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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by FiStYdaCLoWn »

Woot! Big thanks to Elro and Butr and Jimbob and Kitty for the help on getting my Supah Coool Vest of Major Bonking on and my brand spanking new Alien Blob Brain of the Celestial Choir on! :crazy:
What a blast! Then I was able to reequip my mort beamer to boot!
I gotta give back those guns I think to Butr

ok my plan now is to get my implants straightened out and then sweethearts...Im gonna get some and conquer and kick some...all they way to Shadowlands to bash some unredeemed scumbags in their grey bar boootay!

Yah das is gooood....

cya on line AP!!!
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by FiStYdaCLoWn »

Ok last night was fun. I started by trying to sell off a lot of my stuff I've been carrying around and true to form I started posting items on AP chat over and over asking for advice on them like some freakin' chirping parakeet. Butrkup was right there answering all my questions (someone give her a medal). I then headed over to Two Towers to the unredeemed village to get the chapters for the Mariner's Father. Aaaaaand man I got chased by a stinkin' butt load of Hecklers who kept whackadiddling me on the back of my chicken neck as I was trying to out run em but they kept comin' at me faster than crap through a goose. I barely made it to unredeemed gumbie-ville alive! So I heal up and start bonking on grey bar uglies and my pal Elrojo logs on and heads on over. Well he looked pretty sharp last night folks in all his 30's gangster style pin stripe glory I have to say. He then gives me a number of items to use to upgrade the white cloak he gave me the day before! WOOT! Any way after this he starts dustin' the unredeemed boogers and so am I and I was finally able to roust up chapters they puked up and made the book. So Elro turns me into a fido and we high tail it back to Jobe and he intorduces me to a poindexter faced dude behind a desk who when I give him the book Gives me my first specialization!! HOOOWEE!!
Then Elrojo suggestes we take on a couple o' RK misH to lvl up mu comp lit as it is currently too low to wear that white cloak...but I was so tired at that point from a day of work that I had to log off. Any way I need to lvl up a couple o' times more and then i can get that cloak on.
Thanks again to Butr for your kind patience and to Elrojo for your infectious love of the game and your boundless sense of fun...
Thanks AP
Thank you ALL! :D
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by Elrojo »

hehe fisty love how you come up with your own name for things. Gz on Spec 1. As i said spec 2 is the most annoying. Spec 3 and 4 are easy to get. Spec 2 will get you well in to the 100's in terms of SL nano's. RK nanos dont require specs IIRC.

Remember you need to get 450 in Compl Lit so you can combine the items for the cloak, you need to do it cos it turns into no-drop. I'm pretty sure you can get that easy with just one level so just try and get on a tiig team or something for an easy level if you at least get to 400 we can work with buffs and imps. If all else fails let me know and i'll get my crat to mezz a few and you can kill one by one. If you find you are getting hit alot raise your evade -clsc stat also, it hels you evade SL mobs who are almost all melee dmg i'm sure.

se ya when you are 94-ish! (BTW SL will be easiest way to get a level rather than RK mish)

PS yah butr = awesome generous and helpful
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by FiStYdaCLoWn »

Well its been a while since I posted anything here. A lot has happened...through the kindness if Imamedic I got my mort beamers dual equipped. I learned quite a lot last time I was on from Nooba about evades and about twinking in general...also got a short lesson in Grid Armour and a person outside this fine org was involved with that with Nooba...(one day I'll be able to get it). My Isp network is down so I was unable to get back online...crapola!
I've been having an absolute blast and AP as usual has been putting up with my nonsense.
My plan now is to mish up to grab tokens and I'm gonna go back to that dude Mooba showed me in Shadowlands for clusters. I really want to add more to my evades and I'm gonna set my slider more to DEF now and see what happenns.
I was wondering if someone could explain to me what research does? I see that it advances as you advance but that was when I was killing Ely hecks. But when I was on a Mort team afterwards...I was getting no xp until I turned it off.
I'm very confused about it (so what else is new!)

And I just purchased Legacy of Xan. I have a feeling that its meant for end lvl dudes as most of you good folks are but I love this game so much I just had to have it.

Anyway that's the short of my activities...hopefully I'll be online tonite.
I'll be blasting you!
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by noobas »

haya fisty

use the slider in the research tab to adjust how much of your XP you want to spend on research.

My recommendation is to put it at about 10% and just leave it. It won't really affect how much XP youre getting, but, every once in a while check the research to see what you're working on.

Research was added to the game when lost eden launched. The reason for it was to (I imagine) try to balance the classes a little bit, and give some bonuses to all classes in terms of what stats they were lacking in.

Notice the modifier or benefit to finishing a given line of research. this is what you'll get when you finish that line. Some examples of modifers might be:

5 strength
10 dodge range
Special Action 1: small self heal
Special Action 2: damage buff

the special actions you should select off your perk ACTIONS menu. they are coded yellow for action 1 and blue for action 2. You can use one of each at any give time.

Select whatever ones you have researched, and put them in your hotbar. Press them once to activate. (you will need to reactive every time you zone.) They act in a peculiar way: they become active (look in your NCU for descriptions) on a random chance when you land a hit on an enemy. These are called "procs". Procs fire randomly upon successful hits.

Do a bit of research and tell us how it goes!

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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by Elrojo »

Hey fisty,

Yeah soz i didnt explain the research to you in game. Noobas as usual is spot on. I'll just add a few points to help you out.

When you kill a mob and you get say 100,000 XP, now you can chose to put some of that into research. So 10% slider will put 10,000 into research and the other 90,000 goes towards your level. If you exceede the research cap (as explained below) the rest trickles into your normal XP going towards the level. Each new research level is level locked too.

Now for the tricky part.

The total amount of research you can get at any one time is Capped. So that you cant just whack a zillion XP into it at level one and complete it. The cap is 5% of the total XP needed to complete that line. ... k=4&id=267 as outlined there. Dont worry about Global research as all our 220 buddies already completed them for us :)

The strategies vary as to when to do research and when not to. You can, as noobas said, put 10% into research at all time. Its a good idea and ensures that you will keep research ticking over. Some people put 100% when they will "cap" their research anyway. So if you are killin hecks you can put it on 100% for level 1&2 because you will definitely cap the level, you will hardly notice the loss in normal XP gains.

Some people look ahead at what extra stats they may get eg. smg so they push for that level then just lay back to 10% for other non-essential buffs.

The other thing is that normal XP gains are capped too so you can only get 10% of a level at any one time (minus SL mission rewards). In this case the extra XP that would be wasted can go into reseach. So if you are killing a reeeeeeaalllly red mob you might up research a bit to avoid wasting XP. Not really something that happens much these days though.

In general research is not OMGZ essential. If the research buffs an essential skill like SMG its handy to do because it means you can get on an extra few QLs of weap. But until about lvl 7+ most research lines are just handy. Dont spend 2 days trying to do 3 lines of research for that +10 SMG if you could just level twice and raise it with IP. If you are going to stop at a certain level and twink for PvP or dungeons then its a different story. You should also look to research when you are breed capped (ie cannot raise a skill anymore), or title capped (will happen at about lvl 130) and the extra stats from research can help alot, which is generally what noobas means by "evening out breeds". So an Opifex can benefit from extra stam/str to use higher QL items that req str/stam, where an atrox would not have had a problem.

At lvl 200 put research on 100% otherwise you WILL be grinding inf mishes to finish your last few research levels and it won't be pretty :)

Good luck Fisty and remember its not absolutely essential you have research done up to the max level, so dont be too worried if you fall behind with it a bit. When you get to Ado hecks you can easily make it up.
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by FiStYdaCLoWn »

Well thank you both for the info very thoughly explained as usual. Its interesting because i now have a research perk on my hot bar that gives me a bonus to my bullets. (its called "Diseased Bullets" or some such I can't remember the name) I've been using it when i attack and I'm hitting for a lot still. I have research at 20% ATM on someone else's advice. But I can put it down to 10% no problem. I dig the research stuff....Its a very interesting and well thought out addition to the game in my opinion and just reinforces what I've felt about this game from the very beginning when I started playing it blind a few months back and that is that this game is a labor of love put together by dedicated people.
Anyway...thanks for the info...I'll be rereading these two posts you guys have here a few times again and again as i play.

BLOG TIME: Was playing on my laptop last night from a hotel but kept crashing...the hotel wireless internet was probably a bit unstable.
Oh and Nooba, I have taken your advice. I am doing RK mish for tokens ATM and was able to twink in a jobe implant (one with the cluster in it).
To be honest I'm kinda digging doing the missions for the tokens and I want to perhaps twink some more if i can. I have my slider set to full DEF and have a nano that I'm casting that gives a bonus to me and any team Id be in runspeed. But it also gives a big bonus to my evades. I have an acrobat perk that gives an evade bonus too. So the mobs aren't hitting for as much at all. But the interesting thing is that I thought I would be taking a penalty on my attack when I set the slider but I've noticed no appreciable difference. My dual beamers are still wreaking damage. That's a nice surprise.
So I'm gonna try to keep buffing my evades and I really need to work on my ranged INIT...its waaay to low.
Thanks for your time folks and thanks for your friendship and patience. It makes all the difference in the world.
See ya online!
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by Elrojo »

hey fisty,

Glad you're enjoying RK mish. If you like it heaps then try to grind out all 2500 tokens all at once lol. 1K is what you want to get now at the least anyhow. You will at once stage 210+ wish you had 2500 tokens for when you get the paragon board, so if you want to do it now (200+ you get no tokens from RK mish) great.

Evades wont affect the amount of dmg a mob does to you, its affects how often they hit you. The default is set to off but you can right click on the chat window go to combat messages and tick "other misses". You will hopefully start to see "XXXXX tried to hit you and missed" more often. Your QL armour affects how much dmg a mob does to you. Its like every 1K AC reduced dmg but a set amount. I think its like 100. So no armour they hit you for whatever and then you can reduce it by 100 per 1000AC. Your evades will reduce how many critical hits they get you for though.

In terms of setting the slider to full def, it does affect your attack speed. You probably dont notice it too much as you went from 1 weap to 2. But it does cost you a second or so, you may not think much of it but if you do 200 per hit every second then in say 20 secs you will do 4000 dmg. If you only do 200 every 1.5 secs then you will only do around 3000 dmg in 20 secs, it does add up in a tight fight, once you get a high enough ranged init you can set it at full def and it will still fire as fast as possible. It also affects your nano cast speed. At full def it adds 1 sec to cast speed (not much if you dont cast nano's during battle), but on a doc that one sec diff can be life or death.

In terms of research, you will have to do it so its really trivial as to 10%, 20%...... If you want to research faster then you will level slower (slightly). In the end it wont really make a huuuuuuge difference. So if you're happy with less XP going into your levelling then keep going on 20%.
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by FiStYdaCLoWn »

Well yesterday I was online for the better part of 12hours :crazy: Is that sick or what? Thanks to Phixel I was able to get my solo Fgrid and also now I have the nano to be able to cast myself back to the grid whenever I want. Its the team version so I guess if I'm teamed in RK I can cast the team back too. My evades are DEFINATELY making a diff but I do notice it takes longer to hit. But for now its ok as I'm pretty much doing just RK mishs for tokens and my dual beamers are keeeping me out of trouble for the most part. I did however get annoyed as two times I got no tokens and one was at 85% chance and the other was at around 94% chance. The grinding is tedious but I'm so very low on tokens that I need to concentrate on this. So for now that is still my plan. I did ding yesterday and was able to allocate points to B+E which I needed to cast solo Fgrid and the rest I put into Ranged Init as I am sorely lacking there. Its up around 475 ATM. My evades are in the middle to high 700s except I'm real low on Duck Explosions its still around 300.
Any way I was able to get my Scheol ring thanks to a chance encounter with Boomersooner in Shadowlands. But I have no plans as yet to go there but the ring is good to wear.
I intend to grind out more RK mishs tonite. Should be easier to do as I can cast up the grid anytime to leave and Fgrid to get there. I also think its good because I'm not leveling very much ATM and its giving me time to learn more and try to adjust my toon as I learn before I lvl faster than my implants and armour can keep up. Hopefully Ill get more tokens and keep that going too.
I was told however that since I'm now lvl 104 that 5 more lvls will let me team with lvl 150 toons if I want so that maybe a good thing to do as well. But apart from that I'm not really looking to lvl any faster. Also, I would like to try for the team fgrid nano quest but it looks like I'll need help with that.

So here's my short term goals:
1. Farm tokens on RK mishs
2. Possibly fast lvl 5 more times to be able to team with lvl 150 toons. Then use points to increase my ranged init stat.
3. Try to learn how to twink better
4. Do the team fgrid quest with help.

And thats about it. Even though the RK mishs get long as I can post my usual nonsense on AP chat I'll be happy cause I love chatting with you all. It makes all of this so very worth while.
Thanks folks and see you all online!

P.S. Just a short question: When i log on I see next to my toon's name "Applicant of Athen's pladins'. Does that mean I'm still applying? Apologies if this is answered anywhere else. Thanks!
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by noobas »

you're probably well due for a "unit member" promotion bud.

I hope you know that you right click your token board (if you read the descripition it says you get updates at 30, 60, 120, 400, 1000 tokens.

I'd set a goal for the 120 or 400 board. If youre still feeling like doing more, do a few, but don't burn out, because theres other places to get tokens later on. Also, since youre doing the mishes, I hope youre bringing lots of backpacks; looting and selling all the shopfood.

To get even more loot, you can increase your B+E skill so you can lockpick any chest. Generally speaking, this is a fixers bread and butter. At level 220, you can roll level 250 mishes + 9% = QL 272.5 meaning, there is lots of good high level equipment that you can sell for big bucks.
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by Rulzern »

Applicant rank is underrated, I was applicant for over a year!
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by FiStYdaCLoWn »

umm please understand that i wasn't asking for a promotion...I just didn't know what it really meant. At your discretion guys....
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by Elrojo »

yeah i'm still an applicant since august or so last year. Actually someone promoted an alt of mine to member so now my alt is in charge of my main haha.

When grinding for tokens fisty a few things help out.

1) roll the loset possible mish where you still get green mobs and not grey (33% i think)
2) roll about 5-10 all in the same place and all at once (you cant put keys in a bag but you can put everything else in bags.
3) When you fill up a bag with shop food, rename is "shop food" and whack it in your bank
4) avoid the take the item back to mish terminal ones (cos they are annoying)
5) get Behe, higest long HoT you can fit in, GSF and the 8hr comps (after you roll)
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by FiStYdaCLoWn »

thats good advice...I'll try it out.
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by FiStYdaCLoWn »

Well I'm double posting because I never had a chance to comment on the raid on our towers yet. From my perspective it was a totally new experience. I was out in toolyville when the call went out for help. I was honored to be a part of the effort and was duly impressed by the passion and directness of purpose of those in the team who knew the peril that was upon us. I was able to cast HoT on team members and the team running buff that I now have came in handy and made me feel as though I could finally give something back even if it was in a small way to AP for everything they did for me. But it soon became apparent that twinking is imperative for success in the pvp arena and my goals as stated above have not changed. I'm still going to farm tokens and still try to twink even if i just do one implant ore one cluster at a time...I am determined to get better at this so I can be a more fruitful and caring contributor to the AP cause and spirit of family. I do so look forward to logging on to this game and chatting with you all.
Currently, I am going to still farm tokens and add clusters if I can. I am going to take Elrojo's method to heart tonite and see what I can do. I know all you good folks are going to be having a hoot and a holler with the new booster pack and I just want to take a moment to say here and now that I wish you all the very best on your new adventures and I will be with you all in spirit. Its probably long overdue for all you good end-lvl folks since you've had any new content to explore so God Bless you all in your new play grounds!

I'm gonna at least try to get my chair in newland tonite though... :mrgreen:

See you online my good good friends!
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