Beta patch 0.8.2 - Update Notes

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Beta patch 0.8.2 - Update Notes

Post by Chrisax »

The patch is up.

Update Notes for 0.8.2

* Character creation has been improved, and now offers more choices!
* Cinematic in Hell Raised should no longer loop on group wipes, and should only trigger on victory.
* Kingsmouth - Fixed an issue with rubberbanding at the airport resurrection pad.
* Ladder climbing animations now work properly.
* You will no longer see nametags through the ground.
* Fixed an issue where mouse sensitivity appeared to be lost after playing for a while.
* Fixed some weapons with invisible meshes.
* The Stationmaster in Agartha no longer holds an invisible object.
* "Invite to group" is working correctly from the GUI now.
* Selling and previewing items now works after sorting.
* Some adjustments have been made to durability loss.
* Repair costs on all items has been reduced.
* Pangaea clothing now has a new pricing scheme.
* Your character will no longer appear invisible after certain cinematics.
* Smoothed out some character neck seams.
* The female jump animation has been adjusted.
* Fixed the crashing associated with using Crimson Theatre on destructibles.
* You can now use /reset to "suicide" if you are trapped or stuck and /stuck does not work. (Please don't use /reset in Tokyo.. you will not be able to resurrect there!)

* Dx11 - Fixed an issue that caused your game client to lock up if you changed video settings.
* Fixed the cause of the DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED crash.
* Fixed an issue where the patcher would not automatically launch if DirectX was not up to date.
* Opening the petition and ingame browser windows in windowed mode no longer causes your client to crash.

* Blood Spike and Boiling Blood have been switched.
* Hammer attack animations are a bit more varied now.
* Brandish has had its damaged reduced.

* Show Image in the Mission journal works again!
* The Interface options menu has been cleaned up, and unsupported options have been removed.
* Tutorial videos will no longer show "Video is ready" while playing.
* When a player receives a cash drop from a monster it now only shows up once in the chat window.
* The option to display nearby player's nametags while not in PVP has been temporarily removed.
* The scroll wheel now works correctly in the browsers.
* Decimal points have been removed from cash drops.
* Stacks will now be displayed properly in the trade ui.
* Inventory now has a tokens section.

* Weapons have been added to each of the normal instances of the hub training rooms, for players who have lost their training weapons after leaving the story instances of the training rooms. These weapons are not as good quality as the ones you receive during the story instance.
* Fixed an issue where duplicates of The Fallen King would display in his cinematic in London.
* Tokyo - Mei Ling will no longer stand idle, away from her friends.
* Tokyo - /camping inside Tokyo will no longer cause you to lose your mission.

* The Deranged Spectre will respawn for the mission At Journey's End.
* The Circuit Breaker will no longer slide around.
* The Raven - Mission is now more multiplayer friendly!
* Jack Boone's lips now move during his cinematic.
* The Dixie Bull mission has been disabled for this phase of the beta.
* Kingsmouth Code - Typing 'help' into the computer works now.

* London - Mama Abena no longer has a broken icon next to her.

* It is now possible to leave London's Fight Club via the door.
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