Some sad news.. and hugs!

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Some sad news.. and hugs!

Post by Myrthe »

Hey there everyone in AP,

I am very sad to say that I had to make a decision, about what I want to achieve in TSW, and to consider the options that I have right now.

I haven't been as happy in AP as the times where I recently joined. This is mostly caused by living in another timezone. So this isn't anyones fault really :(

Chrisax of course lives in mine, only one hour time difference.. But he also has his hands full with AO, and is usually playing that in the evenings. I cannot blame him for that either!
But that does result in having almost no one online when I am playing.

I do run into Elrojo and DD/Nano, but when I log on they usually log offline to go to sleep.. (It usually is morning time for me then.)

So yeah the conclusion is that combined with the work I do, and the random times people sometimes are online, or the US timezone people(That sounds silly ^_^).. It is difficult to find enjoyment and do activities together.

I am a bit sick of pugging, but I ended up with some really nice people yesterday, who have a decent cabal with active people in MY timezone! They didn't offer me to join, but I was just curious cuz I noticed the rest of the group were all in that cabal, so I asked what it's like.

I know it's sad, and rude.. to just go like this, but in the end if I can get more out of a game, by doing this, why wouldn't I do it?

I do want to thank you all, for everything. The friendship and love you have given us(Netra and I), the help with signets, gadgets. The dungeons we did, the farming, the chatting.. Everything.

In return, please add me to your friendslist! So that whenever I AM online and there is something happening.. you can always ask me if I want to join :) I would love that..

Man, why are things like this so difficult.. :) I know in the end you lot also want me to be happy and enjoy myself, so I know everyone will respect my decision.. But it doesn't make it easier.

I hope I can stay on the forum? I check here from time to time, when I want something to read. If not I totally understand :)


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Re: Some sad news.. and hugs!

Post by Aesop »

Hey Myrthe,

It's sad to see you go, but would rather see you in game and happy. I've added you to my friend list, and do hope to see you around :D.

I was in the middle of DW when you posted in cabal chat and was concerned that you were leaving tsw all together. Glad to see that you will still be around.

Have fun and don't be a stranger.

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Re: Some sad news.. and hugs!

Post by Myrthe »

Thank you for your kind words. No I won't leave TSW. I do play other games regularly though when I am in the mood for it.

I won't be a stranger! You don't be one too ok!

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Re: Some sad news.. and hugs!

Post by Chrisax »

:( It's sad to see you go, Myrthe, especially when we have a group ready for a cabal NM run Saturday at 20GMT, but, at the moment, it is clear that the activity is centered on "American continent" times zones, although 9 months ago it's was at 80% European.

It's really a pain that the servers merge in AO and it's consequences, not yet over, have totally consumed many of our time resources -especially mines- just at the time we wanted to start re-developing. Nothing we/I could do... and I knew it would cause problems. It's a painful situation to be aware of an issue, to know what would have to be done, and, at the same time, to be unable to do it.

I understand it was not fun to be often alone (or with Netra) during your online time, and that, without my help, you couldn't really try to get new people in this time frame. I saw you several times (you don't necessarily saw me) when logging on a brief moment during the evenings GMT or the afternoons. And, believe me, that was making me sad.

We will re-develop around the US time zone first, and expand progressively. It makes more sense at the moment. Ironically, it would be totally different if just 10% of people who stopped TSW came back.

The PVE end-game doesn't help either: it's basically repeating NM dungeons all over which implies to have precisely the "right" people at the "right" time, without alternative.

I hope you'll remember all the good moments we had together, and that you'll keep in mind that our door is always open. When it gets better around your time zone and if you still play TSW, we'll be happy to have our Myrthe back and working with us.

Take care and best wishes to you, wherever your path may take you.? :)
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Re: Some sad news.. and hugs!

Post by Myrthe »

Chrisax wrote::( It's sad to see you go, Myrthe, especially when we have a group ready for a cabal NM run Saturday at 20GMT, but, at the moment, it is clear that the activity is centered on "American continent" times zones, although 9 months ago it's was at 80% European.

It's really a pain that the servers merge in AO and it's consequences, not yet over, have totally consumed many of our time resources -especially mines- just at the time we wanted to start re-developing. Nothing we/I could do... and I knew it would cause problems. It's a painful situation to be aware of an issue, to know what would have to be done, and, at the same time, to be unable to do it.

I understand it was not fun to be often alone (or with Netra) during your online time, and that, without my help, you couldn't really try to get new people in this time frame. I saw you several times (you don't necessarily saw me) when logging on a brief moment during the evenings GMT or the afternoons. And, believe me, that was making me sad.

We will re-develop around the US time zone first, and expand progressively. It makes more sense at the moment. Ironically, it would be totally different if just 10% of people who stopped TSW came back.

The PVE end-game doesn't help either: it's basically repeating NM dungeons all over which implies to have precisely the "right" people at the "right" time, without alternative.

I hope you'll remember all the good moments we had together, and that you'll keep in mind that our door is always open. When it gets better around your time zone and if you still play TSW, we'll be happy to have our Myrthe back and working with us.

Take care and best wishes to you, wherever your path may take you.? :)
Aww, teary eyes. :') Thank you for everything Chris, and also for stating that there's always a place for me in AP :-) Really appreciate it!!

I think it would be good indeed to focus a bit more on the US crowd, timewise.. To get more stable groups for NMs going and other stuffs. Then build from there.

I am sorry that I am not much of help by leaving like this, but like I mentioned, If I am online and you could use me for something, please don't be a stranger ok?


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Re: Some sad news.. and hugs!

Post by noobas »

Thanks for being so tactful Myrthe!

The best are those who communicate their reasons for leaving.

The alternate, is those who just LEAVE, without a trace or telling anyone anything.

Good luck in your new Cabal!

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Re: Some sad news.. and hugs!

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Re: Some sad news.. and hugs!

Post by Elrojo »

Heya Myrthe,

Thanks for the post, as noobs said, it is preferable for people to say goodbye, rather the just leave.

AP in TSW is in a precarious position due to our longevity in AO, we've never really embraced the "new game, blank slate" mentality. It's pretty much what happend in SWTOR too. We spent so long in beta and in preparing that by the time we said "let's go" most organisations were 100 members strong.

As someone who plays solo in their time zone most often I do feel your pain. I would do at least an 18/18 every night if I had 4 others who I raided regularly. Also unless you start to develop a stable team, there is almost no chance to progress past HE and Ankh. I've never even been to several of the places and you can forget about NY raids...

Anyhow I hope you do find what you need in the new cabal and also don't forget us when you are a few short to go^.
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Re: Some sad news.. and hugs!

Post by Bredin »

Sad, yes. Rude, certainly not! Thanks for everything in AP Myrthe, and best of luck to you in your new cabal. Please do stay on our forums so we can keep in touch that way. I'll also of course look for you in-game for teaming/raiding etc :-)
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Re: Some sad news.. and hugs!

Post by Chrisax »

Rojo, in 3 months we had 40ish members, a lot being active. I summer 2012, we had 50+. :cool: At that time, AP-TSW had more members active than sometimes the whole Alliance in AO (AO was in bad shape at that time).

What we didn't see coming (and neither did FC's management and devs) was the huge drop of TSW population during 2012 Fall. I have a friends list (NOT counting AP) of around 120 persons: it's now totally greyed out except one or two names.) yes, I know I already said that. :cool:

Actually, since TSW started, three members left AP-TSW... Others left.. TSW. (And, to my knowledge, on the three, only Myrthe is still playing TSW now.)

Now, we said it several times: if we want members we must go get members. They won't come by themselves. That's the initial job we did 10 years ago in AO. If we just play the game and chain NM's or Eldorado's everyday, we won't get members or very rarely. We have to, from time to time, but regularly and frequently at start, put aside what we are doing and focus on recruits.

It's not sacrificing our fun: it's "priming the pump" ! :)

In AO, I was visiting the Backyards (starting zones) and West Athen (starting city, after Tir), met people, helped them, see who had good reactions and looked nice, etc.
To have a decent recruitment rate, a "new" org has to find people who NEED an org, and, IMHO, in a game like TSW where "leveling" is very fast and orgs (cabal) features are extremely limited, this means we need to get people who are starting or in the very first areas. because they don't have yet a cabal, and because we can provide a great environment to them up to the end of elites. They will grow up and they will follow us in end-game / NM for most. (Some will always leave.)

We have an advantage is TSW that we didn't have in AO ten years ago: dungeons since the beginning. It's a good place to gather people and help / meet / observe... Based on my experience in AP but also AoC or CoH, you need to meet -in the appropriate conditions- around 15 persons to get one member. But, then, every 4-5ish members generate another one over time.

It's not wasting time: most players will be at the end of elites / NM start in easily 4-6 weeks. (And it's probably a major TSW problem)
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Re: Some sad news.. and hugs!

Post by Rurik Nogard »

Well I read all and want to tell 1 or 2 things:

1.- Somethimes is hard to start a game, it will be very useful have someone u can help u, in my case I start TSW like a month ago and I have the idea to get into one cabal for getting anyone who can explain me basics about game, like 4 days just figuring out how to move,etc and the most important getting idea about decks and equipment, I solo Kingsmout until I get the chopper and read : "Polaris 5-player mission" then I try alone and get ripped, after that I continue doing misions (every mission I see) obiously, when I see anyplayer just killing the mob I need to kill I help him and get the mob for my quest as well, without forming any party, I see like 6 or 7 day of game a hi lvl player, in the blue mountains mobing zombies and killing them, when I reach the Filth area I saw him again and he offered to help me with the mission I was doing, we made it prettu fast, after that I really aprecciate the help and some tips bout game and when he says to me if I want to join his cabal I dindt take too long and say "yes", I think with that actitude and kindness I really want to stay in the cabal and the first 2 days I finally can do Polaris all my gear was green best than some blues but find some good stuff to put in my gear.

Well time pass and I say well this is not what Im thinking, no help, no group, no party I wonder what happened with the cabal I join. Lil time after I met Myrthe when I was trying to do DW and noone in cabal help, then I see myrthe group and I ask her to join his cabal and then and after a lil sign up things and etc I get here.

I have like 10 years of exp with MMO games and etc and I always go into this situation, so Im not new with that, I always farm alone and its working for me I almost end 10.4 and start to upgrading glyphs.

2. Well yeah I always play and theres none of the cabal on, later in my timezone when Im going out is when ppl start to enter, but well im still there and I can party with Cx, Arxxx and TF for going to ED. Well friends of mine that I met there asking me for join their cabal, but I tell that im here and no plan for going anywhere (at least for now), so I understand Myrthe, and yeah Im not full doing NMs to get Aux Upgrade weapon and BB, but I hope we can do the runs more ofthen, so we need to put efford and try to get on more time for new mambers and Improve our fighthing sinergy as cabal and help each other to finish his gear and skills.

I hope we can improve and make AP stronger, bigger and plentyfull of good players.
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Re: Some sad news.. and hugs!

Post by Chrisax »

Thanks Vlein :D If we all can work, we'll do it.
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