AI Raid

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Baby Leet
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AI Raid

Post by Creekman32 »

I just want to apologize to everyone who participated in the AI raid on 01/21/20 . I looted the cores from all 3 zones ( thinking ) they dropped for everyone . I have never done those raids or much of any Endgame stuff for that matter ( no excuse ) . If any action needs to be taken i totally understand because i DID read the CoC before joining and I should have read the guides for the AI playfields better or just like Hornblower said " just ask " . Anyway I'm sorry for the screw up.

thank you for your time .
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Re: AI Raid

Post by Chrisax »

Hi Deiemmty !

Exceptionally, I was not leading the raids last night, due to too much RL work, and I was not even there, so I just discovered the issue today.

I assume you were on your highest character Deathange1 which is the only one, I guess, who can enter APFs.

At the moment, I don't know exactly how things happened. What I can say, though, is that we really appreciate you posted to apologize about this, and assumed your error without looking for excuses. :cool:

We understand it was your first "high" raid, and anyhow first raid with us by the way.

You are very "lucky" that Data Cores are not a rare highly wanted and needed item ! The same mishap with something like an "ACDC" in Sector 42 would have you kicked from any org.

That's because you must pay attention to what is happening, and, as Stokken said, ASK before doing something. It's not like Data Cores were going to vanish or the zone was going to be flooded with mobs five seconds later. Take the time to ask.

Never loot a boss if you have not actually won the item. This means if you are marked as "Winner" on the winners list of the bot after we roll the items.

The ONLY case you can loot a boss without being a winner is if the Raid Leader says that the loot or the rest of the loot if "FFA" (free for all) or "for ninjas", or something similar. Do not suppose... check, and ask if needed.

Also be aware of the few valuable items (like a Doja chip in Pandemonium raids) that can drop from regular mobs. The right attitude is to ask if you can loot it (someone else may want it too).

If you feel something is rotting on a boss and no one is taking it, ask. Sometimes someone is on they way to loot it. Be careful: this is a VERY COMMON mistake.

Some items may not be rolled immediately, for technical or practical reasons. I know this can be a bit confusing, especially for new raiders. It's the case of Data Cores that are rolled only in the THIRD roll of boss loot.

So, yes, you could have been mislead there. (If you did the same things in all sectors, though, you seriously need to pay much more attention. It's incredibly awkward. This is a premiere, I guess.)

I'm not aware of all the details yet. Considering so far the circumstances and the items involved, you should just get a serious warning: don't repeat this error or this could end up with a ban from raids for a while, or even an org kick.

Your post, though, make us feel you understood the lesson and you'll now be more attentive and careful. That's your mandatory goal now, and our only wish.

Learn, listen, and improve. :cool:

And prove you can be a good member of our family. :)
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Re: AI Raid

Post by Cherib »

thanks for making an apology, and yes, it was bad you looted not yet rolled loot, but, as Chris said they are not too highly valuable.
I guess, being new to high raids, the first thing for any boss, would be to ask, either in your own team, or the allianceraid chat.

maybe a thing to do, would be to 'buddy up' with new 'high level' raiders so a quick PM could solve issues before they occur (I have done this before with some people who were new to our raids, like 2 weeks ago)

but I guess, its is up to the new raiders to let us 'vets' know as well
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