Daily Missions guide

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Daily Missions guide

Post by Chrisax »

Thanks to Wubalien :D Original post on Alliance forums.
http://www.aoalliance.org/forums/viewto ... =29&t=1068

ac_wubalien wrote:First the basics: If you delete a taken mission you HAVE to talk to the handler again to get the 18 hour timer!!!
(Timers are estimates)

Mission: Rats!
Level: 50-150?
Time required: < 20 minutes
Type: Special (Kite rats into killing machine)
Notes: Rats in the instanced playercity. Get GSF and a HoT and you are set. Talk to the rookie exterminator, just outside the city by the CC. She will spawn a hovering rat-killer thingy right next to her. This item you need to train rollerrats in under (it won't harm you, just the rats) and it lasts for 15 minutes. rats are basicly all around and in the city, just run close to them and they will agg you. Best way is to take batches of 15-20 rats and then run back to the killing machine, if you get more some will loose agg on you and stop.
once you think you have pwnd 100 rats talk to the extermiator again (if the chat says "I have failed" just train some rats into the device!). If you fail on the timer you can restart the mission by exiting end enter the city again and talk to the exterminator again.

Mission: Illegal Cargo
Level: 130-150ish?
Time required: 30 seconds to 2 hours (30-40 minutes soloing depending on toon?)
Type: Return Item
Notes: This one is set in Smuglers Den in SFH. Best way to do it is to have a calming-capable toon just calm your way down into the hangar in the smugglers den. In the hangar, along the walls, there are several small crates you can right-click to open and get some stims that you have to return to the Receptionist (not the Handler) to get the reward.
Now for the sweet bit: The stims you loot are unique (not nodrop!) wich basicly means you can take your 220 crat/trader/nt and calm yourself down there, loot the stims and then transfer the stims to the 130 toon you have that daily missions on.

Mission: Den Loot Controller
Level: 130-150ish?
Time required: > 1-4 hours
Type: Kill 3 of each
Notes: This is the kill mission in smugglers den. Its anoying, long and the mobs get bugged a lot.
Basicly just head to Smugglers Den in SFH and kill 3 of each on the list. Prepare to spend a long time doing it.

Mission: Place the bomb
Level: 60-150ish? (this one might be available at all levels)
Time required: 10-20 minutes (with HoT)
Type: Special (Kinda like repair.)
Notes: This is a kill aliens mission and what the teleporter is for in the office of the Junior Handler. I suggest to all froobs to get behe and a long HoT for this one. Basicly you kill all the aliens (there is 12 of them i think) and take care not to stand on the circle-thingy on the ground in the middle-room (warps you back down and resets mish). In the top room there is a general that hits kinda hard but once he is killed you go up the ramp and there is another circle-thingy there. Once you get close to it it will say "This is a good place to place the bomb" in the systems window and then you just right-click the bomb thingy in you inventory and another item will spawn in you inventory that you need to right-click right away else you go down with the ship. It's faily straight forward and fairly quick if you get a behe+hot.

Mission: Toxic Floaters
Level: up to 100?
Time required: i have no clue i delete these :P (aprox 1-2 hours?)
Type: Kill 3 of each
Notes: This is like the above kill mission in smugglers den, but instead this one is inside the Biomare Dungeon (Foremans). Takes long but well, less of a hassle than the above mission.

Mission: Distress Signal
Level: 40-150?
Time required: 5-15 minutes
Type: Special (Deliver burst of speed-stim)
Get a burst of speed stim out of any shop and get a GSF or Fgrid to the western most fgridexit in The Longest Road (or fly from Bliss works too just takes longer..).
At the mission point there is a weary runner that you talk to, chat with him a little and give him the burst of speed stim. Return to the agency to complete the mission. (i think ™)

Mission: Prototype Formula (etc)
Level: 150+?
Time required: 5 minutes (Nano is short, just get HoT+runspeed and go!)
Type: Special (Test of speed, while not dying)
Notes:These mission the Handler uploads a nano in your NCU that you are supposed to deliver to a person (I've done 2 different ones like this so far). The thing here is when you zone into the playfield where the target NPC mission is the nano turns into a speedy 100 damage DoT (ouchy!). I suggest you study the map of where you are about to go and try to get a HoT from fixer (if you cant self-heal) and a runbuff. Fgrid might be usefull too. Once you locate the NPC just chat away until he/she unloads the nano from you NCU.

Mission: Exctraction
Level: 150+?
Time required: 15->60 minutes
Type: Special (Prevent guy from getting killed)
Notes: This mission entails you giving a clan application form to a former OT-Employee/Prisoner. First kill all the bodyguards inside the mission else you will have a hard time keeping the guy you are supposed to extract alive. Take care not to step out of the secodary door (extraction door) because this will have the mission reset so you have to kill all the guards again (anoying!). Once all Carlo Pinetti bodyguards are killed go to the NPC you are supposed to rescue chat with him and give the clan applications form to him. Ofc it wasn't supposed to be that easy because when he goes clan a bunch of new bodyguards and guarddogs spawn that you, together with the now running-around-NPC will have to kill. Once you get to the secodary door the NPC will stop and then you need to start chat with him again say "We are safe for now" and the mission is complete.

Mission: Infiltration Preparation
Level: 50-100?
Time required: 30 seconds to 1 hour depending
Type: Special/Return Items
Notes: In this mission you are supposed to kill cyborgs around level 60-100 and loot 3 uniqe items (Wrist, Hellsoldier Signet and Breastplate not exact names btw...). The mission will point to the cyborg outpost in Greater Tir County and spawnrate+low droprate on those cyborgs makes this an anoying task to get these 3 items from there. Ofc the wub has another solution :) There is a cyborg outpost in Avalon too! Its placed just west of Camelot and the borgs there drop the items as well and have faster respawn timers and there is a cyborg dungeon there just like in Greater Tir County. And to make this even more fun: the items are not nodrop so once again you can pop over there on your 220 alt, speedkill some borgs loot the items then transfer the items to the toon holding the daily mission. Return the 3 items to the Receptionist at the agency to complete the mission.

Mission: Infiltration
Level: 30-50?
Time required: 30 seconds to 30minutes depending
Type: Locate
Notes: Low level daily. You get a nice suit that makes borgs your friend. Go down (or get warped down) and tag the appropriate mob in the cyborg hideout in Greater Tir County. No shooting involved.

Mission: System Intrusion
Level: 75-100?
Time required: 30 seconds to 1 hour depending
Type: Repair
Notes: Here you go to the cyborg citadel in Avalon (west of camelot). Either kill your way down or have a friendly high level engy warp you down to the deepest part. There is a unique mob called "Cyborg one-eyed Operator" standing in front of the cyborg mainframe there.
Just pick up the virus disc u got from the agency mission-pack and right-click it on the mainframe (just like a repair mission).

Mission: Fatestealers
Level: 70-100?
Time required: 15minutes to 1 hour depending
Type: Kill 5 of each
Notes: Kill 5 of each mission in Milky Way (Starship crash-site). There is a system i have used but i need to make screenshorts to get it 100% (basicly fatestealers south west side and north-north-totheeast side. Drill dentists in the middle where the ships are transparent. then there are "camps" with each heading east-north east and nort-north east.)
Hard to solo. Easy when teamed with a 220...
Ok, more specific.
Fatestealer camp is at the northern tip of the ship. (there are also fatestealers at the south tip of the ship but more hard-hitting mobs around them)
Drill dentist are at the middle part of the ship (ship is "transparent" here) ie. South of aftestealers.
Chaos Beetle camp is E-NE of Dentists (east of ship.)
Babyface camp is just SE of the nothern part of the ship (SE of fatestealers)
Bileswarm camp is ENE of everything up by the diseased prisoner.

Mission: Eclipsers
Level: 80-100?
Time required: 15minutes to 1 hour depending
Type: Kill 5 of each
Notes: Kill 5 of each in Crypt of Home. This one is almost impossible to solo at level 80 imo. Fairly straight forward when teamed with a warped-in 220 tho. Also kill Cerubin for an extra ding (which is nice)

Mission: Embrace the shadow
Level: 80-120?
Time required: 5 minutes to 1 hour
Type: Pick up item
Notes: This one is a pickup item mission. There is a "secret" world of shadows south of ICC. The first two zones you can yalm through. Just fly south in the first zone then south east (i think) in the second one. The loot you need to pick up is in the 3rd zone, on the ground, and looks like a pile of junk. Rightclick it to finish the mish. Can be tricky to solo but well.. is kinda easy to warp the alt in with a higher level engy, leave team after the high level has cleared the area and finish the mish. Else you have to fight/sneak your way to the loot. The loot seems to spawn in different locations each time but is usually in an "open" area.

Mission: Acolytes
Level: 35-60?
Time required: Too long unless u like totw :P
Type: (Anoying :P) Kill 3 of each
Notes: Kill 3 of each in totw. I just delete this one and /flip FC.

Mission: Eavesdropping
Level: 150-190?
Time required: 10-20 minutes
Type: Kill/Return
Mission text: Your assignment is to go to the Lush Hills Resort to locate Ed Burton. He is the head of security and a great resource for information. Lately we have reason to believe he is a double agent. Investigate and report any compelling evidence back to us.
Remember that he might attack you on sight.
Notes: Go to Lush Hills, the guy is up on the south jump-tower. Kill him. Go back talk to receptionist. (You can also sneak before using elevator and "evesdrop" on him. Once updated just report that you have nothing to report :) .

Mission: Delive Plumo Beer Leaflets to bars on RK
Level: 60-220?
Time required: 10-30 minutes
Type: Special
Notes: Right-click leaflet book to get leaflet. Go to first bar. Talk to blue-named NPC (usually standing behind or close to the bar). Give NPC leaflet. Right-Click leaflet book again. Go to next bar... etc.. etc.. Only thing i have to add here is: use city whompas to get to the 2 omni bars. The Rompa Bar is straight across the street from baboons basicly. And oh the Beer and Booze in hope is 5% gas-zone so don't get ganked. ;)

Mission: Nomad Camp: Wasteprowlers
Level: 35-55?
Time required: 15-45 minutes
Type: Kill 5 of each
Mission text: Nomad Camp: Wasteprowlers
The inhabitants of the slum town in Wailing Wastes live in whatever rubbish they can find. Most of their building material is recycled hazardous waste, leading to more and more infant mutants. There are resources nearby, but the poor people are losing more than gaining from trying to collect them. Hunt down various creatures in the area to help them survive. Kill 5 Wasteprowlers Kill 5 Scorpiods Kill 5 Nightcrawlers Kill 5 Vultures Kill 5 Hammerheads
Notes: Wasteprowlers - east side of camp (also down at yuttos camp to the south). Scorpoids - Between yuttos-camp to the south and the camp (also lvl 45 scorpoid dyna there). Nightcrawlers - Around crashsite to the north of camp. Vultures - West of the camp, on the outside. Hammerheads - North side of the camp on the slopes outside. (Gets you about 1.8 levels being teamed with a level 220 :P so quick and easy that way)

Mission: One Green Hill
Level: 175+
Time required: 15-45 minutes
Type: Kill 3
Mission text:
One Green Hill
The Ottous has always been peaceful creatures, herded by the Yuttos on Rubi-Ka. Many people have tried to take advanage of the Ottous for the protein rich milk they produce, but as soon these bulky animals are captured they stop producing milk. Scientists have studied this phenomenon, but never fully or even partly understood why the Yuttos are herding them as Yuttos seem to eat only various plants and seeds. Recent experiments have created a separate branch of the Ottous, ferocious beasts turning on their own.

Visit one of the green hill tops in The Longest Road and locate a log. The Ferocious Ottous often gather there.

Save the Bulky Ottous. Kill 3 Ferocious Ottous.
Notes: "Ouch"
The hill is ESE of 6M fgrid exit in the longest road. When you walk up on the small hill with yellow plants on it 3 Ferocious Ottous spawns and one Bulky one. They all insta agg you and hit for 500-800 points. Its painful so might be nice to have help...
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Re: Daily Missions guide

Post by InsaneEvan »

Cheers Chris!
I've always had problems with the Saily missions.
Never quite got the sails right... Guess I'm not much of a sailor.
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Re: Daily Missions guide

Post by Chrisax »

But what is Evan talking about?! :P
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Re: Daily Missions guide

Post by InsaneEvan »

"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate; it is that we are powerful beyond measure"
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