Alien Mothership Missions

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Alien Mothership Missions

Post by Chrisax »

Alien Mothership Missions

Will the expansion give new opportunity's to earn alien xp or can you only do that in raids at an org city?

Yes it will give new opportunities for axp. You won’t need to be in an organisation to take part in the new aliens missions.
They fill function in a very similar way to the Rubi-Ka team missions except rather then heading to a location on the planet
you will head to a Shuttle for transportation up to the alien motherships!

How does the new Alien Mothership encounter fit into the expansion?

This is an area we really think players will appreciate. Whilst we set out to provide organisation based content in the last expansion
(something we think worked really well!) we know that many players also wanted alien based content that didn’t require them to be in an
organisation or have many friends online.

Lost Eden allows the players to take the fight directly to the aliens by boarding the alien motherships. These encounters will be brand
new ACG (Auto-Content Generation) areas that players will be able to visit much in the same way as team mission terminals work on Rubi-Ka.

These areas really are nothing like players will have seen before and will provide spectacular backdrops to your missions against the aliens.

How do we take these alien mothership missions?

You will converse with a Unicorn NPC in the outlands staging area to get a mission to attack the mothership. One of the unicorn shuttles will
then transport you and your team to the alien mothership.

With the alien mother ship instances will that be level locked much like the current Alien Play fields or will it be open to all players
that have the Alien Invasion expansion pack and/or Lost Eden expansion pack?

The missions will be available to players of almost any level, we may put a very low minimum requirement if needed (so as not to overwhelm
new players!) but overall they will work just like the missions received on Rubi-ka in that they will create a mission instance suited
to the level of your team

Missions into alien mother ships, can they be single player missions or do you have to be in a team?

The Alien missions will be team missions yes, the alien motherships will not be somewhere to go too alone!

Is there any restrictions to when we can do mothership missions (like CRU missions etc

No, there are no restrictions to doing alien mothership missions.

With new alien encounters within “Lost Eden”, will it be possible to loot AI armor bots as we see off of generals and admirals today?

No, the existing loot items from alien invasion will stay as they are so you wont see AI items dropping in the alien mothership missions

Will the new alien mother ship remove the utility of city raids? I mean with aliens mission ( mother ship) we will get xp,
so it will be harder to get a full raid to far our bots/items etc.. Will something be changed to the city raids or mission wont
give as much AXP then raids?

The loot tables in the alien missions will be all new, for new rewards, we didn’t want to damage the activity around the alien city missions.
It is important that we still leave the incentives in place for the guild content as well.

The new alien missions will provide a whole new set of items to look out for. We don’t want to remove the need for alien city raids,
the new missions are seen as a way to address the players wishes to be able to able to access Alien content in addition to city content,
and that’s what we are aiming for.

Will there be new aliens in the missions?

Yes there will be new alien types and visual models in the motherships (as well as all your old friends!).

Do the alien mothership missions have a boss mob?

Yes, the mothership missions bring you up against a boss room. There are a number of boss encounters in the expansion and each mission
will provide you with a randomly chosen alien boss to battle.

What will the rewards be for the alien mothership missions?

Well aside from getting some on demand axp, these missions will also bring the chance to earn some victory points outside of
the battlestation. You will also be able to acquire special alien materials that can be used to upgrade the new armor and weapons
that are coming with the expansion.
Last edited by Chrisax on Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chrisax »


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