New PvP missions? Other 16.3 Changes

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2nd part of mish

Post by mytefe »

Hiya, when the servers wher up lol , i started the whole mish again. used tactics from previous post to kill 5 guards. soo easy it was funny. returnd to Oa hill to speak to women. got 2nd part of mish. this is waht happend:

1. grided in to Omnient.
2. yalmed down to mob spawn point, half way there spotted target "Lambeer". Target is by a big building. in front of him are Unicorns lv too high for mee lol.
3. landed behind building and buffed up!!
4. pulled Lambeer round to back of building and started to beat the pixels out of him.
5. got jumped by Unicorns, dont know wher they come from, maybe one was patrolling area.
6. ran for life, all round omni ent, tried to snare mobs, tried to hide . got cornered and murderd by unicorns, 3 of them i think. only 2 hit me.

so mish can be done if u dont pull unicorns. Lambeer was lvl 200. will try again later. :relax:

ooh the mobs omni have to kill are in Tir. so if u want to gank omni wait by the NW part of city by Delta Sentinals ( or something sentinals )

boss mob location is not on CSP map

Fixer report complete :D
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Post by mytefe »

Fixer REport part 3!!

!. killed the Omni-elite Pol mobs again. they are bugged. u can get them stuck on a wall. they cant attack u :lol:
2. Asked Grind42 to come and help beat the pixels out of Lambeer!!!!!! this prolly the smartest thing i have ever done.
3. Grind42 pulled lambeer round to back of building, i took care of an Add, Lambeer was "remains of Lambeer" vvv quickly.
4. looted breifcase and grided!!
5 talk to women in OA hilll. Mish Complete!!

Reward is a NEW token board, Bravery Award and a T-Shirt!!!

Ty soo much Grind!!

so easy mish if get UBAH AP's to help!
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Post by Hyde »


Omni-Pol Commissioner Lee is NASTY.

If you want to see him, go to the West side of Omni-HQ and then slightly south. But if you just want to imagine him, imagine Iann Warr in Omni-Pol black armor with a Bulwark Blaster.

I went with myself, Healyhatman (215 doc), Disturbance (217ish? shade) and Missgoods (220? trader).

Summary: Simply not worth it for the token board upgrade by the time you are high enough that Lee is the one you are assigned to kill. Get your 1K board early and go do the lower level boss for your upgrade.

* MEZZER REQUIRED by the way ... he's near a bunch of L250 Omni-Pol Supreme and Troopers.

* He does Poison and Melee damage ... and if you go without a full team like we did, your RRFE may wear out. Mine did. I had to recast with my 13% graft when he was down to 25% HP ... the Poison and Melee reflect bracers + that graft are all that kept the raid alive at the end since we had no soldier

* Bring nano stims, your docs will run out unless you have a MP. Trader wasn't enough to keep my nano up and only 2 of us had RK stims. You have to chain-cast heals.

* Trader NR buffs? Worthless. Didn't make him perkable and he is either immune to UBT or has an insane NR after the Trader debuff.

* Lee has a permanent normal damage shield, so only specials do full damage. He also has inits so high that the shade -init proc was worthless.

* The shade had 2500 AR with Umbral ... and couldn't perk him.

* Lee aggros on heals like a SL mob (worse than an alien) ... so for 99.9% of the time I tanked him. Disturbance took agg once in the middle after switching from the -init proc to a damage proc ... and Lee hits so hard that the shade went squish in 10 seconds even with 2 docs.

* Worst? He drops -one- briefcase, and you have to have the briefcase to get the token board upgrade, the T-shirt AND XP/SK for the mission. So only 1 person gets those.

* I tanked about 1.4-1.5M HP (Healy started DD about 1/4 of the way in so numbers aren't accurate.

* Lee has around 1.7M HP ... and with his damage shields and no perks landing its like an effective 3M to kill.

* -1- Omni PvP player coming by would have been enough to wipe us out ... all they would have had to have done was take out the shade (to prevent their own gankage), then Healyhatman or myself ... and it would have been over. Taking out Missgoods would have made it harder, as my nano would have eventually suffered and our mezzed mobs would have agged, but she probably could have gotten back in time if the rest of us survived.
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Post by Doom_Eater »

:? nerf, ah no prob :) we have BHs for it
/ \ help bob multiply himself so he can takeover the world easier
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