App Request For Babaraccus / Ontinolf

You are new to Athen Paladins or AO; you want to JOIN AP; you are unsure of what to do; you don't know what to read first, or where to post in; you have just too many questions; you are a bit lost… Find explanations and advice in this forum, and post here; we'll help! Note: due to the increase of commercial or illegal spam, we will ask you to register before you post here. Sorry for this inconvenience.
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Baby Leet
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Joined: Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:59 pm

App Request For Babaraccus / Ontinolf

Post by SmilingJoe »

I first came on AO in 2005. I played for quite a few years, then took a break and came back about 5 years ago. Have played omni toons all that time but have decided to start doing Clan toons. I have some friends who have have clan toons and and have and a great time with my clan toons. I have a pretty great knowledge of the game and am always willing to help out when I can. I have a 220 Enf named Babaraccus, I have had to learn how to play with others since I have always been a loaner in this game. I want to end that and be a part of something bigger than myself. I also have a 220 MA Ontinolf looking to bring with me.
Baby Leet
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:59 pm

App Request For Babaraccus

Post by SmilingJoe »

I first came on AO in 2005. I played for quite a few years, then took a break and came back about 5 years ago. Have played omni toons all that time but have decided to start doing Clan toons. I have some friends who have have clan toons and and have and a great time with my clan toons. I have a pretty great knowledge of the game and am always willing to help out when I can. I have a 220 Enf named Babaraccus, I have had to learn how to play with others since I have always been a loaner in this game. I want to end that and be a part of something bigger than myself. I also have a 220 MA Ontinolf looking to bring with me.
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Re: App Request For Babaraccus / Ontinolf

Post by Chrisax »

Hello Babaraccus / Ontinolf and welcome to our forums! :)

You posted twice the same application, so we regrouped your two posts.



  • Join our guest channel on our org bot ("Bobsan") so we can meet in Anarchy Online:
    • - Ask any AP member to invite you to our guest channel. Just say you are an applicant.
      You can usually find AP members at the ramp of the big Vanguards building near Old Athen Grid terminal (where the NPC Ramon Bauer stands).
      - Invite yourself: if you can’t find a member you can self invite by typing /tell Bobsan !join
    These are temporary invites: do it again each time you want to be on guest chat.

    Once on guest chat, feel free to introduce yourself and ask for an officer. Also ask for help with any questions you may have about your application.

    At some point, an officer will contact you for a brief interview.

  • Help, questions, concerns, interview… Officers are here for you.

    Once you are on our Guest channel (see #2 above), do !online in chat to see who is online and to find any of the officers listed below.
    You can directly see if a specific officer is online and on what alt, by using the command !is in chat, like for example, !is Reyz will return the character(s) Reyz is online with.
    • Ustarlen - GMT +12
      Cherib - GMT +12
      Scykeep - GMT+2
      Drzoidberg - UTC/GMT +3
      Chrisax - (President and org Founder) GMT
      Noky - GMT -7
      Shacode - GMT+1
      Bonniedoom - GMT -5
    • UTC can be seen in-game with the F9 key.

    • You are about to enter an old and happy family. Please join us for the good reasons. This family had been built since 2003 by the work of awesome people. So, as you are joining, we want to mention old friends and officers we lost.
      Reapermann, Fuze, Rampage007
      You will never see their names online, but if, today, you can join us, it’s also because of them.

      Enter here with friendship.

    We look forward to seeing you online :)
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