PC shutting down and not able to restart for a bit

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PC shutting down and not able to restart for a bit

Post by Reapermann »

Hi I am having trouble with my PC shutting itself down or locking up and will not go back no matter how many times I hit power or click a reset button. I was told once might be an over heating problem but I am not sure about that. This box has 5-6 fans inside.

My processor is an AMD 64 x 2 Dual Processor, 2.10 GHTz

4.00 GB Ram

GeForce gt430

Windows 7

DirectX 11.0

Not sure if any other info is needed or if that even is.
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Re: PC shutting down and not able to restart for a bit

Post by shartris »

Hiya Reaper, as a IT guy for many years I have run into this problem many times with clients windows based computer systems. The obvious thing to check first is to see if you computer overheating. 1. boot into your bios using either the Delete key or F2 after turning on the computer. Go to your CPU settings, some Bios have built in CPU temperatures. You can also download an application to your desktop. CPU's do not all operate at the same temperature but they do have a range. The average temperature for your AMD 64x2 range is between 45C - 55C. If yours is over 70C you might have an issue.

2. now that your in your bios settings check to see if you have a manual CPU temperature control override. Your computer may NOT be overheating at all BUT you might have the CPU temperature control set too low, which will freeze your computer and lock it up, and also cause the rebooting issues your having.

3. Lastly if you done all of that and you found it NOT to be CPU temperature related, it could be a software based virus cataloged in your registry. Easiest way to find out is to restore your computer to an earlier point before you started experiencing these issues. Let the system run at the previous restore point for a few days (do not turn it off) to see if the problems your experiencing repeat.

4. Lastly.. If its not Temperature related and not a software based virus mimicking these issues, then It could be hardware related. The only way to diagnose this to have spare parts handy. I would start with the CPU heat sink and work my way up to the power supply. I have had clients with the same problems your experiencing, and it turned out to be a faulty power supply. This is common on older towers running the original power supply. I had this happen in my own machine and upgraded to an Antec.

Let me know if any of this helps, I am sure we have some other members that will post as well that are knowledgeable.

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Re: PC shutting down and not able to restart for a bit

Post by Xandramas »

Could be a silly question, but have you actually verified that all the fans are turning? Could be something as simple as this, or perhaps a dust build up inside the case (or on the graphics card) that a (careful) go with the vacuum could fix...

I had some lock ups recently, although on Windows 10 - turns out that some of the latest nvidia drivers are responding too slowly, which prompts windows to shutdown and recover the driver - most times on windows 10 it recovers fine, but I did get a couple of lockups which couldn't be remedied without power off.
Solution to this one was to uninstall the nvidia drivers and install via windows, which apparently then chooses a compatible driver.
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Re: PC shutting down and not able to restart for a bit

Post by Reapermann »

Thanks guys for your replies, seeing them gives me hope. I just downloaded a program to measure core temps and #0 core is around 41-42 C with and #1 core at 31-32 C. Weird thing about this is it runs for days no problems then problems. I find helpful slapping the box a few times and then it loads/turns on. Not sure if the violence is helping the machine or me :)
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Re: PC shutting down and not able to restart for a bit

Post by Xandramas »

Slapping it works? sounds like it might be the PSU in that case...

My old machine would sometimes fail to start, a gentle thump to the rear of the case (where the PSU was sat) got it to start!
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Re: PC shutting down and not able to restart for a bit

Post by Reapermann »

PSU = Power Supply Unit?
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Re: PC shutting down and not able to restart for a bit

Post by Xandramas »

Yes, Power Supply Unit - please forgive my excessive use of TLA's ;)
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Re: PC shutting down and not able to restart for a bit

Post by Reapermann »

No worries, now forgive for asking how do you figure out if you have a faulty one or one that needs to be upgraded, a higher one?
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Re: PC shutting down and not able to restart for a bit

Post by Xandramas »

With mine, I could sometimes hear when it was going to refuse to start - I'd see the bios screen appear, then a sort of whine/click and the screen would revert to "no input" - a light tap at the back of the case would sometimes start it again, other times it needed a firmer rap :)

At this point, and being unable to see anything obviously wrong with the PSU, I ordered a replacement and fitted that as they are quite dangerous objects to try and open up, and I don't think there are any serviceable parts inside them tbh

As a final note, they aren't horribly expensive items, and if your problem is a lack of PSU wattage causing failures, then upgrading to the highest wattage model, while keeping with a good brand (Antek and OCZ spring to mind) will be a simple fix.
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Re: PC shutting down and not able to restart for a bit

Post by Chrisax »

I just saw this thread and I barely have a few minutes :( I'll be back on it later.

First, you can check here if your PSU is OK but if it has worked so far, it should be. (Yes PSU get "older" with time, the capacitors mostly, but it takes years on a good brand.)

Calculate the Power Supply you need
http://www.athenpaladins.org/forums/vie ... =45&t=5443

IF you had to go for a new PSU, I would greatly recommend Antec (which doesn't make them but has very good suppliers like Delta). We can speak about that a bit later.
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Re: PC shutting down and not able to restart for a bit

Post by Reapermann »

Calculation from that site Chris :

Load Wattage: 264 W
Recommended UPS rating: 600 VA
Recommended PSU Wattage: 314 W

Amperage (combined)
+3.3V +5V +12V
6.7 A 6.0 A 17.6 A

Recommended Power Supply:
EVGA 430 W1 80+, 430W Continuous Power, 3 Year Warranty Power Supply 100-W1-0430-KR

Not sure what I am using atm.

On a side note when I went to sleep last night the PC was on, screen saver was working. When I woke up today the machine was on, I could here the fans green light was steady and the usualy blinking yello/orange light below that was not on. I hit space bar to wake it up from sleep mode and nothing. So hit the power button and let it turn on. Nothing. Hit it once pushed the button and voila, success, lol.
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Re: PC shutting down and not able to restart for a bit

Post by Chrisax »

hmmm systems with "hit a key to wake up " sometimes have strange shutting off and on issues. I can't say for sure. Can this be disabled?

Regarding the PSU, maybe you have an invoice somewhere with the list of parts? Or you could open to see if something is visible? (I'm afraid the label will be hidden though). I guess someone helped you to install the computer, ask him?

I'm not saying it's that at all, only investigating possible causes.

If you wanted a totally safe PSU for the power you need, the Antac HCG-500 (NOT 500M: you don't need expensive modular cables) would be more than perfect

BUT we have no proof ATM it's the PSU at all. Going to reread your whole posts.
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