
A place to discuss and compare items, armors, weapons, etc., and see how to combine them
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Post by FiStYdaCLoWn »

Ok Elrojo sugessted that I start a blog of my shenanigans so without further ado:
Since I've joined AP I've been somewhat confused again. Its almost as though that there's so much out there that it is hard to get my arms around it all. So I decided to solo for a bit and grab missions on Rubi Ka.. which means I wont be lvling up anytime soon but I figure I could be getting tokens, finding lots of loot and seeing areas of Rubki Ka That I haven't been to before. I figure that it would be good to get better implants to up my stats and better clusters to put in them but I have no idea as to why I can't seem to add the clusters to the implants. Elrojo also suggested that I get better Nano and armor so I guess Then these should be my short term goals:
1: Find good and cool looking missions and don't forget which kiosk I got them from [-X
2. Grab as much booty as I can carry on my mish and get as many tokens as I can. =D>
3. Find out how to use the clicksaver program that Elrojo mentioned. I tried before but couldn't get it to work. :shock:
4. Continue to chirp about my progress online to who ever cares to listen :mrgreen:

And try to continue to get a better understanding of the possibilities of this great game.
The mission I was on last night was fun and took me way up to the northern part of the map. It was profitable and I got a better helmet out of the deal. Plus it was fun killing all those mobs too. But I also hve to get a MUCH better understanding of twinking.
ok thats all for now...see you on line and I'll post again after my next session.
Thanks dudes and duddettes....
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by noobas »

Dude! This is a great plan. Keep us updated on all your escapades.

I will certainly keep an eye on what youre doing. So far, everything youre saying is good.

Keep fiddling with Clicksaver (follow the directions online, they are helpful) until you get it working.

Having the program itself working is only 10% good though, the other 90% is knowing what you need to look for, and having the patience to wait for the program to roll you a mish with the item :D

It all comes in time though. And don't worry, you'll find out, there are only maybe 10 levels which are REALLY REALLY good for rolling particular quality items, then, once you figure out what they are, then you'll spend a bunch of time rolling mishes for those tiems, because they sell for a lot of money, then you get bored and keep doing other stuff ^^.

Ok, so you figured out that tokens are good!!!! and yes, whoever told you that is right on the money. It's a really good idea to try to get all the tokens you can, so that you can keep a fully updated board at every Title level. (this may seem like a pain now, but it gets easier (as your TL increases, you get more tokens per orange thingy) and it gets harder (you need more tokens to get to the next level :( )

But, carry on, youre doing really well!

If you want some help twinking, I can give you a couple quick pointers, and this is really all it takes to start figuring things out for yourself. Heres your tips:

Before you begin, survey your equipment, and organize items according to their stat buffing ability. attempt to equip all the items that add (agi for example), now carry on with the following steps.

***NOTE*** I talk about agi here for a reason!!!! the two most important stats in game: comp lit and treatment, can be twinked on base stat agi!!!!!!!

1. Buy yourself an omnimed suit. 50-100k from the local noobletz
2. ask a local agent level 50+ for a FG (FG = feline grace! +25 Agi) and a friendly doctor (lvl 80+) for SFA (SFA= superior First Aid +80 treatement)
3. go to your local superior shop, and look at implants. This part is a little more tricky.

3a. Basic: get yourself whatever implants you want that are agi based (make sure to look at your agi first hehe, and buy one that will fit.)
3b. Slightly more complicated: buy yourself a right hand implant and eye implant and brain implant that have treatment clusters, and buy yourself a foot implant with agility, and a leg implant with agility, and a waist implant with agility. THIS IS THE START TO SLACKER TWINKING!!!!

3c. Look at your treatment and agi, then go to the EMPTY implant vendor, buy yourself some 20 level higher than your current level CLEAN implants, then go to the trade section of the superior store, and buy yourself treatment and agi clusters, and MAKE your implants!!!!! NOT YOU, your local MP, NT profession with higher nano programming skill. THIS IS THE START TO REAL TWINKING!!!!

this is a bit tougher! And you need help to do this step! don't attempt to do this alone, it will get confusing very quickly and you may get frustrated! This is the step that leads to AO greatness, patience here will get you everywhere! Ask for orgmate help, but, before you ask for help, always bring at least one empty implant and a treatment/ comp lit cluster, and clean implant... This shows the person that you at least know sort of what youre talking about and they aren't wasting time !!!!!!!!!!! HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Most people are stoked to be of assistance for 30 seconds to 2 minutes. So, sort out what you want them to build, buy it, and get them to make it. If it's not EXACTLY the QL youre looking for, say dude! you did such an awesome job! and try doing it again, but they probably won't make you another implant cuz they went to go hunt omni or something. So, if you find soemoen who hangs out for more than 2 minutes, youre really lucky, and should tip them about 100k (if you can afford it.) If you need some tipping money, you can ask me for some. just don't get too crazy with tipping, and if the guy was rude, just say thanks for the help anyway, and be on your way. make sure to be really polite. Good implant makers and buffers are hard to find so keep them happy by being polite and tip them once in a while.(only if you can afford it)

I tip people anywhere from 150k to 10m depending on the job they do, and how willing they are to help.

If youre under level 100, or you don' thave a "main yet" people don't really expect much.

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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by FiStYdaCLoWn »

well thanks for all that info. GREAT stuff!
Man what a pleasure you folks are.
Tonite I was looking for a mish in OA when a low lvl dude asked me for help. He was looking for a way to lvl so as he was lvl 22 I asked him if he'd ever been to TOTW> As he said no I thought I would be a good ambassador for AP and I took him there. He was thrilled. I then told him that AP folks are on org dedicated to helping folks out and it was a pleasure seeing him get jazzed by the experience. By the time I got back to OA I was finding myself just chatting with AP for a bit and got too tired to do any missions so I had to log off. Anyway that's my evening. I figure to do some more missions and then try the twinking advice. Its all still a bit overwhelming but I'm glad Elrojo suggested keeping a blog here. Ill be posting my thoughts etc...from now on...
Thanks folks. :roll:
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by Rulzern »

By the time I got back to OA I was finding myself just chatting with AP for a bit and got too tired to do any missions so I had to log off.
I can have that effect on people. :sorry:
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by Elrojo »

GJ (good job) fisty.

Best advice is to look at one thing at a time and fix it. Even if it takes your whole night (at low levels it shouldnt but it still can). Worst thing you can do is half roll mish, half find better armour, half look at new nanos and half try to level. Cos as you see thats more than one person can do!

First i'd say work out weaps. Get into the best you can get into. then if nothing else you can get in a team and help for damage dealing (DD). As you know motriig weaps are good, so are peren beamers. at about 100 you should be looking at 140ish. Beamers are also good cos they add XP%.

Biggest mistake for clicksaver is moving the mouse while its rolling. for nano's look then up on copy and paste the nano name into the "items" tab, same deal for weaps. what i then do is click "rollability check". It'll open up a page that will tell you probability of rolling the item. Look at the one that says "item rolled as mission reward" it'll give you levels and how many rolls it takes to roll. usually in the 200-300 range. Make sure you roll a level close to the level you need for a good probability. Right click the mission terminal then drag it to the top left of your screen. Only works if you use the non full screen view for anarchy online. After you have dragged it to the top left of the window go to the tab in click saver that lets you set the level you are rolling (sliders). So you put in your level and hit update. from the levels left click the one closest to the level that gives you the best odds and hit "set sliders now", it should then move your mouse and change the level in the mish window in AO. Go back to missions tab and change maximum tries to 1000 (only so you can hit go and walk away). then click "start buying agent. It should then move your mouse to the mish window and should start rolling. You CANNOT move the mouse or it will stop rolling. You CANNOT change window or it will stop rolling. So be prepared to set and forget.

Tip 1: always do rollability check
Tip 2: make sure you have mission types all checked
Tip 3: be specific about item name (if you do rifle, it'll match everything with rifle in the name)
Tip 4: Put about 5 items in your items to look for (better odds)
Tip 5: Roll 3-4 mish at a time so you dont need to blitz, roll, blitz roll.

When (not if) you find the item it'll flash "item found that matches your search" or something like that and it'll highlight the mission in the mission terminal, hit accept!

Hope that helps
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by Sookie »

Nice work: BLOG Superb Idea! =D> if i dont get a early season #-o on warm weather I'll be back in spring and you will get to know me. If i get early season, then i will be wakeboarding and won't have time............... Its snow and play or lake and play.... but it's play never the less.... see ya then maybe :?:

Nooba - he always says "couple of pointers" :^o

Nooba please define "couple" LOLz (your my hero)


Chris / Nooba / jimbob / rulz / grind / cutie / aplpa / super / and so on (rest of APs).. I miss you all.. im just stealing Fisty's blog to throw a shout out.

so as the say in other forums!

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Yeah. Did you get that memo?
Yeah. I've already taken care of it so it's not even really a problem anymore.
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by cutiecub »

Nice blogg fisty.

Concerning the implant making, I should be able to make some on Unks trader for you.

Iff you twink you mostly choose some skills you want to improve and insert total junk cluster to make an implant by example requiring agi in place of something else.

A great tool for this is nanonanny(small tool), use it all the time.
You can give the skills you want, can say that you want it agi, stam whatever based and can fill in the spots witk junk clusters.

Iff you need more info, I can help you ingame. Probably will be online tonight.
Need to team you with my soldier when we are at the same time online.
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by noobas »

Can someone rename this fisty's hijacked blog?

It appears we're all too a bit eager and I think he's overwhelmed.

I'll stop giving so much advice :(
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by FiStYdaCLoWn »

HAAHHAH now THATS funny. You are apologizing for giving too much advice and here I am worried in the background that I'm asking for too much help!!! That's what I love about you guys!
But Elrojo is right...I need to concentrate on one thing at a time. As some of you know...I intend to try to play the game as it was meant tobe played. Im wondering if using clicksaver is considered cheating in any way...I dunno. I would like to go for the items I nedd but want to be able to earn it in some way too. So maybe the soultion is not to blitz for it but roll the mision and do it proper. IE: fight for what I need...
Am I being too much of a purist?...dunno...Nooba you NEVER have to worry about anything you say or what you advise...I owe you all of this. Your were my first gracious contact to this org and it was because of your initial generosity and patience that my eyes were opened.
Now all I have to do is to get clicksaver to finally work...
I was just too tired last night to go on missions or even attempt to roll one in clicksaver. Had a bad day with real life stuff...but its the weekend now so I'll be online tonite...
I would love to raid or team with a AP group soon though...but one thing I'm concerned about is lvling to 100 too soon as Ill be locked out of foremans dungeon and I never was able to kick their booty on the bottom lvl. So I guess I'll just solo mish for a bit and look into the twinking a bit more...

kk be back soon

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :roll:
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by Elrojo »

Fisty clicksaver is not cheating! Its just a way for you to be able to get the item you want without making you click the button yourself. You still get charged for each roll as you would any other time (1 cred/lvl). If you dont want to blitz it, then kill everything, get some XP, credz and phatz. the idea of blitzing has been around since chrisax was a level 5 MP. It used to be cratz and fixers bread and butter to roll a bunch of missions for nano programs, CRU and belts. Blitz and then sell for credz and there's nothign wrong with that at all. Its called using the abilities FC gave you. You can also if you are low on credz set the slider towards credits rather than XP and you'll find the mission rewards are just higher in credits rather than an item. If you choose say 5 or 6 of those in a level higher than yours and just charge like bravehart through until you complete the task you can get some credits fast. If you get very good at blitzing you can even sell your talents to people who need items blitzed!

The other side is if you are planning on rolling different professions later on then if you are just taking any old mission and keeping any old nano then you will find you get a bank of useful things for your other characters. When i was level 180ish on my main i started doing mish for tokens and kept all the nano's, imps etc. I ended up after a few days with 10 bags full of nano's and implants all in the 120-160 range. I donated the imps to org cos i dont really know how to mess around with all that but i have lots of nano's for all my other toons if i ever can be bothered levelling them to those levels.

As far as levelling too fast i wouldnt be too worried. You will find at some stage you will roll another character and start the process all over again and you have a chance to do the dungeons and raids all over again. Your second guy will initially live off your main in terms of higher level items and creds. There are somethings that are ESSENTIAL and some things that are handy. For example i didnt get a barrow of strength on my advy from ToTW, sad but not the end of the world. But if you use pistols (doc/crat especially) and you dont get a CDR from foremans then you will suffer! But when you are 220 and getting ready to be super uber you will have almost nothing you obtained before you were level 210.

My advice is the first toon you roll dont spend too much time getting through the levels and pimping him out and all that cos as a first time player you are bound to make mistakes with IP and miss things anyway. You really just want this toon to go high so you can use it as a cred making and raiding character. When you are 220 and you loot a supple viral bot and sell it for 600mil you will realise why it wasnt all totally essential to farm items for 20K creds. Twinking is best done on your 3rd toon. By then you can have the money to buy the more rare items and you also will have a bank full of miy's armour, random nanos and implants to help out.

just my opinion anyway.
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by Rulzern »

you loot a supple viral bot and sell it for 600mil
Supple is a myth.
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by FiStYdaCLoWn »

Well I tried clicksaver and after over 100000 credits later I don't have nearly that kind of cash to spend on nothing I quit it. I had the quality level set OK for the item I wanted its back to hunting and pecking for me.
I was on early this AM as I was celebrating because it was Saturday morning. So i figured I would go shopping for new duds and got a great new outfit.
the new me 1.jpg
the new me 1.jpg (227.46 KiB) Viewed 24472 times
As you can see...I figure the new me is quite striking and should be all the rage at all the best underground fringe night clubs on our beloved Rubi-Ka.
That's it for this morning. I'm gonna log on now and try to do some random missions and go for more tokens and cash...
Later days and nights...see ya online :P
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by Elrojo »

lol fisty nice use of fashion there. Kinda looks just like what kitty wears IRL!

Unfortunately the clicksaver process can be expensive in some instances. If you want to roll an item often it can be 200-400 rolls (100credx200rolls = 20000creds or 40000). If you rolled a thousand times with no luck then you might need to have a look at the mission types and make sure they are all checked to increase your chance of rolling a match. and just double check its ot just buyable in an SL garden or not rollable at all.

The flip side is if it will cost 100K to roll it you may be able to buy it for less. I can check my bank for fixer type nanos if you give me a name of a few nanos you are looking for.

Keep rolling the randoms. Try to get a few in the same zone, near a grid terminal like broken shores so you can roll 5 or 6 at once. Keep in mind if you do 200 missions you will get your 1K token board which is VERY,VERY nice for a level 100. So maybe try like 10 mish a night at 7 min a mish is about 1hr 30 (with roll time, travel time etc) all up.
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by FiStYdaCLoWn »

Ok elrojo...Ill do some home work and get back to you on nanos etc Im looking for...thanks man you are the best and gald you like my new duds...hahahahah 8)
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Re: Fistydaclown's

Post by Elrojo »

what level are you now? Best bet is get to lvl 100 exactly and then look for the nano's you need. Seems to me that most of your nano's are level locked (i.e. you cant cast them until you are that level even if you have the nano skills) and a lot are unlocked at lvl 100. If you are 100 exactly you can still go to foremans.

Nano's you should be looking for when you get to 100!

Partial Grid jump (team) = buffs all team members run speed by 420 <3 (RK only)
Flawless medical claim (at the very least) but if you can get Advanced policy skim = short term heal over time
Nano Cauterization = long term heal over time
Luck's fickle fate = evade buff, should be store buyable
Supreme Supressor = SMG skill buff (a MUST)
Grid Space freedom = most popular RS buff on RK "gsf plx"
Tap notum vein Ely = insta warp to ely garden store buyable
Grid Excursion = warps your team into grid for faster travelling
Advanced Augmentation cloud = dmg boost
Shadow boost = SL run speed plus evades, can be bought in Adonis sanctuary (ask someone with key)
Deck Recoder = +85 NCU (yumm), should be store buyable

With those buffs you should be set from 100-140ish.
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