Twinking on boots for my MA

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Maxi Leet
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Twinking on boots for my MA

Post by Malosar »

edit: This was originally about Trick Boots, until I discovered after getting the 5x Chemistry that 6x MechEng is also required. Result is no drop so whoever decided on the requirements for this tradeskill was on a really really bad mood. Now a thread about twinking on Slippers of Screaming for a 150 MA.

I'm trying to get my final 60-80ish Chemistry on my 150 MA and I've exhausted all other avenues I believe. Need 1100 total for my goal and I'm that little bit short.

Wondering if anyone has some arith/officer/scout pieces maximum ql150, even down to ql75ish if it's a number of pieces. Will be an quick equip then give back, no need for me to borrow the armor for any periods of time.
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Re: Anyone with low-mid QL arith armor?

Post by Malosar »

And reminder to self, give back chemistry ring and bow tie to Intoxicate once I'm done.
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Re: Anyone with low-mid QL arith armor?

Post by noobas »

chemistry on MA?

what in gods name are you doing?

And, I have about 18 pieces to choose from. I'll be online in about 2.5-3 hours
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Re: Anyone with low-mid QL arith armor?

Post by Chrisax »

noobas wrote:And, I have about 18 pieces to choose from.
:shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: Anyone with low-mid QL arith armor?

Post by Malosar »

edit; caught noobas this morning and grabbed a few arith pieces. Thanks!

Trick Boots should be made this morning, then Full IPR and start equipping all his symbiants I have ready.
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Re: Anyone with low-mid QL arith armor?

Post by Malosar »

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

So the tradeskill window only showed the 5x chemistry requirement apparently. When I met that req it THEN advised I needed 6x MechEngi in addition..... FU FC

Failed experiment. Arith armor has been mailed back to aptwinkme, thank you.
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Re: Anyone with low-mid QL arith armor?

Post by noobas »

Since you can IPR...can you IP mech eng?

there's a lot of stuff that you can equip to boost ME as well.

Buffs to start with:

20 - comp tradeskills
125 - ME maestro from eng (or trader I think)
160 - from city lab

Then there's the obvious stuff:

arithmetic armour say, 20 per piece *7 = 140
Lost eden tradeskill research hud (30)
alien augmentation hud: tradeskills (15)

Then there's a implants: 210 - although not sure if conflictions with chemistry

Don't forget trickle.

There's a few more items that will help like focus funnel, coordination assistant, a backpiece I forget the name of among others.

Those I've listed should do it for you tho.
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Re: Anyone with low-mid QL arith armor?

Post by Malosar »

Shiny and Bright conflict with Chemistry for ME so even with arith and Maestro, chances of getting 1320 ME are basically nil.

Going to focus on getting the slippers on instead and how to keep them non-OE.
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Re: Anyone with low-mid QL arith armor?

Post by noobas »

two things:

1. if you're opi, it really shouldn't be a huge problem getting them on (I can help with a few things if you're lacking them)

2. keeping them out of OE will do nothing for you - RS/evades you get the full amount regardless of OE or not, and AC's simply don't matter, not enough to worry about.

Here's a pretty easy setup to get them on...

Note that the Master g staff requires a fair chunk of 2HB so you'd make some 2HB implants and stuff then stick that on first... but a lot of this is totally unnecessary.. like, on my 109 atrox keeper I've got about 450 agi, it's not maxed, and you should be sitting at close to 600 agi on opifex at 150 without even doing a damn thing.

The setup posted gives 368 agi, so just pick and choose how you want to do it.

In many slots there's items that give more agi, and many that give less. (i.e. miy's melee/ranged pants give more than MA penultimate pants),

If you don't have lya sangi pads, you could try to find some eva pourais patchs hmm also interestingly, that goes in neck slot as well.

in weapon, if the master G staff is too tough/annoying to equip, we could use either lower G staff ( or explosive's polychromatic pillows (20 agi/20 sense)

So there are many options.

I have the leg implant, but honestly, even a QL 200 will probably do it.

The only recommendation i'd make here, is if you're going to the effort to put on SoS, you should consider doing QL 250 MA pants as well (871 agi, 750 strength).

Also, just a note - it is possible to do 300 MA ofab (1045 agi) at level 150. It requires some pretty serious twinking... but it is possible.
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Re: Anyone with low-mid QL arith armor?

Post by Malosar »

I started a config that might be more viable for me. I'd honestly rather take the lazy ip-friendly route and do it without g-staff at all, as well as keep my symbiants in I just twinked on last night.

I'll check my stock of miy's as I have a bunch from farming medusa's, might have a few options there.

For the pants it seems a toss up between t3 and ofab. The ofab seems to be easier and have better stats at lower ql. The 225 should be viable without the hot pants.

edit: hmmm can't say I see this happening without g-staff but we'll see.

edit 2: ugh Just noticed the infantry symbs don't have the agility, so implants are the only way to go. No wonder I was missing so much agility in comparison to yours.
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Re: Twinking on boots for my MA

Post by Malosar »

ok that was much easier than I thought it would be. Slippers are ON without any weapons.
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Re: Twinking on boots for my MA

Post by noobas »


now do 225-250 Penultimate OFAB MA pants.

Add Dchest and you're looking like a proper S10 twinkle!
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Re: Twinking on boots for my MA

Post by Malosar »

I have a dchest, dgloves and notucomm already :) Also have a sapphistic bow for him as well.
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Re: Twinking on boots for my MA

Post by noobas »

be careful with IP if you intend to use Bow.

150 MA's can use a swap, but I can already tell you that you're using the wrong setup for a swapping MA.

If you want to use a bow swap, you're better off with CC boots/gloves/chest/hat/arms and only Ofab MA pants.

You can get away with sureshot glasses, but the IP is tight.

Simply - you can't get enough AS skill to make a bow swap a valuable addition to your toolset without gimping other critical skills.

if you're interested in PVP you really should consider the drawbacks to a mixed setup (i.e. swapping).

For one, it's IP intensive, and for two, you end up being sort of mediocre in two areas, instead of exceedingly good in one area.

Put it this way, 150 MA's who want to PVP, generally they don't use a bow swap because it gives them a lot more IP to sink into parry (deflect), for the purpose of using a high QL flower of life. To make a kill in PVP, sure, you might do OK with a bow swap, but if your crit proc fires, and you dump flower of life on your target, he's going to be dead in 3 seconds, period. The rest of the time you can spend focusing on healing.

Mind you, maybe things are different with 18.7 and MA's getting much more rapid healing with team/single heals being concurrently available, but EVERY PVPing MA I know at 220 are either running with a non-swap setup (X1-R4 + Tonfa) or going pure ranged + full time zazen (that's what I use) and completely bypassing the "MA's are PVM DD Gold" type thing.

TL;DR I would highly recommend that you simply avoid IPing bow/AS for now. if you're keen to PVP, just go with melee style which is the bread and butter for TL5 MA's, and work on getting just earth shattering crits and good AR and good evades at the same time.

Notably, one method of doing this that i''ve seen (but don't really recommend) is going with QL 230-240 implants in RH/LH (feet gotta stay symb for the defence, agi and phys init). this gets you a lot more MA skill but lowers your nanoskills a bit. You can overcome that with some nanoskill swaps for casting UVC/FFoK, and, as opi you'd probably want to max out your CC (CM simply won't be effective for PVP) - I think QL 244 is good for an opi MA, since you can always go with a QL 240-248 left arm strength/AAD/phys imp to get your strength up. (basically, the only thing holding you back is strength - agi should be easymode), and for strength, as long as you're implanted in LA, RA is a awakened symb - not ideal but you need all the stats, and use growing infantry chest, then you can flesh out other slots with a few items that really add the final touches to keep it out of OE:

QL 300 bracer of striking (14)
QL 285+ adrenaline factory (12)
Muscle booster (buff) (25)
pure novictum ring of the infantry unit (8)

That would pretty much set you up for seriously fine tuned melee PVP combat and would also give you some insane PVM damage. of course, that's all slots CC except pants - if 244CC seems like a gong show, 223- 225 is completely sufficient.

For absolute certain you'll want to do the progression quest in ado and do the penumbra key so you can warp to pen to get your predator buff - for a prof like MA who lives and dies on being a serious evader, I can't overemphasize this enough, lack of 75AAD/75AAO when your opponents are running with it will be a debilitating handicap. So I'd consider getting started on that sooner than later.
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