worry about that. I'm just sharing this as I don't hide what I do if people ask...and as I said some have a strong reaction.

I am fairly goofy in game as this is my relaxation away from the serious stuff I deal with in life. : )

I have been playing Age of Conan in recent years. I play with a very good German guild there. I am going back to AO though cuz I love this game. I play a dps assassin there and work VERY hard to learn the mechanics and maximize what can be done with a toon.

Anyway, feel free to ask questions...all of my toons (made one of each class):

Shade - Pugionibus (Latin for daggers)
Adv - Wayofthegun (ranged adv)
Soldier - Tankygirl (I want to see how tough they can be solo)
MP - Demonologist (I hate pet classes but gonna try it)
Doc - Novocain (I think dual pistol docs are badass)
Enf - Thyroidissue (has a weight issue, please don't tease)
Agent - Deathrattle (this toon has no sense of humor)
Trader - Lilthumper (made just to wrangle other toons)
Engi - Implantsinc (made just to make implants for other toons)
Crat - Footmaster (looks like Jules from Pulp Fiction, with the suit will be perfect)
Fixer - Screwtop (gonna see if I like fixer)
MA - Wanderingson (returning motif)

Oh! Duke has been helping me out, bumming around with my shade...very friendly cool person...led me to hope there are other cool folks here.



I have read the code of conduct and it all looks good to me, no problem.

Duke asked me about my alts, which are listed above. The few that are omni I'll switch to Clan.

I was invited to quest channel while gaming with Duke and working on this application.
Last edited by adamblai on Sun May 08, 2016 1:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Mini Leet
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Re: Applying for membership

Post by Duke »

Thank you Adam...... love the Alt names :)*
I did tell Adam about not to buff players that are flagged and we don't condone ganking others.
Not to train in dungeons to be respectful and aware of others playing.. Everything that is in C.O.C...
I mentioned the alliance and Orgs in the alliance.......Sorry Chrisax but i cant remember all the org names.. :P
Last edited by Duke on Sun May 08, 2016 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Applying for membership

Post by stokken »

Hi adamblai and welcome back to AO

Welcome to the AP forums and thanks for your interest in AP. Nice to meet you and thx for letting us know you are interested to join.

When you have a minute please read and confirm here that you agree our Code of Conduct and org chat guidelines.

Our Code of Conduct and org chat recommendations can be found here: ... p?f=8&t=69 ... p?f=8&t=68

The next step would be to join our bot as a guest to meet/team online. Any member can invite you to guest chat. You can usually find AP members hanging out at the Vanguards ramp next to the OA grid. If you can’t find a member you can try Clan OOC to see if any AP members are on.

At some point soon, after you've spent some time with us, an officer will contact you for a brief interview. As our officers can be busy with raids and other duties, it may take a few days to contact you.

Some of the officers you can reach out to for help with queries or concerns are:

Bellatrix / Carpdiem / Furymaster (General) GMT
Bellorum / Ustarlen / Ustar / Zanda (General) GMT +12
Carequinha /Toughcrat / Toughen / Reapermann (General) GMT -6
Cherib / Jacythna / Officegrrl GMT +12
Chrisax (President and org Founder) GMT
Codeish / Codemanforce / Shacode GMT+1
Cratstorm / Drthunder / Masirxu / Stormeta /Stormforcer GMT
Crazi / Crazidoctor / Crazigank / Forsikring / Galehus / Stokken (General) GMT +1
Dedicated / Lendahand / Hammured / Shartris
Wiisper / Elisiss / Wiinurse / Ziiah GMT -5
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We look forward to seeing you online
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Re: Applying for membership - adamblai / Pugionibus

Post by Chrisax »

Hello Adamblai / Pugionibus (what character do you consider your "main", if any, by the way?)

Welcome on our forums and see you online soon.

On what server and in what guild did you play AoC?

I was amused to see that your MP is called "Demonologist" which is a damage-dealer class in AoC. The term demonologist certainly makes more sens about a MP who got real fighting demon pets while the "demo" in AoC gets mostly a buff demon pet and relies on elemental-like powers of fire and electricity. :)
Baby Leet
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Re: Applying for membership - adamblai / Pugionibus

Post by adamblai »

Hey all,

- Yes I read both the conduct code and chat recommendations. All good with those, basically don't be a mean/insecure 10 year old (relatively easy to pull off at 45).

- Thanks on the names, I try to find good names as it helps me engage with the toons as projects. The MP here is really more of a demonologist than the AoC one. I was surprised that name was available.

- I am in Ronin on Crom server in AoC. They have merged into basically just PVE and a couple of failed PVP servers (all US based servers to the latency detriment of the euros). Please note it's Ronin the German guild, not the old failed US guild. Ronin has been around a long time. I'm still friends with everyone. Memshur is the guild owner. My best friend there is Flaming (raid lead). You can contact anyone there, they all know me as I was the first non-German speaker in the guild so I'm "in the museum" they say. Flaming knows I'm playing AO. My main there is Bubastis, known as Bubs.

- I think I like the shade as a main but I have the most experience with the adv class.


PS Duke's doctor is sick, that class is so OP at extreme end game (jelly!).
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Mini Leet
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Re: Applying for membership - adamblai / Pugionibus

Post by Duke »

lol my doctor is just ok, but thank you Adam... shucks =P~ i think shades are awesome :)
Little Leet
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Re: Applying for membership - adamblai / Pugionibus

Post by Markeem »

Awesome irl profession, i think its cool. Shades are sick! I can't stop playing mine, most engaging char i have so far.
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