Keeper Advice

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Keeper Advice

Post by Keepbrave »

Hi Hi!

Right, after dying twice to AI daily I have come to the realisation that my Keeper needs some upgrades! I remember previously I was always helped through missions etc so have more than likely levelled past all my current gear.

So.... I am seeking help/advice to get me back up and running so I can grind some more.

Currently level 177 Atrox sitting in a T1 set and some QL200/QL110/Symb implants and a QL163 Type 880 sword. and a 1k token board.

So, I think the first thing I need to do is implants/symbs. Can anyone guide me on this, hopefully not something that will be too hard to get into but high enough to give me a nice boost. I will keep tweaking something on NanoNanny (If that is still a thing) and see what I can come up with but some help would be much appreciated.

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Re: Keeper Advice

Post by Cratattak »

Aosetups is the best current method for testing/sharing setups, Although I think nano nano is still best for finding best parts for certain requirements(Treat/Abil).

170Keeper Is a setup I had started for a 170 Keeper twink, obviously very hard to actually achieve, but you could use lower versions of the gear etc. Keepers are quite good to level as they have very useful ofab, and its str/sta req so you can get very high parts on.

Exact Copy of The Excalibur Is probably the best weapon seeing as Khione is extremely hard to get on, however it is very expensive. If you cant aquire it, Pained Panther is quite good (probably better than your AI one), or the Special Edition Kyr'Ozch Sword from Sector7.
If your have the 2he, Battle Axe - 870 (Guide for it, the 2nd highest upgraded version can be bought up to ql300 from Neutral shops) is potentially a very good weapon, as the -000 upgraded weapons got a buff a while back.(for most professions they are a good go-to if you can get ql300 ones on)

Symbs are annoying at your level, TL5 pvp twinks can use a lot of them so they can be very valuable, the Adonis one is obviously best to get if you can do the questline. Ask in org and people may have some lying around, I can check my alts if we're on at the same time.

I started (Hopefully I'l finish it someday!) a guide that may contain some useful links/gear: Need-to-know Guide
Things of note would be Vision of Destruction and the hacked grafts (reflect is very good while in SL)

Seeing as I wont ever make that twink, i may have some Keeper Ofab lying around, such as pads etc. so lemme know ingame if you see me. (I can mail if we're always on at different times, not 100% sure what parts i have)
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Re: Keeper Advice

Post by Chrisax »

I'll let our keepers reply on specific gear points. Thx Cratattak already.

But I can say that we can look in org banks to see what we have available for you to boost you.

You will return the symbiants after using them.

We can also pop some PBs we have in bank and see what symbiants = we can get. :)

If you come to APFs raids (level 180) you will have a ton of aliens to loot for easy-to-get alien swords before you can get something better.
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Re: Keeper Advice

Post by Keepbrave »


I will have a read up later when I am back home. With help last night I managed to get back into Inf garden, made some noob mistakes on the way like not realising I had the ring already so there was no need to get the molar lol.

I will get the garden key when I can, it was mentioned you do runs like that sometimes Chris so I will keep an eye out for that, in the meantime I have saved my Keeper in the garden :)

Seems I got some work to do, so will get researching and trying to remember how to do more of the game - I mean I only remembered yesterday I have Perks like Bio Cocoon lol that made the AI daily ALOT easier :D

Thanks again all.
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Re: Keeper Advice

Post by fuze »

We do, usually, a run a month. We just did one last Friday. It requires you to be signed into the Alliance forums and request a spot.

The Friday of it, you only need get the quest start and show up on time for it. It can be pulled way in advance in either Pen or Inf. There is a guide on AO University. We provide the PBs killed and support people to insure it happens.

Things like Inferno Key and DB Quest are ran as Alliance and slots are given to those who sign up. It takes a little time for an Admin to see your sign up and approve you. You will need to sign up as AP_Username.

Example: AP_Keepbrave

When Chrisax adds it to the raid list, shown by typing !Raids in org chat, it will include a link to the sign up post.
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Re: Keeper Advice

Post by fuze »

Cratattak wrote: the hacked grafts (reflect is very good while in SL)
He has this one, but haven't looked at his gear.
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Re: Keeper Advice

Post by Keepbrave »

Bit messy sorry! but this is what I currently have equip.

Item Name QL Location Link
Floating Torch 1 Equipped (Weapons)
Belt Component Platform 6K-X 174 Equipped (Weapons)
64 NCU Memory 183 Equipped (Weapons)
64 NCU Memory 122 Equipped (Weapons)
Viral Memory Storage Unit 252 Equipped (Weapons)
Viral Memory Storage Unit 250 Equipped (Weapons)
64 NCU Memory 128 Equipped (Weapons)
64 NCU Memory 124 Equipped (Weapons)

Clan Merits - Double Sun 8 Equipped (Cloth)
Jobe Suit Helmet 100 Equipped (Cloth)
Jobe Suit Shoulderpad 100 Equipped (Cloth)
First Tier Keeper Cuirass 160 Equipped (Cloth)
Jobe Suit Shoulderpad 100 Equipped (Cloth)
First Tier Keeper Vambrace 160 Equipped (Cloth)
First Tier Keeper Gauntlets 160 Equipped (Cloth)
First Tier Keeper Vambrace 160 Equipped (Cloth)
Sacrificial Ensigns of Cerubin 100 Equipped (Cloth)
First Tier Keeper Greaves 160 Equipped (Cloth)
Bracer of Strength 1 Equipped (Cloth)
Sanguine Ring for the Infantry Unit 1 Equipped (Cloth)
First Tier Keeper Sabatons 160 Equipped (Cloth)
Notum Ring of the Three 1 Equipped (Cloth)

Eye Implant: Tutoring, Shiny 100 Equipped (Implants)
Running Brain Symbiant, Infantry Unit Aban 140 Equipped (Implants)
Ear Implant: Psychology, Bright 100 Equipped (Implants)
Right-Arm Implant: 2h Edged, Shiny 200 Equipped (Implants)
Chest Implant: Stamina, Shiny 200 Equipped (Implants)
Left-Arm Implant: 2h Edged, Bright 200 Equipped (Implants)
Right-Wrist Implant: Run Speed, Shiny 100 Equipped (Implants)
Waist Implant: Chemical AC, Shiny 200 Equipped (Implants)
Left-Wrist Implant: Run Speed, Bright 200 Equipped (Implants)
Right-Hand Implant: Time & Space, Bright 100 Equipped (Implants)
Leg Implant: Dodge-Rng, Shiny 200 Equipped (Implants)
Left-Hand Implant: Fast Attack, Shiny 200 Equipped (Implants)
Feet Implant: Evade-ClsC, Shiny 200 Equipped (Implants)

Hacked Symbio-Graft: Lesser Playful Cub 128 Equipped (Social)
Hacked Boosted-Graft: Lesser Deflection Shield (Extended) 200 Equipped (Social)
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Re: Keeper Advice

Post by noobas »

The problem with Symbs of value at that level is the reqs to get on level specific ones (i.e. I think they are vigorous) with a level req of 168 will be a stretch if you haven't collected a lot of supplementary gear.

I like the idea of an exact excal, but agree it might be difficult to acquire.

I would recommend a conceptual char check. In my experience, the main difficulty with AI raids is the Hacker, which does magic damage.

Magic damage is only mitigated by Nano resist (binary stop) or absorbs (direct/finite mitigation).

Since keepers don't have strong absorb mechanic, I would strongly suggest a build focussing on:

1. passive healing (auras, fixer buffs, keeper passives), supplemented by treatment kits and stims
2. higher than average NR, this could mean NR1 (perk), or NR 2 both of which will add a lot to your resistance of 'nuke eating'
3. moderate levels of evasion and offense

In my recollection, keepers in TL5 have difficulty in reaching reasonable hit speeds due to att/rec times on main weapon choices being somewhat sub-par, notably:

Type 112 Kyr'Ozch sword being 1.5/1.5

However, the following weapons are an improvement:

Panther: 1.25/1.25
Exact excal: 1/1

And, while not an improvement on hit speed the Kyr'Ozch special edition sword is easily acquirable, has low requirements, and has better than average stats.

If I were you, I'd so some Sector 10 runs to get your SE sword, then focus on getting some nano buffing items to help you run NR1/2, ideally, if hackers are the problem, you want to be able to buff in NR1, then perk reset to NR2 prior to the raid.

Final advice:

177 keeper is a shit level. Hacker levels will be in the 175+ category which will end you and cause you to want to quit. AI raids scaling is a bit bizarre with unusual cut-offs.

I know based on probably 10000+ raids experience, that the best level to be (read, the HIGHEST level you want present in the city at time of raid) is 150 for TL5 raids. If you're geared hard, 165 is acceptable. If you're twinked to hell and have a doc+other support and DPS, 170 is acceptable.

If I were you, I'd just try to level up and get to 205+
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Re: Keeper Advice

Post by Keepbrave »

I understood not alot of that :D

I decided to spend my time levelling like you say, but via token farming to try and get my board up a bit as well.
When an occasional nice person is running Inf missions I will see if I can tag along to get dragged up a bit quicker.

I stuck myself on 50% research as well to catch up on that, try and get as much passive stuff sorted as I can.
All my toons are Brave :)

Fixerbrave, Metabrave, Agentbrave, Nanobrave, Tradebrave, Shadebrave, Docbrave, Adventbrave, Keepbrave etc etc
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Re: Keeper Advice

Post by fuze »

Tokens are an easy one in today's game. Everything gives a fair amount. Way easier to get than old days. 0 need to farm them or do token guns.

The floating torch is not a good slot filler. If you want a light, combine a white trench coat from the Mir store with a light bar from Fair Trade. It makes a cloak that you can wear on your social tab and not take up a utils spot.

Symbiants are a mixed bag. Lower than Living implants they provide less of each stat than 200 implants. But, they offer a wider amount of buffs. Once you can go Living +, you have no reason not to. The issue is acquiring them. Not a lot of people do PBs of late and the prices have skyrocketed. Some drop like pez, some are rare of rare. And, some symbiants skip. As in say from Active to Vigorous. The ones in between just don't exist in the loot table that anyone has found. Likely, not at all.

Adonis Brain is a go to for pretty much everyone. Xan quests are a good source of xp and nanos or items.

I may have some extras hanging out to help you with from my PB farming for my Doc.

Keepers can use infantry and support symbiants. I know I have a higher brain than running you can have until you get the Adonis Brain or something higher.

Grafts go on your social slot so you can 'use" them or put them on your hotbar without them using up an inventory slot.

Your next step up from 64ncu would be yuttos/spirit infused yuttos and or alien ncu that go in slot 3 and 4.
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Re: Keeper Advice

Post by Chrisax »

Off topic

Did I see a Noobas?!

Did I see a Noobas?!

Did I see a Noobas?!

Did I see a Noobas?!


It's so good to see you, Noobas. :D Come back! Plenty of fun and new things here! I'm sure you'll love the 200+ temple, the 220 Subway hell, and you would even love writing a guide about it! And the incoming SoM and Formean's Office 220+. Not counting our s42 raidsd... Plus... Fuze is back here, and Wap!
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