What will Paladins be in The Secret World?

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Re: What will Paladins be in The Secret World?

Post by Bredin »

We might want to consider what faction friendly orgs from Anarchy Online are going to. I believe VA is going Dragon? If all things are otherwise equal with the factions, this is something to think about imo.
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Re: What will Paladins be in The Secret World?

Post by caveman »

i went dragon with the browser game and got freebies that can only be used in dragon, but i'll go with what the flow. i can make a dragon alt if need be
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Re: What will Paladins be in The Secret World?

Post by Chrisax »

VA intends to go Dragon but is playing Templar ATM. But this doesn't really matters as VA doesn't PvP.

About items you may have won in the viral advertising game, we'll be able to get better items in one day or so. (Social excepted.)

At start, I was inclined to pick Dragon but I'm very cautious now, for the following reasons:

- The Dragon is the last implemented faction and at the moment it really needs to be polished; it is way behind Templar in terms of cut-scenes, starting experience, faction quest line,...

- Illuminati is somewhat left behind Templar too

- The Dragon's philosophy seems to be for a part gone and it's (as stated in the first contact video) "you'll do things you don't understand because they tell you it's good" which is not exactly my way of life

- Illuminati is not as spicy as I thought they would be (at least at the moment)

- Templar, which was my last choice at start, proves to be classy, much less like "you're in the army now" than I thought and even somewhat twisted with humour, and much more "finished" technically. Ah, and you have the Stuart Sisters...

Let's keep in mind that:

- the main storyline series of quest is the same for all factions (The Dawning of and Endless Night in Solomon Island, Red Sun Black Sand in Egypt, and the sequel in Transylvania (not revealed to the closed beta testers ATM)

- all the world missions are the same for all factions

- all the dungeons are the same for all factions

- powers and weapons are the same (even if it's possible to have a weapon with a special name at some point for a faction)

- most social items are accessible to all factions

- there are faction missions that are different

- some social items are faction-specific

- HQ's are different and first contact is different although everyone goes to the Tokyo Incident flashback ("it was not a bomb")

- PvP uniforms are different and of course you PvP for a faction

- multi factions cabals (orgs) have been considered but I sincerely doubt they will be available upon release

- Role-playing is of course influenced by the faction but factions are opened enough to allow any RP actually

I'll try to gather more information for everyone and then we'll decide soon.
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Re: What will Paladins be in The Secret World?

Post by Crash »

I'll go out on a limb & blurt my preference as it stands today.

1) Lumi
2) Templar
3) Dragon

Lumi wins in a squeaker cuz they seem to have the most potential for modern, humorous flavor. This is an MMO anchored in the modern world, after all. Lumi seems best poised to use sexy technology & edgy cultural references to great effect.

However, Templar seems like the most natural fit for Paladins. To be a Templar is to know who you are, what you stand for, and who you stand with. Templar rates a very close second; a virtual tie with Lumi.

Dragon: Hmm. Despite their awesome PvP outfits, my intro to Dragon left me uninspired. I'm sure this would change over time, but I'm afraid of this faction becoming a cheesy caricature of Eastern philosophy/religion. Unfounded fear? I hope so, but ... (semi-spoiler)
I definitely wanted to punch the little "Golden Child" bald kid before even leaving DHQ. I mean, come on! A pouty Rinpoche in a distinctly Confucian setting, talking to me via an assistant? And did you just wave me out the door, pint-size? (Oh no you di-int!) Little dude's lucky I was wearing sweatpants & hadn't quite recovered from the Red Dress yet. Get a better avatar, punk!
Oh well. At least Dragon will prolly have at least one awesome cutscene of a fully dragon tattooed lady assassin.

Now that the above nonsense is off my chest, I'll say this: My vote will go to whatever Chrisax feels is best. While I'm eager to prep for launch, I know this game is gonna be fun for a long time regardless of what faction we choose.

My priority is simple. Bredin has told me such good things about the org over the years, that I'm really looking forward to settling into a good game, played with a great group. Chris is such a fundamental part of who the Athen Paladins are, that it makes my job of what faction to pick a total no-brainer. I'm with him.

I only want to know our faction so we can start building our Cabal and friend allies in-game. Thie Secret World is so interesting in the builds you can create. It's endless. Add in gear buffs, passives, group synergies, & how easy it is to quickly switch between your builds & this game becomes mind-blowing. Funcom is really on to something here.

Ok, that's enough blathering outa me. See you inside, all! :)
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Re: What will Paladins be in The Secret World?

Post by Crash »

I just realized I prolly harshed on Dragon a bit too much in that last post. The amount of time we spend in faction-specific areas is so small that I should just ignore what I've seen so far. Besides, the Dragon DPS PvP outfits really are super wow. They look like Machismo El Destructinator came out of retirement & went jogging. I lurvs them. I want to have a million babies with them.

~ Pew pew pew. (RAWR!)
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Re: What will Paladins be in The Secret World?

Post by Bredin »

You also need to go back and watch The Golden Child 1986 motion picture again. Good stuff!
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Re: What will Paladins be in The Secret World?

Post by Crash »

With Tywin Lannister, no less! :D

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Re: What will Paladins be in The Secret World?

Post by Chrisax »

Link to our poll and decision thread:
http://www.athenpaladins.org/forums/vie ... =98&t=7135