little help

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Growing Leet
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little help

Post by Joeenfo »

ok thats my doc atm i know some of the symbs and imps need work but they will come in time really need help filling all the empty spots dont have ideas for them really was thinking hp bracers but thats about all i got :?
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Post by Hyde »

* tokens, that collar is almost useless on a doc.

* ado sanctuary key

* other ideas (if it doesn't work, go to our Doctor forum, then "Doc Armor" thread)

* HP bracers won't suck, but if you're levelling alot I wouldn't bother

* Enduring armor for combined will be your biggest improvement, but you shouldn't be tanking alot of stuff until high levels anyway.

Otherwise, quit showing off, you have gear I'd have killed for at that level :)
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Post by Chrisax »

Great gear. I don't think 5% of the docs have such gear at your level.

DrHyde already told a lot.

- Tokens boards would be great

- Blighted Soulmark from Inner Sanctum 3rd floor would be a nifty addition to your setup for a moment if you can find a slot

- Adonis Sanctuary key, yes, as DrHyde said, and then Penumbra one

- As soon as you don't need the VTEs for Intel and pyschic, you could consider the Clans shoulderpad from the Dodga quest, One pad + one VTE is a very nice combo.

- When you can drop Cure for baldness, go for a Fuzzy Input Hood (alien item: Fuzzy swatch + nano hood). You can level it as you level, up to ql 200 and it adds BM + MM, exactly what you need, plus some life, a bit of nanopool, and good ACs.

Here is one at ql 150:

- If you are lucky enough, maybe Teachings of the Immortal One (doc book) will drop in Inner Sanctum, but don't waste time camping it. It's an extra 990 heal with a 5 minutes reset.
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