Cabal kits

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Cabal kits

Post by Elrojo »

Due to some unfortunate mishaps and general low drop rate we are low on lots of the blue kits of varying levels to make talis and weaps. Glyphs are not level locked, so you can, even at lvl1, put a ql10 blue glyph into and QL item. However, you would only want to do this on higher Ql gear, otherwise it's out leveled fast.

So my proposal is, if we are running some elites or normals we should tell the members that kits are for cabal and the rest can be greed.

I have more than enough materials and green kits, but no blue. So stock up and we can help out some lowbies.

Remember the faster they can progress, within reason, the more they will like the game and the faster they can come and do endgame stuff!
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Re: Cabal kits

Post by Chrisax »

We can do that, totally :),but to clarify a point, this is mostly to have blue kits ready in the bank so we don't have to run an elite just when someone needs a kit. We "rationalize" raiding somewhat.

Regarding glyphs, though, this is only valid for QL10 blue glyph kits because, roughly, a QL "N" blue gyplh = a QL "N+2" green glyph. This means that it's easier and simpler to just make QL10 green glyphs (which are superior to all blues except QL9 and 10, and equal to QL8 blue). And, a Rojo said, QL10 glyph can go into any QL weapon or talisman.

That said, putting a QL10 blue glyph in anything else than a QL10 weapon or talisman is a total waste. Especially because QL10 purple glyphs are hard to get and the first glyphs you can usually equip in purple items will be QL 10 blues glyphs!
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Re: Cabal kits

Post by Chrisax »

Side note: as it's impossible to increase cabal bank space #-o ](*,) :shrug: we should consider making free accounts chars to store items... back to the old AO method.
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Rurik Nogard
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Re: Cabal kits

Post by Rurik Nogard »

Well I have 3 things to say and maybe this is not the section for that but well here goes:

As u have seen Im not high active chat member, I ll try to do my stuff everyday run NM, every day to have my full dps equip done (Im only focus on DPS now wanna have full .4/.4 HR, CR, PR, and try to find new builds) until today I think Im doing better I have 3 Windows in my inventory DPS, HEAL and TANK, the last ones have ítems purples .1/.2 and I have a lot of purples that really doesnt serve me so I make mats or sell them cause there not tradable, I try to help anyone that need, want, when Ill ask well nobody wants/needs, so I focus on make my own. I really suffer trying to find a good team to make 18/18, Ankh, HE, Fac, SH and never EVER have made HF NM.

1) Well I got plenty pure metal (500+) for help to make weapons for new members, I have send and will send more weapons and talis that can help members I really have very good luck for gadget blue kit, but not for weapons or talis ones, but when I run or do dung I can get fine stuff that I can give.

2) Ill think that we MUST do NM runs everyday, cause If high lv time members not work out to make us stronger, will be more dificult to help every new ones.

3) We will to do daily or weekly reunions for going to The Fight Club and help members to train movements and help with decks and try moves that will help everyone to improve (besides the kills there give pvp exp).

I think that maybe Im wrong, but I feel that we need to help each other to improve cause several things here have to be make as team and well Im barely get help when trying to do NMs or dungs to improve myself (Yeah I know it sounds greddy and bad u.u) but well, thats only a tought.

Sorry for my bad english x_x.

Greetings to all :D
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Re: Cabal kits

Post by Elrojo »

ya its true vlein.

Rule of thumbs is you generally need 2x the necessary members in order to regularly run 1 dungeon. This is the problem.

Currently we have an overstock of DPS, only 1 tank and only 2 healers (one of which is me, and the other is AFK currently).

I try to run the 18/18 daily, but in my time zone most people are still coming through the ranks in the elites. They will, in a month or two, be ready for the gatekeeper.

The next step (and its a big one), is that its going to be almost impossible to have a team with mostly blues, that are generally not optimised for DPS or heals or tanks. So it will require 4 geared people to drag 1 blue geared through a dungeon. This is unless they pick up some purples from pvp.

So in the end, this is going to be a work-in-progress. The best thing you can do is to get some exp in the 18/18, HE etc. Then as people are getting to beginner NMs you can teach them what to do. After time you will get a good stock of capable people to run dungeons fast.

If you see people online ask f they want to do a NM or two. Then you may need to fill the team with a few PuG guys.

Stay patient and develop your gear. I'd love to not have to spam LFG channel for an hour before i can run the 18, but eventually we wont have to and we wll be happy we stuck with it
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Re: Cabal kits

Post by Rurik Nogard »

Well I enter everyday 15:00 hr Mexico city time to tsw everyday and almost all day weekends, I will stay LFG when I come and see no cabal members to run NM, so I stay in agartha by bout 3-5 hrs to try finish 18/18, Anhk, HE and SH, I never made HF or Fac full run, but well after that I ask in Cabal Chat if any needs help, but every 3 days like today I surely be like 6 or 7 hrs if dont have to return work LFG for NY, cause this raid have chances for get Stone for make ur weapon fron .4 --->.5 or astral fuse that serve for glyphs and 1st time u make u recibe a Stone for weapon or talis, 500k exp and 20 Bbullions and the other times exp and 20 Bbullions besides can drop talis or weapons .4, so is useful make NY raid.

Well all this only u to know u can wispme anytime if im not in NM dung or Raid can help you with anything u want.

Cause if I end before the time and ask and no answer or none needs the going to pvp.

So u know, and youre absolutelly right Elrojo I know what u mean :( but well time and farm to grow :D
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Re: Cabal kits

Post by Chrisax »

What Rojo said. We have some time building our NM-ready members; we need to work for little while, then we'll be in better conditions that most cabals. Each time I'm in Agartha, I see requests for NM... endless ones, sometimes the same ones for one hour or more.

Lireana and Acreff are close to Gatekepper first attempts. Many others are progressing well.

Zeril can tank but doesn't have yet totally the gear for NM.

I could work on heals but ... I'm the tank, so... if I go heals, we need a tank still. And, by the way, it's impossible I tank everything. So we need new tanks. (But, TBH, tanking in TSW is hard and often unfair: so many responsibilities on a single person.)

To help people gearing with purples relatively fast, I see two solutions:

- we make Eldorado a lot with several AP's (or Fusang at the "right" times but queues are very long): over time, Eldorado is the best source for purples, by far.

- we farm the first bosses of some NM dungeons, not trying to do all. A team with blue equipment + a purple tank and a good healer can do the first bosses almost everywhere and get purple items at a reasonable speed, enough to be able to go much further in NM.
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Re: Cabal kits

Post by Rurik Nogard »

Well I have purple gear .0 and .2 full gear for tank and for heals I can do it if u want only I need is a good tanking deck a some advices and I can help maybe not 4k heals but I get like 3.5 and my maximun hp is 11-12k so I can help there too :D just tell me and we can make some really good if need it :D
Crimson Sun is coming dawn u must search for a safe place to stay alive...Crimson Sun is going up you must wish for a good burial cause it has no mercy...Rurik Vlein Nogard
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Re: Cabal kits

Post by Elrojo »

Lireana has beaten the GK, Acreff and Nnk still need some elites. n fact nink only needs very basic elites. Pol/DW/HE/Ankh. So its possible to get those done easily.
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Re: Cabal kits

Post by Chrisax »

Then we could focus on those eliets and get rid of them fast, and we would have a potential NM group.
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