Log on your banks and lowbies to prevent their DELETION

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Log on your banks and lowbies to prevent their DELETION

Post by Chrisax »

Last night, Means was on RK2 in The Grind and we had a chat about several things. :wink:
  • Means mentioned that RK3 people -German server) will have the choice to join either RK1 or RK2 when RK3 shuts down.
  • As this will cause possible name conflicts, as already mentioned, FC will proceed to an operation we already saw and there is nothing extraordinary or dangerous: deleting some UNUSED and LOW characters to "make room"
  • I asked Means if we should log on BOTS and MULES (banks) to be sure they wouldn't be deleted. (As we did last time, nothing new!). Means replied that, yes, it would be a good idea.
  • I told Means that I would kindly pass the word around before the official announcement, better safe than sorry: as not everyone reads AO announcements (and that's bad ). And I informed many org leaders (some of them came to The Grind to meet Means at that time) and I sent a "Neutnet" (info bot on RK2).

Some details:

The characters that could be deleted will likely fulfill the following combination (details will have to be confirmed):
  • . They are lowbies (likely level 10 and less)
    + not logged for a while (not determined yet)
    + free accounts only (most likely - this is a supposition I make, we didn't ask Means about this)

    The date for the deletion is not known yet and will be announced.

    So BOTS and MULES could be deleted if you are not careful.

    The best way (IMHO - not an official statement) to do in order to prevent deletion is:
    • - Log them on (not only on AORC; they must be in the game)
      - Go to a Save terminal and save them so the game "knows" for sure that you have been online

I posted the same info on AO forums:
http://forums.anarchy-online.com/showpo ... stcount=10
Little Leet
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Re: Log on your banks and lowbies to prevent their DELETION

Post by Morgo »

I submitted a news on AOU referring to your post as we have many people passing by our site everyday.
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Re: Log on your banks and lowbies to prevent their DELETION

Post by Chrisax »

Thx Morgo. :)
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Maxi Leet
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Re: Log on your banks and lowbies to prevent their DELETION

Post by Mortus »

Bleh.. I should probably get around to reinstalling AO then, dont want my froobmules deleted... (although they should all be lvl 5+ since they survived the last time they did this).
AP :wub:
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Little Leet
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Re: Log on your banks and lowbies to prevent their DELETION

Post by Morgo »

Its level 10 or less this time or its likely to be that. When they are actually doing it their will be a detailed announcement about it.
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