Sorry for not being there on Thursday night, sick

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Sorry for not being there on Thursday night, sick

Post by Chrisax »

Sorry for being away without prior notice. I'm quite sick IRL although it was suite OK last morning.

I actually started to get some sleep around 17GMT and woke up around 2:30(AM) GMT.

Apology especially to Thingfish because I was supposed to help him with a HR NM for his masterplanner spike suit.
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Re: Sorry for not being there on Thursday night, sick

Post by Elrojo »

DW MP is spikes, not HR btw.

n fact i reckon the HE ones look better than DW. But lets not tell him.

I can get him along with us for DW MP as our teams are pretty well greased. 18's in an hour or so.

However, he often doesn't really want to do the whole 18 and its just a HUGE time sink to find ppl who will just do single dungeons.

Side note 12 online in my zone tonight, need to start to encourage smaller raiding groups.

Zeril/lre/nink and some others seem to raid their time.

Asdran/Glewin/Lil-eyez/Me and a random DPS (sometimes myrthe, this time MAc-fennris) raid my time.

This leaves Tryller, Scrumptious, suzi2(fresh to NM), Qmofo and some others all sort of without an experienced group. Perhaps when someone sees Zeril we should propose they split their raiding group of 5 into a 2 and a 3 and then recruit 5 more to raids. In honesty the hardest thing is getting the first 10 or so under your belt, after that you catch up on the gear and skill curve, then you can raid quite well filling spots with PuG etc.
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Re: Sorry for not being there on Thursday night, sick

Post by tryller »

I usually raid with Zeril. DW MP gives the dawnbringer garb,not spikes.
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Re: Sorry for not being there on Thursday night, sick

Post by Elrojo »

ah well there you go^^

We need a roll call of who has a raid group.

Then we can find who isnt being included. Nothing worse than being on the outside and watching everyone gear up around you.
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Re: Sorry for not being there on Thursday night, sick

Post by Chrisax »

Elrojo wrote:DW MP is spikes, not HR btw.
Nope, I confirm that the spike outfit (actually Demonskin Coat) is for Hell Raised (HR) masterplanner achievement.

DW gives the Dawnbringer Garb

Check here:

So the spikey fashion victim TF is ;) needs HR masterplanner.
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Re: Sorry for not being there on Thursday night, sick

Post by Elrojo »

I am almost certain its DW, I remember doing HR and thinking the suit wasnt worth it.

Anyhow try DW 1st since its easier on MP and then if its not, try HR. HR is annoying since you want HP on all bosses, all 3 DPS need CU and MT is tricky at the best of times.
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Re: Sorry for not being there on Thursday night, sick

Post by Aesop »

Got Pol (Syscoil Jumpsuit) and HR (Demonskin Coat) last week. HR is the spikey one.

We come back to the same problem for a raiding group in my (US) play times, someone to tank. If we can raise/recruit a good tank for the 23:00 - 05:00 GMT time slot, would be a bit easier to get raid groups going. And I am just as guilty of not taking the time to build a good tank or tank skills. Unfortunately most my tank gear is pickup and Def oriented instead of block oriented.

Either way, the tank does seem to be the core of the raiding group due to lack of availability. If you have a tank, docs and dps tend to follow :)
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Rurik Nogard
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Re: Sorry for not being there on Thursday night, sick

Post by Rurik Nogard »

Its decided I will make my tank gear after finishing my dps one :D :shock:
Crimson Sun is coming dawn u must search for a safe place to stay alive...Crimson Sun is going up you must wish for a good burial cause it has no mercy...Rurik Vlein Nogard
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