Application Xtermagique

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Baby Leet
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Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:23 pm

Application Xtermagique

Post by Xtermagique »

Hello my name is Xtermagique and I would like to join Athen Paladins. I have been playing AO since 2004 with a few breaks in between

i would like to join Athen Paladins first because its one of the oldest and best orgs i ever seen on AO. Second, im back to AO one mounth ago after 6 years break or so and joined a friend's org (True Blood) which is almot dead, i find myself always alone on bot because they are busy and the org is not with the alliance. Added to that im back to AO to have fun with friends and do stuff in group not to have the best toon, so having fun time with friends is what i look for im never in a hurry on being the best :D

when i got back i joined True Blood cause an RL friend invited me and the guys there helped me alot to start and lvl up fast and even with some items. But my friend is now frozen and rest of org (who are 3 or 4 guys) are busy with RL stuff and don't log anymore, i've been alone for about 3 weeks or so. I spoke with one of them when he logged once and he said he will undrestand if i leave the org because they all have more than one acc with almost all profs endgame so they can solo almost anything when they play.

My time zone is GMT+2 I am usually online during 9pm to 1am when i get home from work

I fully agree with all AP rules which insists on respect for one's self and for other players in org and outside the org and be sure to spend good time together

well, i had some old acc with 3 220s and some 150-200 twinks, but before leaving i gave my old acc away to a friend which i lost contact with because it was an old org mate, but i restarted on new acc and now i have :

Xtermagique 220/08/33 Clan
Xterminateur 167/00/00 Clan
Tankmen2 Enforcer 170 (froob) Clan
Kheebra Enginner 60 (froob) clan
Narouto martial-artist 60 (froob) clan
and some other lvl 60 froob toons i dont remember all really..

well, im abit busy in RL with work and some hanging out with friends but i log for about 3 or 4 hours everyday after work or i can be more on in my off-work day

im still with True blood waiting for ur answer to move to AP if u're gonna accept my application :D

Thank You
Maxi Leet
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Re: Application Xtermagique

Post by falconwar »

Hello Xtermagique

Welcome to the AP forums and thanks for your interest in AP. Nice to see veterans coming back to the game.

You said you fully agree with all AP rules, which is great, :) but just in order to make it clear and make sure you read our latest Code of Conduct and org chat guidelines, I'd invite you, when you have a minute to read and confirm here again that you agree our most up to date CoC and org chat recommendations.

Our Code of Conduct and org chat recommendations can be found here:
The next step would be to join our bot as a guest to meet/team online. Any AP member can invite you to guest chat. It does not have to be an officer.
You can usually find AP members hanging out at the Vanguards ramp next to the OA grid. If you can’t find a member you can self invite by typing /tell Bobsan !invite This is a temporary invite, so please introduce yourself and ask for help with any questions you may have about your application.

At some point soon, after you've spent some time with us, an officer will contact you for a brief interview. As our officers can be busy with raids and other duties, it may take a few days to contact you.

Some of the officers you can reach out to for help with queries or concerns are:

Bitnykk / Enginyk / Healnyk / Kynecrat GMT +2
Boomer / Bloodstripe / Iwojima / Shelbycobra / Corvettezr1 (General) GMT -6
Cherib / Jacythna / Officegrrl GMT +12
Chrisax (President and org Founder) GMT
Codeish / Codemanforce / Shacode GMT+1
Crazi / Crazidoctor / Epok / Hornblower / Stokken (General) GMT +1
Falcondoct/ Falconcrat /Falconsold / Falconenf GMT -5
Jetson / Noobasdoc / Noobastank (General) GMT +10
Namisan / Merques / Namizo / Vampyren GMT + 1
Ustarlen / Bellorum / Zanda (General) GMT+12
Carequinha /Toughcrat / Toughenf / Reapermann (General) (in memoriam beloved Paladin and Officer)

For time zones referred to above please see: ... _main.html

We look forward to seeing you online
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Re: Application Xtermagique

Post by Chrisax »

Hello Xtermagique and welcome on our forums. :) It's good to see one more old player wanting to stay in AO and feeling like joining us. See you online soon, as you now know everything about the next steps.
Baby Leet
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:23 pm

Re: Application Xtermagique

Post by Xtermagique »

Thank you guys for the quick answers and i confirme again that i agree with all AP COC and chat recommendations. see you in game guys ^_^
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