Our Raids Feb.7-13

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Our Raids Feb.7-13

Post by Chrisax »

Our Raids Feb.7-13

We’ll do an early iPande Friday before the Inner Sanctum quest so we have a full "work-days" raids schedule. :-)

- 17:30GMT = 12:30PM EST
- 18:30GMT = 1:30PM EST
- 20:30GMT = 3:30PM EST

Monday :
- AP raid, iPande or another, if someone can lead it (can’t tonight sorry)

Tuesday 8:
- 20:30GMT: 12-man runs

Wednesday 9:
- 20:30GMT: APFs all sectors

Thursday 10:
- 20:30GMT Sector 42 - Be there before 20GMT please

Friday 11:
- 19:30GMT: iPande before Inner Sanctum
- 20:30GMT: Inner Sanctum run, levels 125+ welcome, including froobs

Saturday 12:
No AI event, so:
- 20:30GMT: Crazy Raids Day (iPande + s13, s28, s35)

Sunday 13:
- 18:30GMT Sector 42 Please be there on time
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