BUREAUCRAT Research Lines (beta)

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BUREAUCRAT Research Lines (beta)

Post by Chrisax »

(Comments and list by RUSTYBOLTS)

Human Resources:

1 - NCU 4
2 - Comp Lit 10
3 - MC 15
4 - PM 25
5 - BM 25
6 - Special; Forms in Triplicate (Sounds like an init debuff, hope so)
7 - Int 15
8 - Special; Wrong Window (Is this a confuse perk?)
9 - Sense 20
10 - Int 25

This line seems like it's searching for meaning. I'm not really sure precisely what it's trying to acomplish. MC should get swapped for 25 SI. Other than that, it's ok but still a line hoping for an indentity.

My proposal: Make this line into BM/PM/SI as Human Resources seems to fit with boosting your charming skills. Let's just move the stat buffs out of this research line altogether and make the to PM/BM/SI be 50 to each total in this line.

Team Building:

1 - First Aid 10
2 - TS 15
3 - Psych 15
4 - Body Dev 15
5 - Comp lit 25
6 - Stam 15
7 - Special; Tax Audit (OMG, we get to steal creds in PvP? :P)
8 - First Aid 50
9 - SI 50
10 - Special; Lost Paperwork (Init debuff or confuse effect?)

Yikes. This line really scares me. I really don't like the first aid in it. I'm not sure there's much use in the TS either. Again with the comp lit? Honestly, I don't see much reason to have comp lit bonus' in here like this. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think that'll be super useful.

Let's completely drop the first aid. There's no real point to it and I think it was just used as filler data for lack of a better use anyway. Let's make this line contain the stat buffs that got moved out from the previous line and the next one I'm going to suggest we revamp. Body Dev and stats altogether in this one line would work nicely. Maybe replace one of those first aids with another Body Dev. It might also be a good idea to replace Body Dev with a raw HP stat. This would make less of a benefit for Atrox online.

Process Theory:

1 - Special; Inflation Adjustment
2 - Papercut
3 - Sense 10
4 - PM 25
5 - BM 25
6 - Psy 15
7 - Comp Lit 25
8 - Nano Delta 10
9 - SI 50
10 - Psy 25

This one confuses me a bit as well. How about swapp AAD for the Comp Lit? I think that matches the crat pattern a bit better overall.

Rather than mixing and matching again, let's make this line the MC/TS booster. Put the whole boost amount into this one along with maybe an Int buff.

Executive Decisions:

1 - Psych 10
2 - Pistol 15
3 - Special; Social Services
4 - Int 10
5 - Psych 25
6 - Fling 25
7 - Psych 30
8 - MR 50
9 - Stam 20
10 - TS 60

Once again I'm very confused by the purpose of this line of research. It starts out looking like it might be for offense and then jumps into massive psychology and TS. There is no discernable pattern of thrust to any of the crat research lines.

What if we made this a defensively focused line instead? Keep the Int and Stam in here, but focus this line instead on a boost to evades and AAD. I think this type of boost would allow crats to gain some more survivability against the much higher ARs we'll be facing in PvP. How about a total of 30 to evades and 100 to AAD from this line?

Professional Development:

1 - +XP 1%
2 - MC 15
3 - Special; Next Window Over
4 - Special; Please Hold
5 - TS 25
6 - MC 25
7 - TS 30
8 - PM 50
9 - BM 50
10 - Special; tariffs

Finally a line that I almost completely agree with! Let's keep the spirit of this line alive but even out the MC/TS boost and add an SI here.

Market Awareness:

1 - Special; Please Wait in that Queue
2 - Psych 15
3 - Nano Pool 15
4 - Stam 10
5 - Dodge 15
6 - Ranged Init 15
7 - Stam 15
8 - Max Nano 150
9 - Max Health 150
10 - MC 60

Bit of a mixed bag on this line also. How about AAD instead of the Psych to match with the rest of this one. Could the Nano pool switch out for Body Dev and the Max nano for AAD also? I think that would give this line a very concentrated protect us focus and crats could really use that help. AAD is about our only defense currently afterall.

Hostile Negotiations:

1 - Pistol 10
2 - Fling 15
3 - Pistol 25
4 - Fling 25
5 - Special; Deflation
6 - Ranged Init 30
7 - MR 30
8 - Pistol 50
9 - Fling 50
10 - Pistol 60

Now that's a damned fine research line! Very well put together and looks really damned nice as a progression! Don't change a dang thing on this one unless it's to swap the Ranged Init for AAO.

Overall, I'm really disappointed with the crat research lines. They seem to be lacking any kind of consistent focus like the engi ones that I like so much.

I've sugggested a whole bunch of changes to the lines in general, but I think if you take an approach more like the one I'm suggesting you will have happier crats overall. This mismatched bunch of somewhat marginally useful bonus' you have now may get a lot of the population screaming bloody murder when it hits Live. I think taking a more focused approach and making each line it's own end will make a more palatable design. I also think dumping the psychology and comp lit in favor of defensive stats is absolutely required.

Crats have no appreciable defensive outside of our evasion and general defense stats. The AR professions are getting very large boosts to their AR but crats are not getting a boost to their defensive capabilities. If those defenses are not increased appreciably crats will not be able to compete at all.

(Comments and list by RUSTYBOLTS)
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