Application for Lardassitude

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Baby Leet
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Application for Lardassitude

Post by Lardassitude »

Hello. My name is Lardassitude. I have been playing AO most of the time since before the aliens came. I have several accounts which have been lost in the mists of time, but I remember I had a 220 engi named HenryBeemis once.

I haven't been in many orgs, and I've never stayed long, to be honest. I'm most comfortable doing things myself, but it's heartbreaking at times to see others having so much fun and being successful playing in teams and doing raids. I sometimes quit the game in frustration, but always come back, promising myself that I will overcome my shyness and do this thing right.

So I met one of your members, Namisan, and she encouraged me to apply. It looks like I would really fit in well, because I am a kind person who really would like to help other players who are struggling like I always have. Certainly not a scammer! I am not afraid of putting my time in and working hard. I don't want a lot of stuff, I just want to have a chance at the many parts of the game I haven't seen yet. And, believe me, I will be grateful for that chance.

If you let me in, I promise to stick it out no matter how poorly it seems to be going for me in the org. I understand it takes time to get to know people, especially for someone as shy as I am. And I will always be willing to show and explain anything I know to others. I'm in no rush and would be happy to do it!

So here's a list of my current characters on two accounts. One is paid, the other free.


Lardassitude, 210 MP, my main (although I'm planning to make a crat to be my main
Lardassia, 59 soldier
Lardassio, 100 adventurer
Lardassa, 120 doctor
Lardissimus, 124 MA
Lardini, 19 enforcer


Lardessa, 89 trader
Mattahari, 106 MP
Lardassitus, 70 fixer

I'm a middle-aged American living in Tennessee, US EST (GMT - 5) and I'm usually on between 7 am and noon, which I guess is 12 to 5 pm GMT.

I hope to hear from you soon!
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Re: Application for Lardassitude

Post by Chrisax »

Processing application in-game in real time just now :)
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