When will my characters be deleted if I stop playing?

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When will my characters be deleted if I stop playing?

Post by Chrisax »

Let's make clear to everyone who wants to take a break/temp leave; etc. that
  • - No paid account or paid character has ever been deleted by FC after 90 days and will likely never be. (It would stupid for the business!). FC does NOT delete old paid accounts or characters.

    - "FC can delete characters after 90 days" is only a "just in case" statement that was never enforced.
    It is an extremely old notice, made at a time MMORPG publishers thought they would have 1 000 000 customers to manage.

    - You have 100% chances to get your paid account and paid characters back even years after you canceled or even stopped paying (even with a payment incident).

    - You have almost 100% changes to get a froob account back and froob characters back as long as the froobs are above level 10. (Characters below 10, usually below 5, are deleted from time to time to make names available but only if the account has been inactive for a while, usually like 6 months.)

    - So "FC deleting characters" is not an excuse for not coming back: it's just NOT TRUE in 99.9% of the situations :wink: .
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Re: When will my characters be deleted if I stop playing?

Post by noobas »

phew good... I'm starting to get ancy!

although...... I guess I'm still paying them, those buggers. I can't even remember when I was online last :/
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Re: When will my characters be deleted if I stop playing?

Post by Urbanjohn »

I can confirm this.

I had left the game due to various reasons and other pursuits. AO was my first MMORPG experience though, so even after trying many others nothing really took like AO.

In my first play session I had a 220 main (this very main I play on to this day). Anyways, I left the game for 5 years or so.

When I came back I rolled a froob, and after hitting totw, I felt poor, broke and useless. I wanted my main back, knowing full well that that toon was fairly well off and well twinked. But would that toon exist?

I did a !whois - and character does not exist.

I then contacted Funcom support - via their live web chat (not ingame). A support rep told me the character does indeed exist and I could have the char back within minutes of reactivating.

Much to my amazement I found myself once again playing on my main. I really did not think I would see that toon again. Even the inventory was organised as it was.

What I do remember was being flooded with mail, since my apartment had expired (RK one), and all the furniture was mailed back to me. I have not been bothered to setup another apartment, but it was fun at the time.

For what it's worth, if you do ever rage quit, don't delete your characters. Keep your options open to return to the game.
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Re: When will my characters be deleted if I stop playing?

Post by Hyde »

Also ... they will on rare occasions give your name away after years away, but almost never if it is 200+.
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