New zones in 18.0?

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New zones in 18.0?

Post by Alphacenta »

Lupusceleri: So what about the transmission?
Peacekeeper Coursey: Ah, yes, right. Let's see what that decoded to, shall we?
Coursey taps against her wristpad again, mouth twisting into a thoughtful frown as she peers over the data.
Peacekeeper Coursey: Let's see here... relay stations in Milky Way, Lush Fields, Mort... right, right, we know all that, where's the source broad... cast... coming...
Her words fade off into silence as she stares down to the wristpad, expression blank.
Lupusceleri: What's wrong?
She continues staring down at the wristpad, eyes flicking over the lines of data. When she speaks you can't be sure if she heard your original question or not, despite answering it.
Peacekeeper Coursey: This isn't good. This... really isn't good at all. It's...
Her eyes flick back up to your own, the frown on her mouth set deeply.
Peacekeeper Coursey: It's coming from outside the satellite network. They're somewhere in the Outzone.
Lupusceleri: I thought the Dust Brigade always worked out of the Outzone, though?
Coursey's head shakes from side to side quickly, peering over the data.
Peacekeeper Coursey: No, no... I mean yes - They have. But this is... this is farther in than we ever managed to track them. They're clear on the other side of Rubi-Ka.
Lupusceleri: Wait, wait - Other side of the planet?
Coursey goes back to tapping against her wristpad again, scowling as she pours over the data.
Peacekeeper Coursey: Like I said earlier, this is just the first broadcast - It could be inaccurate, it could be misinterpereting the data; any number of things. But... assuming this is correct, they're half-way across the world. I don't know that we can triangulate this.
Lupusceleri: That's not good.
Peacekeeper Coursey: No, no it's not. Dammit. This is bad. We're not prepared to go into the Outzone at all - We don't have the resources available right now, nor anyone with the training to handle it. We may have to...
Her words trail off after that, the frown remaining on her lips.
Peacekeeper Coursey: Ok. What I need you to do is go back to Constad. Hand him this.
Reaching to her wristpad she pulls a small datachip from its side, passing it to you quickly.
Peacekeeper Coursey: Tell him that we may have to call in the reinforcements we talked about. The last resort option. He'll know what I mean.
Lupusceleri: Wait, "last resort"? What reinforcements?
Coursey shakes her head quickly.
Peacekeeper Coursey: I'm sorry, Lupusceleri, but this one I can't tell you - Not my place, and its privilaged information on a need-to-know basis. Constad has the right to, but it's not my call. Just go take that to him, and be quick. We may need to get mobilized as soon as we can. I'll be speaking to you again soon, most likely.

Read it. They talk about the Outzone, and other side of the planet.. Sounds VERY much like the DB is located in new zones, and that they are coming when the quest continues. Nice!
Lupusceleri L220/24 Agent.
Silversmith upcoming TL5 twink.
Wolfseye L110/12 Adventurer (towertwink).
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Aesculapias L21/2 Doctor (ancient).

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Post by Alphacenta »


Peacekeeper Constad: Look. Sorry. Sorry, didn't mean to snap like that. This is just bad news for me - For all of us, really. Coursey told you they're on the other side of the planet - The problem here is that our jurisdiction doesn't extend that far right now. We don't have the rights to go in... and, to be quite frank, we don't have the means either. There are... well, there are circumstances. Things I can't talk about right now. But if their location is where I'm thinking it is, it explains a lot of things.
Lupusceleri: Such as?
Constad's voice drops to a near whisper as he speaks, a frown etched deep onto his face.
Peacekeeper Constad: Haven't you wondered at all why the Dust Brigade have been so damn interested in the ruins here on Rubi-Ka? Why they keep digging up old bits and pieces of tech? It's the Xan. It's all related to the Xan. And the Outzone is...
Constad's eyes shift slightly, scanning around the area nervously.
Peacekeeper Constad: I can't say much more. But there's a lot there that would keep them very occupied, and very, very happy. The Outzone is mostly unexplored, but we do know from satellite imagery that there are things out there that any individual would love to get their hands on. It's one of the reasons the terraforming of Rubi-Ka hasn't expanded more than it has - There's an old treaty designed to keep people out of there.
Lupusceleri: What are you saying?
Peacekeeper Constad: The ICC and Omni-Tek have a long-standing agreement not to go into certain parts of the Outzone. That some things need to remain hidden. It's not exactly a matter of public record, it's something we... well, we have our reasons. We can't stop people from trying to get out there, mind you, and there have been people dumb enough to attempt settling in the Outzone, but they almost never survive. If the Dust Brigade managed to penetrate that far into the Outzone, though... dammit. I'm really going to have to make this call, aren't I?
Lupusceleri: What call? You're not making sense anymore, Constad.
Constad sighs slightly, pressing a few buttons on his wristpad.
Peacekeeper Constad: This is beyond you and me now. The reinforcements... they're people trained to go where we in the ICC can't right now. And I don't want to do this, but I'm going to have to. We'll have to work with them to get out there and figure out exactly what's going on. I've got to call in the Unicorns.
Lupusceleri: ... you're kidding, right?
Peacekeeper Constad: I wish I was. Look, I know you're not a fan of Omni-Tek, and frankly I'm completely neutral in this whole thing you guys have against them. The problem here is the precedent. We're talking about breaking down a very old, very well-respected treaty. There are reasons that we've tried to keep people from going into the Outzone. Hell, most of those reasons even I'm not privvy to. All I know is that we're entering slippery slope territory. Once we set foot out there... things are going to change. Drastically.
Lupusceleri: Is there anything else I can do?
Peacekeeper Constad: Right now? No. And I wish there was but there isn't. I've got a lot of work ahead of me now... too much work, stuff I can't say as I really want to do. This may be the last time we get the chance to really talk as well. But I have the feeling that before long... well. Like I said, things are going to change. And you might find yourself wrapped up in it.
Constad sighs slightly as a small beep comes from his wristpad.
Peacekeeper Constad: Yeah, I was waiting for that. ICC headquarters is ringing me. Look, I'm sorry to cut this short, Lupusceleri, but I have to take this. Go talk to Coursey one more time, tell her that I'm in touch with HQ. And... again. Thank you for all that you've done.
Lupusceleri L220/24 Agent.
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Wolfseye L110/12 Adventurer (towertwink).
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Aesculapias L21/2 Doctor (ancient).

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Post by Sillanto »

ooooohhhh sounds like its going to be fun :)
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