Pyramid of Home Guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

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Pyramid of Home Guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by Chrisax »

Pyramid of Home Guide

The new instance of Anarchy Online, Pyramid of Home, has been released by the end of October 2015.

Thanks to all your efforts, we now have a great guide up here!

We're going to continue to work on this and improve it.

Please everyone: make screenshots! we need interesting screenshots for the guide !

Pyramid of Home Guide
Thanks to Meepingnora for his awesome work and to all who helped :) :happytrooper:

Tip: click on icons to see what an item is !

New update November 15, 2015: Completed Floors maps by Zagalote

Where is the Pyramid of Home / Prerequisites to enter

To access the Pyramid of Home, first enter Home temple by the big steps on Home main plazza. (This is the door by which you normally exit after Beast raids. It now works both ways, in and out.)

Then, within the Temple of Home enter the large door behind Number Nine and the portal from Pandemonium.

To enter the Temple of Home, you will have to meet any of the following requirements:
  • - Wear a Profession Nanodeck (Base/Awakened/Stellar)
    - Have completed the 'Guarding the Source' questline
    - Have completed the Legacy of the Xan questline

- You will need to be in a raid team, and be level 201 or above to participate.

This instance is accessible by only 6 people, and it has a 4 hour lock-out.
The portals inside the instance are also timed with 4 hours.

Quick overview of the loot

- Corrupted Beast Weapons - 2000 Req. instead of 2251.

Tradeskill Items
Token Board Upgrade
Image + Image = Image + Image = Image
Combine all three spirits and you will gain the Primed this will upgrade your Token Board
All images are in order. (Laughing - Screaming - Raging - Crying - Primed)

Armor Upgrades
Image + Image = Image Upgrades Sleeves, Gloves, Legs, Boots
Image + Image = Image Upgrades Chest, Helm, Boc, Pads

Portable Notum Infusion Device does NOT get consumed when making the armor upgrades!


Once you have a fully awakened beast armor set equiped (only 1 sleeve needed), you gain a nano by right clicking Awakened BoC - a Complete Heal. check it out

Team set-up

For this instance, you want your team to have the following professions:

- Doctor
- Tank (enf/shade/keeper/soldier)
- Dmg mitigation (keeper)
- Snares (engineer)
- 2nd tank (keeper/soldier)
- ranged DD (soldier/fixer/engineer/crat/MP/agent)

Note that there are some profs here that are highly useful:

If you bring one of these, it's much more desirable than bringing a marginally useful prof.

Mobs. (NOTE: All mobs in the instance are level 300 and hit hard!)

Breiflabb Blumbo: You kill this mob first and as quickly as possible, it explodes at the end and also buffs the other mobs around you when you fight.
The longer it takes for this mob to die, the harder the nuke will be when it explodes.

The Hisii Beserker: This mob has no tricks or specials.
Even though he does hit like a regular boss with hits between 3 to 9k varying.

Archaic Wardrone: This mob has a 200 damage shield. This is removable by engineers.

Shambling Horror: Mainly root and calm, drain (Also on pets), they don't hit too hard.

The cultists all have individual specials, here are the names & what specials:
Cultist Silencer : AOE Stuns and nanoskill debuffs (Docs need to be out of range because this is an AOE.)

Cultist Shaman : Debuffs.

Cultist Elder: Spawns a 250 Mini TNH Pet which hits really hard.

Portal Guardian: AOE Nukes, hardly hit.

Vortex Soldier: AOE Nukes and hits hard, fast.

The instance

The instance has a total of 8 floors and then a completely different playfield for the end boss..

Let's start with floor one, really easy : Kill both Portal Guardians and wait for the Vortex Soldier to spawn.
After killing the Vortex Soldier (To see how he looks, take a look at his picture at the "Mobs" section.) a portal will spawn, Timer : 4hrs.

On the second floor will be 5 mobs and 2 Portal Guardians, kill all mobs before killing the Portal Guardians, again kill them on a CD.

Then you will get to the first boss.
The Cybernetic Demon. He NSD's (AOE) and kicks.
Tanking in the middle of the N-W Wall is adviced -
Keep mob away from the doc and if you get agg run into the wall (A tank can't do much without it's nano points ;-))
He spawns Fire balls, they move towards you. Don't let them stop on you - They will kill you.
The ball that spawns the fire-ball-adds.

Once you kill this boss and sorted the loot, you proceed to the "second floor" which is officially the 4th floor.
The Portalmobs are located N-W , S-W , S-E and the Vortex Soldier spawns in the middle.
Be careful! if you don't enter the hallway towards the soldier's spawn spot you will have to deal with it when you do,
a Cultist Silencer is there hidden in sneak, on some floors they hide in sneak so don't rush back right after a wipe i.e. That one respawns after 20mins!

Meet the second boss.
Azdaja The Joyous.
This floor requires patience and good tactics will lead to a kill every time.

On both E and W side are altars - Altar of Purification (Green) and Altar of Tortue (Red).
Here's a good helpful riddle : Green is good, Red is bad. Step on red and you'll be dead. The Altars stay one color for 4 ticks. (6-9seconds)

This mob spawns adds, 2-3 per wave. Here's a list of adds and what they do.
After that you'll read about how to beat her.
All mobs look just like her, so a picture isn't needed.
Kill order:

FIRST - Sorrowful Voidling - this one has a -500 NanoSkillAOEDrain - Docs move away from these mobs.
LATER - Furious Voidling - this one has a 500 damage shield - Not sure if engineer can remove it.
LATER - Fearful Voidling - this one does not seem to have a special, but it hits hard and fast.
LATER - Pained Voidling - this one does not seem to have a special, like the Fearful Voidling.

This boss mindcontrols the aggro target so the ideal tactic is to only have enforcer and the secondary tank (keep/sold/shade) attacking the mob at any time. The best chance of success is to have all the DDers holding off on the boss (not attacking) and waiting for adds to pop, when adds pop, DD go hard on adds. This buys time for the team to clear debuffs, reorganise and re-apply debuffs on boss prior to the next wave.

Basically you want the tank and secondary tank on one side, DD in the middle, and doc just behind them. The doc MUST stand away from the wall though, since that is where the adds spawn. If the doc stands near the altar, its a good place, but care must be taken to be spamming team heals to reach the tank/aggro target, or run closer a bit to launch heals.

A keeper REALLY helps for joyous to reduce heal strain.

The Joyous will cast Call of Rust - This nano looks like a red bubble with a lightning bold in the middle.
If you see this in your or anyone's NCU, step on the green platform.
Same if she transforms you into a Chimera.

Once you kill her, you will proceed into a maze. Let one person go in front to pull because on this floor are ALOT of mobs in hiding thatl pop out. The dots on the picture will show a few locations. the crosses are rooms that you can skip.
The north side of the floor.
The east side of the floor. There is also a Cultist hidden on the red dot S E. In the room before the portal guardian.

After killing the Vortex Soldier (Located in north side of the floor, the flesh room) you will all have to click the portal at once, because you will be dealing with a Blumbo & Cultist Elder (Take Blumbo out first) - Follow the road and you'll go down a stairs looking simmilar to the entrance of this dungeon.

NOTE: make sure all pet classes have their pet on follow or behind.
You'll be taking on The Maiden now - A Malah.
The maiden is the Malah in the back (of the picture).

This boss isn't as hard as the second boss, but she still has a few tricks up her sleeves. In this room are a total of 4 platforms. located : north, east, west and in the middle.

When starting the fight, The Maiden is stood on the centre platform (The one that triggers the Sacrifice).

I recommend the tank rushing to the spot and everyone else stand near the east or west platforms (Not closer to the door.) once she has been aggro'd the entrance gets blocked by a flame which will instantly kill you.
The Maiden does an AOE Mind-Control so anyone who is near the tank will also get mind controlled into PVP. and this boss doesn't morph, she makes you cast stuff like UBT and such.
The Maiden also spawns a row of "Punishment" they are simmilar to flames and do alot of damage, if you see those being spawned step away from them.

North: Spawns a Hissii.
East/West: Spawns 1 maybe 2 adds.
Middle: The Sacrifice spawns - This one gets done 3 times throughout the kill, The Sacrifice are mobs you have to kill quickly, they are casting a nuke when they spawn. if they cast it it's a wipe.

The Sacrifice

Wave 1: 4 The Sacrifice's spawn
Wave 2: 6 The Sacrifice's spawn
Wave 3: 8 The Sacrifice's spawn

Once this mob is dead, click the portal and proceed towards the lair of the end boss.. And this is where it gets creepy!

You'll be entering a room without any mobs, just a room to run through. this is a image of what you'll find in there (you will be running past it)

Now, you'll get to a portal. this is where you run through.

Once zoned through, you'll be entering a sort of big playfield.
When you run towards the end you will find :
The Nameless One, this is a placeholder mob. It hits like a cultist, but once it has died, it'll spawn a bigger, harder mob:

The Awoken Nightmare, Phobettor.

This boss is easy to kill using the appropriate tactics.

Again, ideal team members can vary, but almost always include:
1. Enforcer
2. doctor
3. engineer
4. keeper

Tactics (basics)
Pull the Phobettor to an unstable rift, where the The Mirror of Xan is shattered - once mirror is shattered, DPS like mad.
When boss warps to middle, avoid the lasers.
When flames pop, avoid them.

Tactics (advanced)
General tactics
The instance can be held by two players, and the fight can continue if the doctor and (a) tank remains. If the doc dies, the boss won. But if anyone else dies, the play continues.

If the tank/keeper/engi/crat/fixer/soldier/whoever dies, you must blitz back [post video on blitzing] because you can get back in 90s-180s which means you can be dodging flames and adding DPS on phobettor even while rezzing. If you can't blitz... you are not prepared enough to be an effective teammate for Phobettor.

If the DOCTOR dies, all non instance holders leave team, since this will warp them to the gate. The general rule is: doctor/crat never leave team. (If doctor dies, there's no point in doc leaving team since they will have to blitz regardless, crat is the best blitzer, so that makes the job obvious. If your team lacks a crat, enforcer, shade, fixer, soldiers are all good blitzers, but engineers are bad, and so are doctors).

RECOMMENDED: practice blitzing until you can get through the entire instance without getting aggro, and if you get aggro, you can lose it in <10s. Practice blitzing until you can do it every single attempt successfully.

Enforcer (tank) Tactics

Pull phobettor in large circles using a large portion of the map in order to complete objectives
Objective 1: pull the phobettor's hitbox over an unstable rift
Objective 2: Don't overkite! If the boss is debuffed, tank him and don't move him around too much since your team can't DPS and run at the same time.
Objective 3: Never trap teammates! Engineers and doctors have their hands full, AND have low runspeed. If you are approaching a corner pulling the phobettor with flames up, slow your speed, and make a smooth transition through the corner to ensure that doc/engi aren't trapped by flames on the approach - also don't trap yourself (see Objective 4).
Objective 4: Don't lose aggro! LOS is the mechanical failure of losing aggro, and this can happen if you are stuck in a corner with flames and the Phobettor warps to mid - this can result in boss HD and full HP in a matter of seconds.

Engineer (snare) tactics

Your job is to snare flames, and if there are no flames up DPS on boss.
Here is the failsafe method. First Press F10, go to keybinds, scroll down to find "Select Pet 1" bind this to a Spammy key like 1, then put your slave aura in a slot on your hotbar and bind it to 1 as well. Now, when you press 111111 you will select your pet and hit him with your slave aura. Aura has a 1s CD, so if you're a suitable range, you might get it off 6-10 times before needing to relocate.

Objective 1: snare flames. Tell your pets to attack boss (never take them off him), and when flames pop use your 11111 keybind to snare the hell out of them
Objective 2: stay alive. stay ahead of the flames, never get caught behind the boss or near the bosses feet. Equip gear that boosts runspeed if needed, also HP.

Doctor tactics

Doctor is one of the easiest jobs, there aren't many tactics the doctor needs to use here - in comparison to say Ajada the joyous or the maiden (keep CH on CD using AO as example). Doc, simply, here must spam many team heals (Team life channeler), and maintain tank HP.

Objective 1: stay NEAR the enforcer, and if the enforcers movements are predictable (god help you if your enforcer is drunk or stoned or a scatterbrain), use his movement as a predictor and try to get ahead of his curve.
Objective 2: stay alive. This isn't hard, but there is one trick, and it's to never be near the phobettor's feet. Flames will kill you faster than anything else, and if you are healing yourself, you're in heal CD when the tank needs healing.

Melee (shade/keeper/MA) tactics

The are 3 things to be aware of when trying to DD. Where the boss is, what orientation the lasers are popping in and how close the nearest flames are. In general, I use my minimap more than the main overview when playing DPS/secondary support on Phobettor, and the tricks are pretty simple. I try to give LOTS of clearance to the boss/enforcer while the enf is pulling to unstable rifts, basically only monitoring movement. This is a no brainer - you can't do damage until the phobettor is debuffed, so no sense in risking a 30% HP hit on flames. As soon as the phobettor has shattered mirror, you need to close the gap rapidly, charging all your buffs and going full steam into launching everything you have at him. Avoid flames at all costs - if the engi failed to snare or died, the flames could stop you from doing your job - in this case, wait out the flames or keep moving until they despawn.

Often the boss will go into laser mode once debuffed, so here the trick is to approach the boss from the EAST or WEST but not the NORTH or SOUTH. The lasers will pop N/S first the rotate either clockwise or counterclockwise. The trick is if you are close to the boss you can just shift position slightly to avoid the lasers and keep up DD for the duration of the debuff. Once your perks are expended or shattered is ending, it's OK to back off a bit and reposition yourself away from where the flames pop.

Ranged DD (engi/crat/MP/agent/sold/fix)

Similar to melee DD, there aren't many things to worry about. while ranged DD is generally better because of the ability to get further away from the flames while DDing more easily than melee DD, the ranged DD can have a different problem, and that is lasers. The place ranged DD gets higher risk of injury is during the laser show. since melee DD are closer to the lasers rotation center, they have less distance to travel when trying to evade them. Ranged, on the other hand are much further away, and thus, the ranged need to cover more distance if they attempt to outrun the lasers. So, the trick for ranged is to actually position themselves just outside one laser line and the next line will pop on their other side, and thus, no "outrunning" is needed... just good positioning. Pets aren't hurt by lasers, so buff em up and sic em hard.

Phobettor usually drops three sigils of Machiavelli, as well as occasionally a primed spirit capsule, and all the other hud/deck items mentioned previously, and a bunch of corrupted beast weapons.

Raid lock is 4 hours on Phobettor and is a different raidlock to the pyramid of home.
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Re: Pyramid of Home guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by Chrisax »

To access the Pyramid of Home, first enter Home temple by the big steps on Home main plazza. (This is the door by which you normally exit after Beast raids. It now works both ways, in and out.)

Then, within the Temple of Home enter the large door behind Number Nine and the portal from Pandemonium.

To enter the Temple of Home, you will have to meet any of the following requirements:
  • - Wear a Profession Nanodeck (Base/Awakened/Stellar)
    - Have completed the 'Guarding the Source' questline
    - Have completed the Legacy of the Xan questline
- You will need to be in a raid team, and be level 201 or above to participate. [/list]

Haste posted this before I open this thread, so I'll quote him here:
Haste wrote:If people can update their findings on the new instance here it'd be a big help. We tried going in two times today but could not get through the second boss. Here's what we found out:

- at entrance there's two lower portal mobs which must be killed at roughly the same time to spawn the main portal mob (it has a little delay). Once you kill this one, the portal to the first floor spawns. The portals stay up for a long time, requiring no further spawning - this stands true for further floors too.

- first floor has got some trash mobs (beware the sneaked cultist near the breiflabb) that you have to kill to proceed, and has two lesser portal mobs (in different places this time) which must be killed in coordination to spawn the main portal mob. Also of note is that on these non boss floors the mobs respawn, which makes it quite tough to come back alone if you wipe, in case sufficient time has passed. The mobs themselves hit quite hard, while some people may be able to solo it's usually easier to just have someone leave team and rejoin to escort back.

- second floor is the first boss of this instance (a big heck); this boss knocks back, stuns, can cast an AOE nsd if you're too close, and at certain % in HP spawns moving flames. You must avoid these flames at all costs, even if some don't kill you instantly they take loads of your hp (like 50% at least). The amount of flames increases according to waves, starting from one to 4 or 5 in the last wave (at 10% or so). The boss also gains a reflect shield once the flames start popping. The loot: can drop one of the new HUD3 items (check DB), and drops a bunch of corrupted Xan weapons (4 iirc). These corrupted weapons can take a weapon upgrade from the Xan instances to turn them into a normal Xan weapon. It also drops a sigil, and three or four Laughing Spirit Capsules. We couldn't find out what these are for yet.

- third floor is like first floor, the only difference is there's three lesser portal mobs now to coordinate (if you kill by mistake they respawn fast).

- fourth floor, there's a boss (lotv mesh) and two altars on each side. The altars each flash green or red four times before switching color. We couldn't find out for sure how to use the altars yet. The boss sometimes flashes some lights ala DB2 and casts a trader drain on you. I assume you're supposed to go to an altar of the flashing color to clear the debuff, but we wiped so fast we didn't try that. It also spawns two mini-dragon adds, and polymorphs people. The tank can get possessed and start attacking other people (like on Xan). We couldn't get it low enough in HP so might have some other hidden tricks. Hits quite hard and likes to switch agg a lot.

Any corrections or other tips would be appreciated, we're all learning by trying atm.
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Re: Pyramid of Home guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by Caedence »

AOItems was recently updated for 18.8.6 and I did a little diving.

- The Spirit Capsules are combined together at least from this little clue:
Raging Spirit Capsule

A combination of Spirt Capsules. The energies occasionally seem to cooperate, but mostly seem to oppose each other. The volatile energy causes the container to produce a contant, irritating noise. This container can accept only 1 more collection of energy.
When fully combined they make Primed Spirit Capsule

This may be used to either activate the sigils or maybe just straight upgrade the beast items. There is no confirmation just yet.

- There are two different 5k Token boards. (Combat and Defense) This is not surprising. This may be related to the sigils though as there are two different types of sigils.

EDIT: Added links and for clarity.
Caedence - 220/25/53 Pistol Meta-Physicist (Current Equip)
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Ceiyre - 36/2/1 Pistol Doctor
Caekeep - 60/5/5 2he Keeper
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Re: Pyramid of Home guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by Haste »

Caedence wrote:AOItems was recently updated for 18.8.6 and I did a little diving.

- The Spirit Capsules are combined together at least from this little clue:
Raging Spirit Capsule

A combination of Spirt Capsules. The energies occasionally seem to cooperate, but mostly seem to oppose each other. The volatile energy causes the container to produce a contant, irritating noise. This container can accept only 1 more collection of energy.
When fully combined they make Primed Spirit Capsule

This may be used to either activate the sigils or maybe just straight upgrade the beast items. There is no confirmation just yet.

- There are two different 5k Token boards. (Combat and Defense) This is not surprising. This may be related to the sigils though as there are two different types of sigils.

EDIT: Added links and for clarity.
Someone in team chat just told us there's three different spirit capsules dropping from each boss, and they must be combined to make in a token board. Likely (my guess) each of the sigils is used for defining if it's combat or defense, and the token board gets combined with the respective paragon to make the awakened final version. Will update when I know more.

edit: Green altar removes the polymorphs. Red altar.. was told by one person that clears other debuffs, but other person said it instakills you.

edit2: OK, apparently the sigils are charged with a Portable Notum Infusion Device, which drops on last floor.
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Re: Pyramid of Home guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by Chrisax »

Contribution from
Meepingnora level 220/24 Nano Fixer, Squad Commander of The Apocalypse, Omni

[Meepingnora]: Good to see you on - wanted to let you know that the second boss red althar does not clear any debuff
[Meepingnora]: saw one of your orgmate talking about it ; Green althar wipes all debuffs, red althar kills anyone that steps on it =)
To [Meepingnora]: you mean the pyramid, of course?
[Meepingnora]: Yes
To [Meepingnora]: I guessed so :-)
[Meepingnora]: And the adds kill order is Sorrowful Furious Feared Pained (NSD, shield, dmg, dmg) =)
To [Meepingnora]: ok thanks for the information :-) we are gathering information to make a guide, your contribution is welcome :-)
To [Meepingnora]: nice thx
[Meepingnora]: Ofcourse - Il write stuff down
To [Meepingnora]: just keep me informed, i'll already post on our forums what you just told me
To [Meepingnora]: let me know about any info and feel free to look at our thread
[Meepingnora]: Awesome =D Thanks!
To [Meepingnora]: uw
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Re: Pyramid of Home guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by badsector »

For 2nd boss.

Team: enfo, doc, crat, sol,...

Doc and other support needs to be near one beam, DD should be on the opposite beam and enfo should be on same side as DDs but a more to the middle so he can mongo adds.
Adds always spawns at the center of room.

Enfo should be always on boss, its very hard to keep/get aggro from mobs with mongo.
Kill adds in order as described before, Sorrowful, Furious, Feared and Pained.
Kill adds FAST! Sorrowfull is a pain for enfo, doc,...

Boss will cast in you 2 things, chimera morph or hits on mobs will heal them (30k). You can check ncus for these debuffs or see the effect when he casts, a green circle on floor around you.
After you get debuffed just run to beam near you when its GREEN, if its red just wait for green.

Sometimes boss will charm tank, and turns aggro for best DD or even doc.

Theres a 'safe' point if doc dies at altar. Theres a hole in there where boss cant hit you. Altar is the place in front when you get inside, not beams. :-P

3rd boss today if i can get time and team.
Zagalote 220/30 Soldier
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Nosolas 220/30 Enforcer
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Re: Pyramid of Home guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by Caedence »

[Athen Paladins] Coolerd: Inert Sigil of Machiavelli + Portable Notum Infusion Device + beast armor for upgrade
[Athen Paladins] Bellatrix: so you need 1 piece per beast armour you want to upgrade?
[Athen Paladins] Coolerd: yes
This was recently dropped in org chat today. It may seem that one sigil is for armor and the other for the board.

[Athen Paladins] Coolerd: !items Fountain of Life
[Athen Paladins] Bobsan02: Nano Crystal (Fountain of Life) (QL390)
[Athen Paladins] Bobsan: Your query returned 0 results
[Athen Paladins] Moonmarin: tbh full set perk might not be worth
[Athen Paladins] Coolerd: Fountain of Life Nano Cost: 1380 (2000)NCU cost: 1 School: Medical Stacking Order: 0 Duration: 00:00:10 Range: 15m Speed: Attack 7.00s Recharge 9.00s Modifier: On Target: Healing 1000000(1060000)
[Athen Paladins] Bellatrix: hehe
[Athen Paladins] Coolerd: complet heal
[Athen Paladins] Coolerd: with boc
Fountain of Life is the perk action from having a full set of the Awakened Beast armor.
Caedence - 220/25/53 Pistol Meta-Physicist (Current Equip)
Cairith - 201/16/36 Pistol Adventurer
Ceiyre - 36/2/1 Pistol Doctor
Caekeep - 60/5/5 2he Keeper
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Re: Pyramid of Home guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by Chrisax »

Map of floor 2 (work in Progress, thx to Meep)

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Re: Pyramid of Home guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by Olindria »

Courtesy to Meepingnora : (Asked me to publish)

Hiya guys, here's a (not fully finished) guide for the Pyramid of Home.

Edit by Chrisax: moved the current version of the guide to first post, for easier reading :) ... 850#p69850
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Re: Pyramid of Home guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by stokken »

Thank you for posting Olina *:)
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Re: Pyramid of Home guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by Chrisax »

Thanks a lot Meep :) Thx Oli

We're going to continue to work on this and improve it with Meep.

Please everyone: make screenshots! we need interesting screenshots for the guide !
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Re: Pyramid of Home guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by Olindria »

No problem guys, I've given my forum acct info to Meepingnora so she can post her updates here
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Re: Pyramid of Home guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by Haste »

Thanks to nora & oli for publishing :) I'll just add another HUD3 that was missing from guide: ... ive-drone/

Also, and this is the major cause of dead doctors on second boss: it wipes agg list each time adds pop. We also had him bug out several times on the walls near altars yesterday, so it probably is best to stick to middle, at least until it gets fixed.

On the unknown items: I think I read on org chat that of the sigils is used to upgrade beast armor, and it is charged with the infuser. The other one.. maybe for the Sigil?

Great work everyone :)
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Re: Pyramid of Home guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by Olindria »

Hiya here meepingnora, I'm glad to have helped you guys. I hope the guide will be able to be put up on AO-Universe ASAP. =)
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Re: Pyramid of Home guide (Patch 18.8.6) - please contribute!

Post by Chrisax »

Olindria wrote:Hiya here meepingnora, I'm glad to have helped you guys. I hope the guide will be able to be put up on AO-Universe ASAP. =)
Hello Meep and welcome :) Awesome work. I'm already looking on how to make it even better and you can see that Haste has already posted an addition.

I also need to see if in all the posts above, something can be used in the guide. Probably.

Regarding your forums account settings and name we'll see that online. Better have it under the name Meepingora.
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